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The Effect of a Program based on Knowledge Navigation on Developing EFL Reading and Writing Skills for Prep Students/
Ali, Rabea Fayzez Faheim.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Rabea Fayez Faheim Ali
مشرف / Magdy Mahdy Ali
مشرف / Dalia Ibrahim Yahya
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
329 p. ;
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - المناهج و طرق التدريس
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Summary of the Results
The findings of this study can be summed up in the following:
First: the use of knowledge navigation enhances EFL students reading skills.
Second: the use of knowledge navigation enhances EFL students writing skills.
Third: the use of knowledge navigation increases students’ motivation toward learning.
Fourth: the use of knowledge navigation helps teachers draw a detailed picture about
their students’ strengths and weakness.
5.2. Summary and main findings:
1- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score
of the experimental group students in the pre and post applications of the reading and
writing skills test together in favor of the post application.
2- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the control group students and the experimental group students on the reading and
writing skills test after conