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Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
اعداد الدورية
  جميع أبحاث الدورية
مجلد 4 عدد 1 - 2018 - 10/08/2018
رقم البحث : 12713853 تحلیل اقتصادي لكفاءة إنتاج محصول القمح في محافظة دمیاط /
مجلد 4 عدد 1 - 2018 - 06/04/2018
رقم البحث : 12713854 محددات الإستقرار الإجتماعى بقرى شباب الخریجین بسھل جنوب بورسعید /
مجلد 4 عدد 1 - 2018 - 06/04/2018
رقم البحث : 12713855 تحلیل النصیب السوقي لصادرات البرتقال المصري في أسواق دول حوض النیل /
مجلد 4 عدد 1 - 2018 - 12/02/2018
رقم البحث : 12713856 التقییم المالي للوحدات ذات الطابع الخاص بكلیة الزراعة جامعة قناة السویس /
مجلد 4 عدد 1 - 2018 - 12/01/2018
رقم البحث : 12713857 تحلیل إقتصادي للطلب على الصادرات الزراعیة المصریة في دول حوض النیل /
مجلد 15 عدد 2 - 2015 - 03/09/2015
رقم البحث : 12712004 إمكانیة تحقیق التكامل الاقتصادي بین مصر والسودان في محاصیل الحبوب الرئیسیة
رقم البحث : 12712049 New High Throughput Microtiter Plates for Detection of Organophosphorous
Pesticides in Environmental Samples
رقم البحث : 12712055 Healthy Value and Quality characteristics of Yoghurt as Affected by Different
Concentrations of Cinnamon and Dill Ethanolic Extracts
رقم البحث : 12712061 Effect of Brood Stock Size Combination on Reproductive Performance of Nile
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
رقم البحث : 12712065 A Comparison of Linear Models for Estimating Co-Variance Components and
Genetic Parameters in Holstein Dairy Cattle
رقم البحث : 12712070 Physiological Body Reactions and Semen characters of Rabbit Bucks
as Affected by Breed and Vitamin C Supplementation
under Egyptian Summer Conditions
رقم البحث : 12712075 Comparison between Adsorption of Copper Ions by Kaolinite and
Kaolinite Composite
رقم البحث : 12712079 نوعیة وجودة المیاه المنتجة من محطات تحلیة میاه البحر في مناطق زوارة والزاویة وزلیتن
رقم البحث : 12712083 The Impact of Drought Stress on some Morpho-Physiological Traits and RAPD
Markers in Wheat Genotypes
رقم البحث : 12712085 Infrared Thermal Imaging as Innovative Techniques with Eco-physiological
Traits for Monitoring Water Stress in Wheat
رقم البحث : 12712128 Influence of Various Wheat Genotypes and Agriculture Practices on Powdery
Mildew Incidence=تأثیر مجموعة من التراكیب الوراثیة وبعض المعاملات الزراعیة على ظھور مرض البیاض الدقیقي على
نباتات القمح
رقم البحث : 12712009 أثر السیاسات الاقتصادیة المحلیة والعالمیة على المعروض من محصول الذرة في مصر
رقم البحث : 12712129 Susceptibility of Certain Pulse Grains to Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)
(Bruchidae: Coleoptera), and Influence of Temperature on Its Biological
رقم البحث : 12712130 Using of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) in Making Healthy Functional Ice Milk=استخدام القرع العسلي في صناعة مثلوج لبنى صحي
رقم البحث : 12712131 Impact of Carob Pods Powder on the Physical and Sensory Properties of Ice Cream=تأثیر مسحوق قرون الخروب على الخواص الطبیعیة و الحسیة للمثلجات القشدیة
رقم البحث : 12712132 Effect of Different Plastic Sheet Coverings and Pruning Time on Yield and Yield
Components of Table Grape ”cv. Superior”=تأثیر التغطیة البلاستیكیة المختلفة ومواعید التقلیم على المحصول و مكوناتھ في عنب المائدة صنف (سوبریور)
محمود أحمد على- ثناء مصطفى عز- ریحاب محمد عوض- أنور محمد أبو المعاطي
رقم البحث : 12712133 Reduction of Nitrate Content in Response to Salicylic Acid in Spinach and
Parsley Fertilized with Two Different N-Sources=خفض المحتوى النتراتى في السبانخ والبقدونس كإستجابة للرش بحمض السلسیلك تحت ظروف التسمید
بنوعین من السماد النیتروجینى
رقم البحث : 12712134 In Vitro Screening of Several Potato Genotypes for Water Stress Using High
Agar Levels in the Medium=مسح معملي لعدید من التراكیب الوراثیة المختلفة من البطاطس للإجھاد المائي باستخدام مستویات مرتفعة
من الآجار في بیئة زراعة الأنسجة
رقم البحث : 12712135 In Vitro Screening of Different Potato Genotypes for Salinity Tolerance=مسح معملي لتراكیب وراثیة مختلفة من البطاطس للإجھاد الملحي
رقم البحث : 12712136 Plant Growth, Fruit Yield and Mineral Content of Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria
siceraria M) as Affected by Plant Density and Nitrogen Fertilizer=تأثیر الكثافة النباتیة ومعدل التسمید النتروجینى على النمو الخضري والمحصول ومحتوى النبات من العناصر
المعدنیة في الیقطین
رقم البحث : 12712137 Effect of Seed Husk, GA3, KNO3 and Seed Orientation in Seedbed on
Germination characters of White Succary Mango Seeds=دراسات علي إكثار بعض أصول المانجو
رقم البحث : 12712138 An Improved Protocol for Micropropagation of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis
(Link) Schneider)
رقم البحث : 12712012 تحلیل اقتصادي للعوامل المؤثرة على أداء معامل التفریخ الصناعي لكتاكیت التسمین في محافظة الشرقیة
رقم البحث : 12712139 Hormonal Induced Spawning of Marine Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax L
رقم البحث : 12712140 Effect of Using Sesbania sesban and Its Mixtures with some Summer Fresh
Grasses on Lambs Productive Performance in New Reclaimed Soil=تأثیر إستخدام نبات السیسبان ومخالیطة مع بعض النجیلیات على الأداء الإنتاجي للحملان في الأراضي
الجدیدة المستصلحة
رقم البحث : 12712141 The Effect of Origanum majorana Supplementation on Growth Performance,
Blood parameters and Meat Quality in BUT9 Commercial Turkeys=”BUT تأثیر إضافة البردقوش على الأداء الإنتاجي، صفات الدم وجودة اللحم للرومى التجاري ” 9
رقم البحث : 12712142 Effect of fermented soybean on growth performance of Nile Tilapia
(Oreochromis niloticus)
رقم البحث : 12712143 Effect of Seeding Rates and Nitrogen Levels on the Phenological characteristics
and Some of the Other Productive characteristics of Barley Varieties under
Rainfed Conditions in Southern Jordan=تأثیر معدلات البذار ومستویات النیتروجین على الخصائص الفینولوجیة وبعض الخصائص الإنتاجیة الأخرى
لأصناف الشعیر تحت الظروف المطریة في جنوب الأردن
رقم البحث : 12712144 Effect of Drought Stress Conditions and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth of Two
Cultivars of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
رقم البحث : 12712145 Genetic Diversity Analysis in Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L) Germplasm
using Microsatellite Markers=تحلیل التنوع الوراثي في نخیل البلح باستخدام معلمات المیكروستاللیت
رقم البحث : 12712156 DNA Fingerprinting and characterization of some Egyptian Date Palm
Cultivars Using Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)=البصمة الوراثیة و توصیف بعض أصناف نخیل البلح المصریة باستخدام معلمات التتابعات المكررة البسیطة
رقم البحث : 12712157 Effect of Water Stress on Growth and Physiology of Tomato
(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)=تأثیر الإجھاد المائي على فسیولوجي ونمو نبات الطماطم
رقم البحث : 12712158 Plant Growth, Yield, Macro and Micro-Nutrients Uptake of Fennel (Foeniculum
vulgare Mill.) Positively Affected by N-Sources and Rates as well as Foliar
Application of Micronutrients
رقم البحث : 12712015 Demand for Egyptian Molasses in the World Market: a Panel Estimation
رقم البحث : 12712159 In Vitro Micro-propagation of Cordyline and Dieffenbachia Plants
رقم البحث : 12712160 Micropropagation of Four Coffee Cultivars (Coffea arabica L.) from Yemen
through Shoot Tip Culture
رقم البحث : 12712025 Antifungal Activity and Genetic Diversity of selected Endophytic Fluorescent
رقم البحث : 12712029 Characterization of Antifungal Metabolites from Antagonistic Fluorescent
رقم البحث : 12712032 Effects of Some Acaricides on Life Table Parameters of the Predatory Mite,
Phytoseiulus macropilis Fed on the Two-Spotted Spider Mites
رقم البحث : 12712034 Mite Fauna Inhabiting Animal Manures at Ismailia Governorate, Egypt
رقم البحث : 12712041 Side Effect of some Acaricides on Three Predators of Tetranychus urticae Koch
مجلد 1 عدد 1 - 2014 - 01/01/2014
مجلد 2 عدد 2 - 2014 - 01/01/2014
رقم البحث : 12712148 Insecticidal Properties of Some Plant Extracts
against Rust-Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium castaneum H.=
رقم البحث : 12712149 Insecticidal Properties of some Plant Extracts
against Granary Weevil, Sitophilus granarius L.=
رقم البحث : 12712151 Morphological Identification of the Protein Crystal of Bacillus thuringensis,
Isolated from Various Iraqi Soils=
رقم البحث : 12712152 Studies on Bottle Gourd charcoal Rot Caused by
Macrophomina phaseolina in Egypt=
رقم البحث : 12712153 Studies on some Garlic Diseases during Storage in Egypt=
رقم البحث : 12712154 Susceptibility of Four Trichogrammatid Parasitoids to some Bio-rational Insecticides
Used to Control Tomato Leaf Miner Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)/
رقم البحث : 12712155 Effects of Spinosad as a Bioinsecticide on the Corn Stem BorerSesamia cretica Led. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) /
مجلد 14 عدد 14 - 2014 - 01/01/2014
رقم البحث : 12712146 الكفاءة الاقتصادیة لطرق الري لمحصول القمح في محافظة الاسماعیلیة=
مجلد 13 عدد 1 - 2013 - 01/01/2013
رقم البحث : 12711825 Genetic Evaluation of The Native Baladi Black Rabbits Under North Delta Weather
of Egypt Using Animal Model Procedure. A: Doe Litter Traits =
رقم البحث : 12711828 Growth and Physiological responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and
hybrid Red tilapia (O. mossambicus ♂ X O. niloticus♀) by changes in salinity of
rearing water =
رقم البحث : 12711829 Evaluation of Different Levels of Soybean Lecithin as an Alternative to Egg
Yolk for Cryopreservation of Goat and Ram Spermatozoa =
رقم البحث : 12711831 Evaluation the Efficacy of Certain Bio-Rational Insecticides on Tuta Absoluta
(Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) on Tomatoes under Laboratory and Field Conditions
رقم البحث : 12711833 population fluctuation of aphid pests and their insect predators on four different crops at Ismailia Government
رقم البحث : 12711816 Micropropgation of caper (Capparis Spinosa L.) from wild plants growing in
North Sinai =
رقم البحث : 12712111 Role of Vitamins A, C, E and Seleniumin Preventing Heavy Metals Toxicity in
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
رقم البحث : 12712112 Molecular, Histological and Biochemical Effects of Tea Seed Cake on Hepatic
and Renal Functions of Oreochromis niloticus
رقم البحث : 12712113 Molecular, Histological and Biochemical Effects of Tea Seed Cake on Hepatic
and Renal Functions of Oreochromis niloticus
رقم البحث : 12712114 Molecular, Histological and Biochemical Effects of Tea Seed Cake on Hepatic
and Renal Functions of Oreochromis niloticus
رقم البحث : 12711651 Effect of Chemical Fertilizers, Chicken Manure and Bacteria Inoculation Treatments on Productivity of brassica alba,L. Plants under North Sinai Conditions =
رقم البحث : 12712115 Molecular, Histological and Biochemical Effects of Tea Seed Cake on Hepatic
and Renal Functions of Oreochromis niloticus
رقم البحث : 12712116 Molecular, Histological and Biochemical Effects of Tea Seed Cake on Hepatic
and Renal Functions of Oreochromis niloticus
رقم البحث : 12712117 Herbicidal Activity of Penoxsulam And Bispyribac-Sodium and its Combination
With Mineral Oil And Spreading Material on Weed Rice Plant
رقم البحث : 12712121 Foliar application of ascorbic acid improved drought tolerance and productivity
of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)=
رقم البحث : 12712123 Effect of Some Broomrape Control Methods on Growth and Seed Yield Attributes of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.) Cultivars
رقم البحث : 12712124 Factors Affecting the Keeping Quality of Sweet Pepper Fruits and Minimizing
Post Harvest Fruit Rots For Exportation to West Europe=
رقم البحث : 12712125 Genotypic and Phenotypic Path Analysis in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)=
رقم البحث : 12712127 Response of peanut crop to irrigation intervals and spraying with
micronutrients and ascorbic acid in sandy soils=
رقم البحث : 12712215 Nutritional Value and Quality characteristics of Cookies Prepared from Partial
or Complete Substitution of Wheat Flour=
رقم البحث : 12712222 Chemical and Rheological characteristics of Butter Cake as Affected by Date
Seed Powder Addition=
رقم البحث : 12712223 Antibacterial activity of some plant extracts against fish foodborne spoilage
bacteria and their effects on the quality of mullet fish=
رقم البحث : 12712224 Effect of Sulphur Application and Saline Irrigation Water on Chemical
Properties of Ras Sudr Calcareous Soil, South Sinai, Egypt=
رقم البحث : 12712225 Effect of Sulphur Application on Wheat Production in Calcareous Soil under
Saline Irrigation Water Conditions=
رقم البحث : 12712226 Simple Approaches to Quantify Yield Production and Soil Responsibility to
Different Water Qualities and Moisture Depletion=
رقم البحث : 12712296 Paleoenvironmental changes during the paleocene - eocene thermal maximum (PETM) of some sections in sinai_egypt based on planktonic foraminifera/
رقم البحث : 12712298 The impact of Paleocene/ Eocene (P/E) Thermal Maximum (PETM) of some sections in Sinai - Egypt, based on benthonic foraminifera/
رقم البحث : 12711818 Identiftying the Molecular Markers of RAPD Type Linked to Heat Stress Resistance and Daily Body Gains in Rabbits
رقم البحث : 12711823 Genetic Differentiation of two Native Egyptian Goat breeds Assessed by
Microsatellite DNA Markers
مجلد 13 عدد 1 - 2013 - 01/01/2013
مجلد 12 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2012 - 01/06/2012
رقم البحث : 12177673 Analysis of Genetic Relationships among Capsicum Genotypes using
RAPD Markers /
رقم البحث : 12180042 Production of guava nectar supplemented with Aloe vera gel /
رقم البحث : 12180366 In vitro germination of Strelitzia reginae Bank /
رقم البحث : 12180746 Pathological Studies on Root-Rot and Wilt Diseases of Green-Beans in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12180719 Effect of Different Rates of Fertilizers on Onion Infection by Pink Root Rot
Disease and Yield /
رقم البحث : 12177716 Comparative Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Grafted and Non-Grafted
Cherry Tomato Plants under Protected Cultivation /
رقم البحث : 12181617 Salicylic Acid Enhances Resistance in Some Vegetable Crops against
M eloidogyne incognita/
رقم البحث : 12183073 Effect of seeding rates and nitrogen levels on grain yield and other
characteristics of barley varieties under rain-fed conditions in south Jordan /
رقم البحث : 12183075 Effect of Planting Patterns, Nitrogen Levels and Boron application on
Growth Attributes of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris, L.) /
رقم البحث : 12183078 Effect of Planting Patterns, Nitrogen Levels and Boron Application on Yield,
Yield Components and Quality of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris, L.) /
رقم البحث : 12183087 Effect of Feeding Medicinal Plants to New Zealand White Rabbits on Nutrient
Digestibility and Reproductive Performance under North Sinai Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12183096 Morphometric study of newly emerged unmated queens of honey bee Apis
mellifera at Ismailia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12183107 Using of Glucono-Delta-Lactone as Acidulant in Mozzarella Cheese
Manufacture /
رقم البحث : 12183108 Anatomical and Ultrastructural Changes in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Leaves Infected with Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV /
رقم البحث : 12177763 Control of pink root rot disease of onion using resistance inducers /
رقم البحث : 12183125 Pathological Studies on Some Viruses Infecting Cucurbit Plants /
رقم البحث : 12183217 نموذج أقتصادى قياسى لسوق العمالة الزراعية فى جمهورية مصر العربية /
رقم البحث : 12180084 In vitro Propagation of Solenostemma arghel Del. /
مجلد 12 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2012 - 01/01/2012
رقم البحث : 12175973 Occurrence and Distribution of Potato Brown Rot and its Biological
Control in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12180687 Influence of Mineral Oil on the Efficacy of the Two Herbicides Fluazifop-pbutyl and Clethodim for Controlling Peanut Weed /
رقم البحث : 12180647 Biodiversity and Classification of_Arbuscular-Mycorrhizal Fungi (Glomales) in
Ismailia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12183060 Genome-Wide Analysis of Single-Locus and Epistatic SNP Effects on Subcutaneous Fat ThicKness Trait in Angus Beef Cattle /
رقم البحث : 12183061 Studies on the Effect of Some Feed Additives on the Reproductive
Performance of Fish /
رقم البحث : 12183062 Toxic Effects of Lambda-cyhalothrin on kidney Functions and Hormonal
Alterations in Male Albino Rats :
رقم البحث : 12183063 Antioxidant Activity of Methanolic Extracts from Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Seed Shells /
رقم البحث : 12183064 Hot Water Dipping or Calcium Nitrate Treatments Alleviated Chilling Injury and Enhanced Quality of ’White Sukkary’ and ’Zebda’ Mangoes /
رقم البحث : 12175991 Evaluation of Some Essential Oils for Controlling Some Pathogenic Fungi
Associated With Broad Bean Seeds /
رقم البحث : 12183074 Domestication and Propagation of the Leafcutting Bees, Megachile Mlnutissima
in Different Locations at Ismailia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12183086 The Effect of Various Temperature Treatments on the Development of /
Megachile minuussima in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12179984 Investigation on the Presence of Bean Leaf Roll Virus (BLRV) Infecting
Faba Bean (Vicia /abae) in Ismailia, Egypt
E. K /
رقم البحث : 12179844 Evaluation of the Efficiency of Thidiazuron and Plcloram for the Induction of
Somatic Embryogenesis in Strawberry /
مجلد 11 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2011 - 01/06/2011
رقم البحث : 12126755 Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Salicylic Acid Pretreatment Seeds in Pisum sativum L. Cultivated under Natural Saline Field Condition /
رقم البحث : 12126762 The Protective Effect of Calcium Carbonate against Sublethal Copper Toxicity on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) /
رقم البحث : 12127298 Induction of Genetic Variability for Protein Content in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by Using Gamma Rays and Acriflavin Mutagens /
رقم البحث : 12127308 Effect of Humic Acid on Vegetative Growth, Flowering, Yield and Fruit Chemical Contents of (Carum carvi, L.) under Sandy Soil Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12127318 Establishing a Disinfection Protocol for in vitro Proliferation and Germplasm Conservation of the Egyptian Taro (Colcasia antiquorum L.) /
رقم البحث : 12128708 Toxicological Effects of Abamectin and Chlorpyrifos on Some Biochemical and Histopatological Parameters in Tilapia Nilotica Fish /
رقم البحث : 12128794 New Environmental and Ecological Aspects in Controlling Pests /
رقم البحث : 12129806 A Comparative Study on Some Pomegranate Cultivars Grown Under the
Ecological Conditions of Souhag Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12130220 تقدير الكتلة الحيوية ودراسة الخواص الفيزيقية لأخشاب أشجار العرعر الفينيقي النامية بمنطقة الجبل الاخضر /
رقم البحث : 12130774 Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals by Four Hyper Accumulation Timber Tree
Species Irrigated With Treated Wastewater :
رقم البحث : 12134470 Parasitoids and Predators of the Sugarcane Soft Scale Pulvinaria Tinuivalvata
(Newstead) and Their Role as Biological Control Agents /
رقم البحث : 12125114 Fortification of Ice Milk with Iron /
رقم البحث : 12124503 Effect of Heat Treatment on the Distribution of Added Iron between Buffalo’s Milk Constituents
رقم البحث : 12124448 Effect of Genetic selection for Increased Body Weight at Harvest on Disease Resistance and Immune Responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus /
رقم البحث : 12126741 Some Statistical Relationships Models to Predict Yarn Properties Using Fiber Properties for Two Categories of Egyptian cotton Varieties under Two Spinning Systems /
رقم البحث : 12126744 Inheritance of Yield and Yield Components for Mutated Populations Using Gamma Irradiation in Some Bread Wheat Cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12126751 Genetic and Non-Genetic Parameters Affecting Doe Reproductive Intervals in Baladi-Red and Californian Rabbits Under Egypt Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12126752 Pinus ponderosa Does not Always Support Dendrochronology /
مجلد 11 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2011 - 01/01/2011
رقم البحث : 12180890 Effect of Some Macro and Micro-Nutrient Foliar Sprays on Growth, Productivity and Nutrient Uptake of Pecan Trees /
رقم البحث : 12181565 Effect of Adding Sugars in a Tris-Based Egg Yolk Extender on The Cryopreservation of Ram Spermatozoa /
رقم البحث : 12181590 Successful Vitrification of Micromanipulated (Zona-Slit) Mouse Embryos by The Open Pulled Straw Method /
رقم البحث : 12181616 Calving Season and Parity Number Effects on Milk Production of German
Holstein Maintained Under Egyptian Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12181962 Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in Milk and Its Products by Using PCR
Technique /
رقم البحث : 12183000 Effect of Salt Solutions on Control of Fungal Diseases in Lettuce
(Lactuca sativa L.) Plants /
رقم البحث : 12182978 Pathological Studies on Rhizoctonia Damping Off, Root Rot and Fusarium Wilt
of Pepper in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12183058 Evaluation of Macaroni Production from Some New Varieties of Durum Wheat
Cultivated In Sinai Fortefied With Ginger, Moghat and Pumpkin Seed Dry
Powder /
رقم البحث : 12178579 Influence of Some Antioxidents, Foliar Fertilizers and Fungicides in Controlling Downy Mildew of Cucurbits in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12178253 Effect of Some Meteorological Factors on Downy Mildew Disease of Cucurbit
Crops in Ismailia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12179850 Effects of Different Constant Tempratures and Two Preferred Host Plants on
Certain Biological Aspects of Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover /
رقم البحث : 12180058 Factors Affecting Abundance and Diversity of Some Soil Mites (Acari) in
Different Soil Types in Ismailia Governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12180825 Biological Evaluation of Macaroni Production from Some New Varieties of Durum Wheat Cultivated In Sinai Fortefied With Ginger, Moghat And Pumpkin Seed Dry Powder/
مجلد 10 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2010 - 01/06/2010
رقم البحث : 12116775 Ecological Studies on Plant Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Certain Fruit Trees in North Sinai Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12116777 Impact of Drought (Irrigation Intervals) on Anatomical Structure of Root and Leaf for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Plant /
رقم البحث : 12116779 Influence of Salt Stress on Some Yield Components and Quality of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Plant /
رقم البحث : 12117789 Effect of plant spacings, NPK fertilization levels and their interaction on vegetative growth, flowering and some active ingredients of Verbascum thapsus L. under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12117849 A Comparative Toxicological charachteristics of Some Wild Plants in North Sinai against Nematode Meloidogyne incognita /
رقم البحث : 12117984 The Acaricidal Efficacy of Two Neem Formulations on Tetranychus urticae
Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) Under Laboratory and Field Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12118027 Effect of plant spacings, cattle manure levels and their interaction on
vegetative growth, flowering and some active ingredients of
Verbascum thapsus L. under sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12135084 Biochemical and histopathological alterations in rats exposed to profenofos /
رقم البحث : 12135699 Mixed Model Genetic Analysis of Japanese Quail Data After Two Generations
of Divergent Selection for Four Week Body Weight /
رقم البحث : 12136703 Genetic Evaluation and Trends of Japanese Quail Data after Two Generations of Divergent Selection for 4-wk Body Weight /
رقم البحث : 12116734 Pretreatment and Elimination of Toxicants from Industrial Waste Water Treatments /
رقم البحث : 12116733 Nutritional and physiological studies on the metabolism of ram and goat :
رقم البحث : 12135150 Population dynamics of freshwater snails in relation to environmental factors at
Ismailia Governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12116615 Nutritional and Physiological Studies on The Metabolism of Ram and Goat Spermatozoa :
رقم البحث : 12116600 Genetic Relationship Between Repeated Measures of Body Condition Scores
Across Different Levels of Daily Milk Production in Holstein Friesian Cows
under Saudi conditions /
مجلد 10 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2010 - 01/01/2010
رقم البحث : 12116754 Effect of Stocking Density and Culture System on Growth and Total Production
of Fish in Earthen Ponds /
رقم البحث : 12116756 Natural Compounds from Sponge-Derived Fungi /
رقم البحث : 12116762 Inheritance of Yield and Some Physiological Traits Related to Drought
Tolerance in Wheat Crosses (Triticum aestivum l.) /
رقم البحث : 12116757 Genetic Diversity in Egyptian Goat Breeds Using Microsatellite Markers /
رقم البحث : 12116761 Effect of Plant Density, Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar Spraying with Iron and Zinc on Peanut in Newly Cultivated Sandy Soils /
رقم البحث : 12117083 Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Agrotis ipsilon (Hufn.) and the Entomopathogenic
Nematode, Steinernema carpocapsae /
رقم البحث : 12117109 Comparative Study of Some Permeating Cryoprotectants for Cryopreserving
Bull Spermatozoa /
رقم البحث : 12117311 Cryosurvivng and Fertilizing Abilities of Rahmany Ram Spermatozoa after
Freezing-Thawing Using Untraditional Packaging Methods /
رقم البحث : 12117973 The Seasonal Activity of Oriental Hornet Vespa orientalis L. Attacking
Honeybee Colonies in North Sinai Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12117940 Some Qualiy Attributes of Some Tomato Concentrate Brands Produced In Egypt and Yemen /
رقم البحث : 12116355 Location and Transmission of Seed-borne Fungi Associated with Some
Cucurbits Seeds and its Effect on Infection Incidence /
رقم البحث : 12115707 Micripropagation of artimisia dracunculus L /
رقم البحث : 12115665 Studies on some factors affecting anther cluture in six cucumber genotypes /
رقم البحث : 12115582 Effect of organic and chemical fertilizations on the growth and flowering of rumex vesicarius L /
رقم البحث : 12116571 Integrated Control of Bean White Rot /
رقم البحث : 12116560 Survey of Seed-borne Fungi on Some Cucurbit Seeds in Egypt and Their
Control /
رقم البحث : 12116692 Comparison of Different Methods for Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Isolates Causing Bean White Rot /
مجلد 9 عدد No. 3 - Dec. 2009 - 01/12/2009
رقم البحث : 12125700 Crossbreeding Components for Some Semen Parameters of Bucks Obtained from Crossing Saudi Arabia Goats with Damascus /
رقم البحث : 12126733 Effects of pH Value and Short Time of Equilibration Period on Cryopreservation of Rabbit Spermatozoa /
رقم البحث : 12126740 Interrelationships Between Milk Yield and Somatic Cell Count and Their Heritabilities in Holstein Friesian Cows /
رقم البحث : 12124516 Effect of Salt Stress on Physiological Behaviors in Four Wheat Cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12128209 Field observation on activity, life cycle and population dynamics of the yellow slug Limax flavus Linnaeus, 1758 at Ismailia Governorate.
رقم البحث : 12128234 Hematological and Biochemical Studies on Individuals Living Near Cement Industry /
رقم البحث : 12128610 A Proposed Simplified Method to Improve Land-use Mapping Accuracy /
رقم البحث : 12133821 Occurrence of Fig Mosaic Virus (FMV) in fig trees of Egypt North East /
رقم البحث : 12134513 Influence of potassium fertilization on yield components and resistance to leaf
miner and aphid infestations of Vicia faba L /
رقم البحث : 12134582 Biological Control of Citrus Mealybug, Planococcus citri (RISSO) on Croton
Shrubs Using the Coccinellid Predator, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri MULS /
رقم البحث : 12124311 Effect of some treatments on fruit quality and storability of apricot cv ”Canino” /
رقم البحث : 12124265 GM 4-31, GM 12-19 and GM 15-1: Garden pea lines suitable to sandy soil conditions /
رقم البحث : 12124127 Influence of Rhizobium leguminosarum combined with Trichoderma harzianum on damping off diseases and growth parameters of faba bean and pea plants /
رقم البحث : 12124568 Effect of K- Foliar Fertilization on Biochemical Components in Wheat Plant Under Salt Stress /
رقم البحث : 12124604 The Role of the Compost in Protecting Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Plants Against Salt Stress /
رقم البحث : 12125639 Effect of Biogas Plant Effluent on Drip Irrigation Emitters Clogging /
رقم البحث : 12125657 Genetic Correlations Among Body Condition Score, Udder-Teat Traits, Milk Yield, and Fertility Traits in Holstein Friesian Cows /
مجلد 9 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2009 - 01/06/2009
رقم البحث : 12124135 Genotype by environment interaction for Holstein Friesian milk yield between Saudi Arabia and the United States /
رقم البحث : 12124213 Successful Superovulation and Non-surgical Embryo Collection in Sinai Goats /
رقم البحث : 12124190 The Relationship Between Vulva Status and Some Physiological, Behavioural, Reproductive and Productive Traits in White New Zealand Rabbit Does /
رقم البحث : 12124238 Hormonal and metabolic profiles of rabbit does subjected to fasting or calorie restriction /
رقم البحث : 12124456 Studies on Using Sesbania Forage in Feeding of Growing Rabbit /
رقم البحث : 12127781 Induction of Genetic Variability for Quantitative Traits and Oil Content in
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) by Using Gamma Rays and Acriflavin Mutagens /
رقم البحث : 12127890 Effect of Some Chemical Inducers on Chocolate Spot Disease Resistance and Yield Simultaneously on Faba Bean Plants /
رقم البحث : 12127998 Foraging Activity of The Subterranean Termite, Psammotermes hybostoma (Desneux) (Isoptera :Rhinotermitidae) at Ismailia Governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12128121 Biometrical Studies on the Venom Gland of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera L.
Under North Sinai Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12124143 Genotype by environment interaction for Holstein Friesian reproductive performance between Saudi Arabia and the United States /
رقم البحث : 12133609 Growth Performance of Sinai Chickens and Its Crosses with the Acclimatized
Rhode Island Red /
رقم البحث : 12133634 Effect of Mint (Mentha Longifolia) Leaves Extraction on Some Physiological and
Hormonal Traits of New Zealand White Rabbit Does During Summer /
رقم البحث : 12133674 Effect of some fertilization treatments and planting distances on fodder beet
productivity and quality under new reclaimed lands conditions /
رقم البحث : 12133709 Effect OF Cutting Intervals and Phosphorus Fertilization on Growth, Forage
and Seed Yields of Two Egyptian Clover Varieties Under Sandy Soil Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12124235 Heterotic Effects and Additive Components for Growth Traits in a Crossing Scheme between Fayoumi and Acclimatized Rhode Island Red Chicken /
رقم البحث : 12124195 Genetic and Non-genetic Effects on Colostrum and Milk Constituents of ewes /
رقم البحث : 12124170 Effects of Wheat Straw as A Chipper Source of Fiber in Present of Prebiotic or Probiotic on Caecal Fermentation, Digestibility and Growth Performance in Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12124144 Effect of Using Dried Citrus Pulp Instead of Maize in Pelleted Diets on Rabbit Performance /
رقم البحث : 12124152 Factors Affecting Growth Rate of Baladi (Black and Red) Breeds of Rabbits and Their Crosses with New-Zealand Whites /
رقم البحث : 12124157 Genetic parameters for 305 days milk yield and persistency across different
calving ages using random regression analysis in Holstein Friesian Cows in
Saudi Arabia /
مجلد 9 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2009 - 01/01/2009
رقم البحث : 12123341 Effect of Dietary Protein and Oil Levels on Growth Performance of African Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) /
رقم البحث : 12123384 Hormonal Changes During Reproductive Stages in Turkey Hens /
رقم البحث : 12123445 Effect of Semen Extender pH Value on Rahmany Ram characteristics and on Altering Sex Ratio of Offspring /
رقم البحث : 12121516 Determination of Fetal Gender by Ultrasound in Ewes and its Correlation with Maternal Serum Levels of Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron /
رقم البحث : 12127291 Biological Functions of Rabbits as Affected by Pesticides and its Amelioration under Sinai Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12127388 الإحتياجات المعرفية لمزارعى الأسماك فى محافظتى الشوقية والأسماعيلية فيما يتعلق بالتوصيات الفنية لاستزراع السمكى /
رقم البحث : 12127550 إقتصاديات إنتاج اللحوم الحمراء بمحافظة الاسماعيلية.
رقم البحث : 12131681 Development, survival, feeding consumption and reproduction of the
convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
feeding on three aphid species /
رقم البحث : 12131709 Effect of certain bioinsecticides on the infestation rate and biological aspects of
Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in store /
رقم البحث : 12134402 Study of the occurrence of predatory actinedid mites with biological aspects of
Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) /
رقم البحث : 12121577 Effect of traditional handling and preservation on the quality of Bardwiel lagoon fish during storage in ice /
رقم البحث : 12124134 Using Some Antioxidant Substances for Enhancing Thermotolerance and Improving Productivity of Pea (Pisum sativum L) Plants Under Local Environment of Early Summer Season /
رقم البحث : 12124126 Effect of Azotobacter and nitrogen levels on growth, yield and quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)/
رقم البحث : 12121499 Effect of Different Substrate Types on the Growth of Micropropagated Banana Transplants /
رقم البحث : 12121652 Effects of Induced Salinity on Growth, Pod Quality, Root characteristics and
Leaf Nutrient Accumulation of Four Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Cultivars
Differing in Their Broomrape Tolerance /
رقم البحث : 12123302 Methane Generation from Anaerobic Co-digestion of Food Wastes and Cattle Dung /
رقم البحث : 12123312 Some Parameters Affecting The Productivity of Single-Slope Solar Still /
رقم البحث : 12123324 Augmented Solar Chimney With Unglazed Perforated Passive Solar Dryer (UPPSD) For The Medicinal Plants /
مجلد 8 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2008 - 01/06/2008
رقم البحث : 12119384 Thermal Inactivation Kinetics of Pectin Methyl Esterase (PME) in Apple, Mango and Cauliflower /
رقم البحث : 12120991 Feasibility Study for the Predicted Biogas Energy from Animal Wastes on Wide Scale in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12121013 Influence of transplanting wheat seedlings fertilization treatments and irrigation with treated sewage water on wheat productivity :
رقم البحث : 12121491 Effect of Some Agronomic Practices on Seed Yield and Its Attributes of Two Egyptian Clover Cultivars /
رقم البحث : 12121527 Effect of foliar nutrition with CuSO4 on growth and yield of wheat grown under different levels of nitrogen fertilization /
رقم البحث : 12125540 Spread and Distribution of Pollen Grains Collected by Honeybees Colonies in North Sinai with Reference to Pollen Chemical Composition. 2. Monthly Trapped Pollen of Combined Analysis /
رقم البحث : 12119400 Antibiotic resistance gene in dairy starter culture and probiotic bacteria-A review /
رقم البحث : 12126545 Effect of Salicylic Acid and Boron on Growth, Fruit Productivity and Its Quality of Peppers (Capsicum annuum L. cv.Twingo F1). :
رقم البحث : 12126591 Postharvest Ca and cold storage treatments in relation to storability,
marketability and consumer acceptance of seedless guava fruits /
رقم البحث : 12127054 Studies on the Growth and Development of Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita of Phaseolous vulgaris in Tissue Culture Medium /
رقم البحث : 12129773 Spread and Distribution of Pollen Grains Colected By Honeybeesin North
Sinai With Special Refernce to Pollen Chemical Composition /
رقم البحث : 12125623 Heavy Metal Sorption from /
رقم البحث : 12125602 Heavy metal sorption from /
رقم البحث : 12119413 Effect of sowing and harvesting dates on growth, yield, quality and chemical constituents of broccoli plants (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) /
رقم البحث : 12125567 Morphology and Biometry of The /
رقم البحث : 12119674 Effect of different salinities on growth performance and chemical composition of European sea bass (Dicentrarachus labrax) juveniles /
رقم البحث : 12119635 The Impact of Black Seed Meal Inclusion in Diets for Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) on some Physiological Aspects /
رقم البحث : 12119610 Effect of sowing dates and vernalization on Beta vulgaris L. cv. Univers :
رقم البحث : 12119600 Effect of sowing dates and vernalization on Beta vulgaris L. cv. Univers :
رقم البحث : 12119432 Effect of salicylic Acid and Boron on Growth, Fruit Productivity and Its Quality of Peppers (Capsicum annuum L. cv.Twingo F1) :
مجلد 8 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2008 - 01/01/2008
رقم البحث : 12120667 Effect of Fasting Periods on Productive Performance and Thyroid Hormones
Levels of Japanese Quail Exposed to High Temperature /
رقم البحث : 12120730 The Influence of Using Vitamin C and Probiotic (ROEMIN W2®) on Productive
Performance of Growing New Zealand White Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12120792 Effect of Thermal Stresses on the Physiological and Productive Performance of Pregnant Doe Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12124272 A Computer Program for Using Indoor Plants to Diagnose Indoor Air Pollution
Problems on Human /
رقم البحث : 12124369 Mineralogical Aspects in Relation to Origin and Uniformity of Soils of Wadi
Watir Basin, Southeastern Sinai, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12124499 Comparative Studies between Bio and Chemical Insecticides Sprayed with
Three Tools of Application on Certain Vegetable Crops against Some Insects at
Two Villages in Sharkia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12125397 Influence of Different Potassium Fertilizer Levels as a Soil and Foliar
Treatments on the Population Densities and Infestations of Certain Pests
Infesting Cantaloupe /
رقم البحث : 12125456 Toxicity of Some Recommended Insecticides in Sugarcane and Cotton Fields to
Trichogramma evanescens West /
رقم البحث : 12125490 Hardun, Laudakia stellio, A Serious Honey Bee Natural Enemy and
Its Control in North Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12118855 Nodulation, Growth and Yield of Faba Bean as Affected by Irrigation Interval,
Organic Manuring and P and K Fertilization Levels Under Sandy Soil
Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12118823 Effect of Dietary Phosphorus Levels on Growth Performance and Body
Composition of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12118876 Genetic Analysis and Heterosis of Some Yield characters under Saline and Non
-Saline Treatments in Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) /
رقم البحث : 12119325 Studies on Indoor Air Pollution :
رقم البحث : 12119301 Studies on Indoor Air Pollution :
رقم البحث : 12119360 Studies on Air Pollution :
مجلد 1 عدد No.1 - 2008 - 01/01/2008
رقم البحث : 12709934 Effect of Fasting Periods on Productive Performance and Thyroid Hormones
Levels of Japanese Quail Exposed to High Temperature
مجلد 7 عدد No. 3 - Dec. 2007 - 01/12/2007
رقم البحث : 12118804 The History and Culture of Sour Dough /
رقم البحث : 12119542 Effects of Probiotic (Biogen) and Zinc Bacitracin Supplementation on Laying Hen Performance, Some Blood Parameters and Egg Quality /
رقم البحث : 12119546 Evaluation of Jojoba Meal as a Protein Source for Sheep /
رقم البحث : 12119547 Plasma Proteins and DNA Toxicity Profile Assessment Post Infection of Swiss Albino Rats with Different Pathogenic Species of Candida /
رقم البحث : 12123442 Towards an Integrated Control of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) charcoal Rot
Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid /
رقم البحث : 12123390 Micropropagation of Hyoscyamus muticusL. and Datura metelL. by Using
Shoot Tips Explants /
رقم البحث : 12120998 In VitroProduction of Tropane Alkaloids from Hyoscyamus muticusRoots /
رقم البحث : 12123621 Induction of Defense Compounds by Seed Treatment with Plant GrowthPromoting Rhizobacteria Bacillus sp. against Tomato Fusarium Wilt Pathogen /
رقم البحث : 12124520 Survey of Abundant Aphid Species on Common Economic Crops
And Wild Plants in North Sinai Governorate, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12124634 Effect of Neemazal-T and Galangal Crude Extract on Growth and Development Third Larval of Musca domestica l /
رقم البحث : 12125262 Enhanced Activity of Agrotis segetum (Schiff.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Granulovirus by Boric Acid Additive /
رقم البحث : 12125316 Seasonal Abundance of the Fig Pustule Scale Insect, Russelaspis pustulans
Cockerell (Homoptera: Asterolecaniidae) and its Parasitoids in Middle Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12118795 Evaluation of Using Some Feed Additives on Growth Performance and Feed Utilization of
Monosex NileTilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12117145 Effect of Using Probiotic and Yeast as Growth Promoters in Commercial Diet of
Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12117100 Effect of Fishmeal Substitution by Plant Protein Sources on Growth
Performance of Seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12117661 In Vitro Preservation of Ecballium elaterium L. Plants in Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12117689 Genetic Analysis of Some Vegetative, Yield and Fruit Quality Traits in
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) /
رقم البحث : 12117704 Genetic Evaluation of Some Quantitative characters in Some Cowpea Crosses /
رقم البحث : 12117731 Effect of Explant Source, 2,4-D and Kinetin on In Vitro Induction of Callus
and Production of Alkaloids in Datura metel /
رقم البحث : 12118611 Improving Phytate Phosphorus Utilization by Adding Phytase to Low Protein, Phosphorus and Calcium Corn Soybean Broiler Diets /
مجلد 7 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2007 - 01/06/2007
رقم البحث : 12118043 Threats and Control of The Brown Necked Ravens (Corvus ruficollis) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12118079 Response of Some Mango Cultivars to Polyamines /
رقم البحث : 12118140 In vitro Culture of Mangrove (Avicennia marina L.) /
رقم البحث : 12120938 Performance of Cassava Plant Under Different Plant Densities and Potassium
Levels in Newly Reclaimed Lands /
رقم البحث : 12120978 Toxicity of Green Marine Algae Ulva LactucaLinnaeus to The Adult Female of
Tetranychus UrticaeKoch (Acari:Tetranychidae) /
رقم البحث : 12124257 A New Model of Polystyrene Foam for Renesting Leafcutting Bees (Megachile
spp.: Megachilidae, Hymenoptera) /
رقم البحث : 12124355 Population Dynamics of Insect and Mite Pests Attacking Pear Trees During the
Blooming and Fruiting Seasons at Ismailia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12117085 Performance of ”Clemenules” Clementine on Five Rootstocks in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 12117070 Effect of Some Agricultural Practices on Yield and Quality of Globe Artichoke
(Cynara scolymus, L) under New Reclaimed Land /
رقم البحث : 12117452 Performance of ”Clemenules” Clementine on Five Rootstocks in Egypt :
رقم البحث : 12117482 Effect of Foliar Application of Calcium and Zinc on Shelf Life and Fruit Quality
of Succary Abiad Mango Cultivar /
رقم البحث : 12117968 Crossbreeding Effects of Weaning and Post-Weaning Body Measurements of
Bauscat and Baladi Red Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12117971 Effect of Development of Doe Weight During Pregnancy on Some Economic
Traits in Bauscat, Californian and Baladi Red Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12117972 Nutritional and Physiological Studies on Small Ruminant Performance :
مجلد 7 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2007 - 01/01/2007
رقم البحث : 12117955 Response of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea l.) to Co-inoculation With Bradyrhizobium spp. and Phosphate Dissolving Bacteria Under Different Levels of Phosphorus Fertilization in Sandy Soils /
رقم البحث : 12117962 Body Condition Score As Early Indicator of Days Open Using
Random Regression Analysis /
رقم البحث : 12117964 Utilization of Date Seed Powder to Produce Some Food Commodities with High Fiber Content /
رقم البحث : 12118471 Efficacy of Pseudomonas fluorescensRoot Colonization on Disease
Suppression of Pythium Root Rot of Cucumber /
رقم البحث : 12119119 Redescription of the Morphology of the Turnip Aphid Species, Lipaphis erysimi
pseudobrassicae Davis (Homoptera: Aphididae) /
رقم البحث : 12119322 الوضع الراهن للتجارة الخارجية الزراعية المصرية /
رقم البحث : 12119416 دراسة تحليلية لصيد الأسماك بحرفة الشانشولا فى محافظة شمال سيناء /
رقم البحث : 12118640 Effect of Composted Chicken Manure on Induction of Defense Reactions Against Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)Fusarium Wilt /
رقم البحث : 12118667 Effect of Application of Calcium Fertilization and Plant Growth Promoting
Rhizobacteria on The population of Bemisia tabaci (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
and Its Parasitoid, Eretmocerus mundus(Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) on Soybean
رقم البحث : 12117042 Response of Garlic Plants to Chemical, Organic and Biofertilizers. :
رقم البحث : 12117039 Degreening Enhancement of Washington Navel Orange Fruits With Ethephon /
رقم البحث : 12117035 Effect of Frozen Storage on Some Physico-Chemical and Rheological characteristics of Apricot Pulp/
رقم البحث : 12117170 Response of Garlic Plants to Chemical, Organic and Bio-fertilizers :
رقم البحث : 12117297 Effect of Foliar Application of Calcium and Zinc on Growth, Yield, Quality and
Fruit Skin Anatomical Structure of Succary Abiad Mango cv /
رقم البحث : 12117325 Role of Oxalic Acid and Hydrolytic Enzymes during Pathogenesis by
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the Causal of Stem Rot Disease in Chickpea /
مجلد 6 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2006 - 01/06/2006
رقم البحث : 12117116 Management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum The Cause of White Stem Rot Disease of
Chickpea by Induced Resistance and Biological Methods /
رقم البحث : 12117133 Controlling Seedling Damping-Off, Root-Rot and Wilt Diseases of Lupine /
رقم البحث : 12117880 Pathogenicity of Entomopathogenic Nematode, Steinernema feltiae Cross N 33
against Larvae and Pupae of the Peach Fruit Fly Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) /
رقم البحث : 12117895 Effect of Some Botanical Insecticides and Insect Growth Regulators on Viability,
Infectivity, Motility and Persistence of Entomopathogenic Nematode,
Steinernema feltiae Cross N 33 /
رقم البحث : 12117079 Effect of Replacement Fish Meal by Shrimp Meal on Growth Performance
of Mono Sex Red Tilapia Fingerlings /
رقم البحث : 12117093 A Simple and Inexpensive Procedure for DNA Isolation from Plant Sources /
رقم البحث : 12117124 Chemical Composition and Stability of Canola Oils from Japan and Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12118306 Effect of Some Medicinal Plant Extracts on Some Phytopathogenic Organisms /
رقم البحث : 12118375 Biotechnological Studies to Identify the Variationsamong Different Isolates of
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum the Cause of Stem Rot of Chickpea /
رقم البحث : 12118426 Studies on Some Factors Affecting Mass Production of The Anthocorid Predator
Blaptostethus piceusFiber var. pallescenes Poppius /
رقم البحث : 12118817 The Propagation of Caloglyphus redikorzevi Zach Population on Four Food
Types and Evaluation Effects of Its Infestation on Wheat Grains /
رقم البحث : 12116799 Studies on Indoor Pollution :
رقم البحث : 12116797 Studies on Indoor Pollution :
رقم البحث : 12116794 The Effect of Curing Agents on The Quality of Sausage During Cold Storage
رقم البحث : 12117086 Genetically Safe Production in Tomato Agriculture :
مجلد 6 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2006 - 01/01/2006
رقم البحث : 12116674 Successful vitrification of zona-free mouse embryos /
رقم البحث : 12116934 Effect of Some Fertilization Treatments on Anatomical characters and Productivity of Some Sugar Beet Cultivars Under Drip Irrigation System, Sinai /
رقم البحث : 12116952 Response of Canola Crop (Brassica napus L.) to Potassium Fertilization, Sulfur and Foliar Application of Manganese and Iron in Sandy Soils /
رقم البحث : 12116682 Diagnosis of early pregnancy by real-time ultrasonography compared to
progesterone assay and prediction of fetal age in Ossimi sheep /
رقم البحث : 12116974 Karyological Studies of Arvicanthis niloticus (Rodentia : Murinae) in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12116981 Influence of Sucrose With Different Types and Concentration of Cryoprotectants on Freezability and Fertility of Ram Spermatozoa /
رقم البحث : 12117064 Metabolic Rate of Ram Spermatozoa as Indicated by Fructose Utilization Before and After Semen Processing /
رقم البحث : 12117075 The Use of Soya Protein Isolates in Preparation of Some Low Fat Dairy Products /
رقم البحث : 12117463 Safety Alternatives to Control Soybean Root and Foliar Diseases /
رقم البحث : 12117636 Evaluation of Thiobacillus and Serratia Against Root-Knot Nematode
Comparison with Plant Extracts, Organic Manures and Nematicides /
رقم البحث : 12117544 Parasitism of The Meloidogyne incognita by Pasteuria penetrans and Evaluation
for Their Efficiency as Biocontrol Agent Against to M. incognita /
رقم البحث : 12117706 Effect of Different Kairomonal Sources on The Performance of Eretmocerus sp. near Furuhashii Against Bemisia tabaci on Cucumber Plantsi
I- In Cages /
رقم البحث : 12117742 Effects of Different Temperature Levels on The Biological Attributes of Orius
Albidipennis (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae)i /
رقم البحث : 12116965 Response of Two Egyptian Clover Varieties (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) to N P Fertilization and Seeding Rates in Newly Reclaimed Sandy Soils Under Sprinkler Irrigation System /
رقم البحث : 12118054 Some Factors Affecting Micropropagation of Some Wild Medicinal Plants :
رقم البحث : 12118094 Some Factors Affecting Micropropagation of Some Wild Medicinal Plants :
رقم البحث : 12118129 Comparative Studies on Some Isolates of Fungi, Responsible for Soybean Root,
Foliage Diseases and Response of Some Cultivars to Infection /
رقم البحث : 12118200 First record of flax blight caused by Botrytis cinereain Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12118251 Effect of Some Essential Oils on Controlling Sugar Beet Root Rot Disease
Caused by Rhizoctonia solaniKuhn /
رقم البحث : 12116987 An Improved Technique for Non-Surgical Collection of Goat Embryos /
رقم البحث : 12116700 Some Adaptive Physiological Parameters in Relation to Ram Semen
Characteristics and Testosterone Concentration in Blood Serum
During the Year /
رقم البحث : 12116793 Effect of Some Organic Sources, Chemical Fertilization, Active Dry Yeast and
Pinching on Productivity of Hibiscus sabdariffa, L. Plants /
رقم البحث : 12116788 Effect of Some Fertilizers Types and Drip Irrigation Rates on Productivity of Matricaria chamomilla L. Plant Under El-Arish Region Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12116781 اقتصاديات انتاج محصول الزيتون بمحافظة شمال سيناء /
رقم البحث : 12116780 The Use of Whey Protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate in The
Manufacture of Low Fat Yoghurt /
رقم البحث : 12116776 The Use of Transglutaminase Catalysed Cross-Linking in the Manufacture of Low Fat Ice Cream /
مجلد 5 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2005 - 01/01/2005
رقم البحث : 12175791 Solar Drying or Marjoram In Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12179835 Improvement of the Vegetative Propagation of Two Citrus
Rootstocks in vitro /
رقم البحث : 12178167 Effect of 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 6-Benzylaminopurine on
Formation of Adventitious Buds and Somatic Embryos of Maize (Zea mays
L.) in Relation to Internal Levels of Free and Conjugated Auxins /
رقم البحث : 12178110 Changes in Phenolic Content and peroxidase Activity during the Early
Events of in vitro Shoot Regeneration in Maize (Zea mays L.) /
رقم البحث : 12175899 Selection of Pseudomonas solanacearum-Resistant Tomato Plants via Tissue Culture /
رقم البحث : 12181527 DF-REML Genetic Assessment of Milk Production and Efficiency of New Zealand White and Baladi Black Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12181521 Vitrification of Sodium Alginate Encapsulated Mouse Embryos /
رقم البحث : 12181517 Response of Some Wheat Cultivars to Seeding Rate and Foliar
Nutrition with Nofatrein in Reclaimed Sandy Soil /
رقم البحث : 12181541 Identification of Some Triticum Species by the Inflorescence Features /
رقم البحث : 12180618 Bioassay of Bemisia Tabaci (Gennadius) Nymphs, Adults and Exuviae
Extracts as Kairomonal Sources for Its Parasitoid
رقم البحث : 12175951 Mannitol-I-Phosphate Dehydrogenase /
رقم البحث : 12180081 Relationship between Root-Rrot / Wilt Fungi and Root-Knot Nematode on
Disease Incidence, Growth of Plants. and Reproduction of Nematode on
Alfalfa /
رقم البحث : 12181960 The Predation of Stethorus gilvifrons (Mulsant)
(Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Different Egg Densities of
Tetranychus urticae (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) /
رقم البحث : 12183032 Effect of Different Types of Ovipositional Substrates and Shelters on
The Mass Rearing Parameters Of Orius albidipennis (Reuter)
(Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) /
رقم البحث : 12183404 Influence of Some Organic and Chemical Fertilizers on the
Incidence of the Cowpea Aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch./
رقم البحث : 12180295 Evaluation of an Antagonistic Bacillus sp. Isolated from Newly Cultivated Soil as a Biocontrol Agent Against Some Plant Pathogenic Fung /
مجلد 4 عدد No. 2 - Jun. 2004 - 01/06/2004
رقم البحث : 12116310 Biology of the Bethylid Parasitoid Goniozus legneri Gordh /
رقم البحث : 12116331 On the Biology of the Vine Mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Pseudococcidae: Homoptera) /
رقم البحث : 12114555 Yield Response of Two Canola Varieties to Nitrogen and Bio Fertilizers Under Sandy Soil Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12114608 استجابة محصول القمح (Triticum durum.L) للسماد النيتروجيني تحت الظروف البعلية بالقبة ليبيا /
رقم البحث : 12114702 Influence of Dietary Yeast Culture (Saccaromyces Cerevisiae) on Growth Performance and Some Blood Parameters of Fayoumi Chicks during Summer /
رقم البحث : 12116286 Effect of Three Insect Growth Regulators on Some Biological
Aspects of the Cotton Leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) /
رقم البحث : 12116363 Effect of Amcotone on Vegetative Growth, Fruiting, Fruit
Yield and Quality of Succary Abiad Mango Trees /
رقم البحث : 12116627 Effect of Some Bioagents, Fungicides and Fertilizers
on Bean Root Rot Caused by Sclerotium rolfsii /
رقم البحث : 12116644 Studies on Some Commensal Rodent Species and Their Ectoparasites in Different Habitats at Sharkia Governorate /
رقم البحث : 12116322 Description and Duration of the Immature Stages of the Encyrtid Parasitoid, Neoplatycerus palestinensis (Rivnay) (Encyrtidae: Hymenoptera /
رقم البحث : 12116656 Mycotoxins Production By Some Grape
Fruit Rots Fungi /
رقم البحث : 12116664 Volume 4(2), 2004:139-143
Effect of Potassium and Micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, and Their Mixtures) Fertilization on Aphis craccivora Koch Infested Broad Bean Plants /
رقم البحث : 12116737 Effects of Dietary Zinc Supplementation on Growth Performance, Carcass characteristics And Some Blood Parameters of Broiler Chicks /
رقم البحث : 12114683 The Effect of Dietary Soybean Meal and Phytase Levels on Growth Performance and Body Composition of Fingerlings Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) /
رقم البحث : 12134765 Host Plant And The Susceptibility Of Spodoptera Littoralis (Boise.) (Noctuidae ; Lepidoptera) To A Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus /
رقم البحث : 12134772 Spinosad As A New Insecticide Against The Greasy Cutworm Agrotis Ipsilon (Hnuf.) /
رقم البحث : 12134781 A Study on the Engineering Considerations for the Unglazed Transpired Solar Air Heaters (Utsah) Design Under the Egyptian Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12114770 Influence of the Bacterial Cultures’ Type on Some Yoghurt characteristics /
رقم البحث : 12114768 Thermal inactivation of Lactic Acid Bacteria (Streptococcus thermophilus) Phage in milk and milk products /
رقم البحث : 12114767 Effect of Phosphorus Fertilization and Foliar Nutrition With Some Micronutrients on Anatomical characters and Yield Components of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) /
مجلد 3 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2004 - 01/01/2004
رقم البحث : 12177872 Synergistic Interaction Between Coumarin 1,2-benzopyrone
and Iba in Stimulating Adventitious Root Formation In Vigna
Radiata (L.) Wilczek Cuttlngs: Ill. ~-1,3-glucanase and
Cellulase Activity and Their Relations to Rooting /
رقم البحث : 12177929 Effect of Adding Maltodextrin and Malt Enzymes Extract
on Low Fat Ras Cheese Quality /
رقم البحث : 12177967 Preparation of Pulpy Apple Juice With Pectic Enzymes /
رقم البحث : 12175987 , Pathological and Physiological Studies on Macrophomina
Phaseolina The Causal Organism of Bean charcoal Rot
رقم البحث : 12180353 Effects of Crossing Two Japanese-Quatl-Lines selected Seven Generation for Meat or Egg Production on Growth Traits /
رقم البحث : 12180369 Survival Of Early Stage Rabbit Embryos After Vitrification By The Open Pulled Straw Method /
رقم البحث : 12180755 Genetic Paremeters For Some Quantitative characters In Bouscat Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12180859 The Changes in The Seasonal Activity and Nesting Behavior
of Megachile Uniformis (A.) (Hymenoptera. Megachilidae) Based on
Artificial Nesting Site Data Figures in Ismailia /
رقم البحث : 12181504 Studies on Age and Growth of Epinephelus Chlorostigma and
Epinepheus Areolatus from The Arabian Gulf /
رقم البحث : 12181505 Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) on Some Litter Traits and Masculinity Ratio of New Zealand White Rabbits Under Egyptian Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12181506 Effect of Dietary Magnesium Levels on Some Physiological Parameters of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis nilotics (L.) /
رقم البحث : 12181507 The Use of Yeast Culture Supplement in Rations for Sheep /
رقم البحث : 12179843 Field E valuation of Different Bio-Insecticides for Controlling
of the Cotton Leaf Worm, Spodoptera Littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep.:
N octuidae) on Cotton /
رقم البحث : 12179416 Identification of species specific Gnomic DNA fragments for
Meloidgyne incognita, M.javanica and M. arenaria, in
Ismailia and El Sharquia Governorates, Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12175429 Synergistic Interaction Between Coumarin 1,2- benzopyrone
and IBA in Stimulating Adventitious Root Formation in Vigna
radiata (L.) Wilczek Cuttings: II. Peroxidase Activity and
Acidic Isoperoxidases and Their Relations to Rooting
رقم البحث : 12181930 Varietal Faba Bean Differences in Nodulation, N Content and
Yield Under Micronutrients Foliar Application /
رقم البحث : 12181900 Revision of Subfamily Nomiinae of Egypt (Hymenoptera:
Halictidae) /
رقم البحث : 12180184 Morphometric Analysis and Population characteristics of
Egyptian New Valley Honey bees /
رقم البحث : 12177951 Biological Control of Damping-off and Root Rots of Tomato /
رقم البحث : 12175472 The Possabilty of Using Soil Solarization to Control Some of
The Soil Borne Pathogens Under EI- Taif Area, KSA Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12175205 Effect of Salinty and Calcium Additions on Growth and Leaf
Mineral Content of Manzanillo Olive Transplants /
رقم البحث : 12175188 Quantitative Determination of Cannabinoids in Hemp Seeds and Oil By GCI Ms /
رقم البحث : 12175727 Effect of Soil Solarization on Sclerotium cepivourm Under EI- Taif
Area, KSA Conditions /
مجلد 1 عدد No.2 - 1/1/2003 - 01/01/2003
مجلد 2 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2003 - 01/01/2003
رقم البحث : 12114981 Response Of Three Weed Species To Herbazed And Gramoxone Alone And In Mixtures In Valencia Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Orchards /
رقم البحث : 12116312 Evaluation Of Some Introduced Olive Cultivars Under North Sinai Conditions -Egypt :
رقم البحث : 12115557 Mango Diseases Diagnosis And Treatment Expert System /
رقم البحث : 12115488 Evaluation Of Some Introduced Olive Cultivars Under North Sinai Conditions -Egypt :
رقم البحث : 12115435 Composting Maturity Parameters Of Some
Organic Waste Combinations /
رقم البحث : 12115391 Nitrification Of Nitrogen Fertilizers Under Saline Condition And Organic Matter Supplementation /
رقم البحث : 12114128 Seasonal Occurrence Of The Aphid Parasitoid, Aphidius Matricariae Hal. (Hymenop-tera: Aphidiidae) In Egyptian Wheat Fields /
رقم البحث : 12114118 Nematicidal potentials of dry flowers belonging to certain plant species against meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato /
رقم البحث : 12114116 Response Of Chitinase And Phenoloxidase To Insect Growth Regulators And Bioinsecticides In Spodoptera Littolaris /
رقم البحث : 12114113 Effect of azadirachtin on the consumption and utilization of food in some early larval instars of spodoptera littoralis (boisd.) /
رقم البحث : 12114108 Role Of Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes In The Mode Of Action Of Igr And Bioinsecticides /
رقم البحث : 12115173 Field Evaluation Of Some Insecticides Against Pink And Spiny Bollworms On Cotton Plants /
رقم البحث : 12115129 Agricultural practices in relation to the major disease problems management of canola in Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12115085 Control of root rots of peanut (arachis hypogaea l.) With saponin of different sources in comparison with a fungicide /
رقم البحث : 12115059 Suitability soybean cultivars for aspergillus flavus pathogenicity and aflatoxin production and some affecting factors /
رقم البحث : 12115003 Vertical Distribution Of Bemisia Tabaci (Genn.) Immatures And Their Parasitoids On Unsprayed And Sprayed Cotton Plants /
رقم البحث : 12114120 Post-Weaning Body And Transverse Chest Length Measures Of Baladi Red Rabbits On Account Of Crossing With New Zealand White Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12114121 Genetic Effects On Thigh And Hind Leg Lengths Of Native Baladi Red Rabbits On Account Of Crossing With New Zealand White Rabbits /
رقم البحث : 12114122 Effect Of Feeding Two Different Complete Rations On Growth, Fattening, Nutrient Utilization And Efficiency In Buffalo Calves /
رقم البحث : 12114124 Growth And Nutrient Utilization In Ossimi Lambs Fed On Cowpea Silage (Vigna Unguiculata) Or Whole Crop Corn Silage /
رقم البحث : 12114360 The Use of Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers for Manzanillo Olive Trees Fertilization :
رقم البحث : 12114397 The Use of Some Organic and Bio-Fertilizers for Manzanillo Olive Trees Fertilization :
رقم البحث : 12115304 Effect Of Some Soil Amendments On Chemical Properties Of Saline Alkali Soil /
رقم البحث : 12115248 Effectiveness Of Lufenuron And Diofenolan On The Crude Body Content Of Carbohydrates, Proteins And Lipids Of The Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus Ferrugineus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) /
رقم البحث : 12115187 A New Isolate Of Steinernema Abbasi 1997 (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) As A First Record from Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12115075 Physiological And Pathological Studies On Macrophomina Phaseolina The Causal Organism Of charcoal Root Rot Disease In Bean /
مجلد 1 عدد No. 1 - Jan. 2002 - 01/01/2002
رقم البحث : 12158779 Effect Of Some Calcium Compounds On Resistance Of Onion
To Pink Root Rot Disease
رقم البحث : 12159071 Effect Of Nitrogen Fertilization And Plant Spacing On Forage Sorghum Under New Reclaimed Land Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12159100 Yield And Yield Components Of Some Maize Hybrids As Affected By Some Fertilization Treatments Under New Reclaimed Sandy Soil Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12159146 Effect Of Phosphatic, Foliar And Bio Fertilization On Faba Bean Crop Grown Under New Reclaimed Sandy Soil Conditions /
رقم البحث : 12159276 Growth Performance Of Phragmites Communis And Pennisetum Purpureum In A Gravel-Bed Hydroponic System For The Treatment Of wastewater In Egypt /
رقم البحث : 12168435 Computerjzed Motion Analysis Of Bull Spermatozoa Cryopreserved In
The Presence Of Non-Permeating And Permeating Cryoprotectants
رقم البحث : 12170040 Effect Of Cholestrol Loaded Cyclodextrin On The Computerized
Motility And Flow Cytometric Viability Of Bovine Spermatozoa
رقم البحث : 12159040 The effect of moisture content and period of incubation on the Movement of iron (fe) in soil and sediment columns /
رقم البحث : 12158979 Evaluation of certain insecticides and alternative chemicals against Cereal aphids in egyptian wheat fields /
رقم البحث : 12158909 Factors affecting mass-rearing of the egg parasitoid trichogramma
B uesi voegele (trichogramma tidae: hymenoptera) /
رقم البحث : 12178701 Effect Of Crossing Between White Holland And Broad Breasted Bronze
Turkeys Meat Yield And Carcass Traits /
رقم البحث : 12178764 Best Linear Unbiased Prediction Of White Holland Turkeys Toms
Regarding Body Weight And Conformation Measures /
رقم البحث : 12178036 Effect Of Cholesterol Loaded Cyclodextrin On Intracellular Calcium
And The Acrosome Reaction Of Bull Sperm Before And
After Cryopreserv Ation /
رقم البحث : 12159442 Integrated Control Of Apple Powdery Mildew By Using
Follar Fertilizers And Fungicides
رقم البحث : 12158887 Effect Of Some Preharvest Treatments To Control Persimmon Fruit Rot -In Cold Storage<br/
رقم البحث : 12169464 Redox Potential characteristics Of Some Egyptian Soils And
Sediments Under Flooded Closed Conditions
رقم البحث : 12158975 Ecophysiological characters As Screening Criteria For Drought Tolerance In Durum Wheat Genotypes /

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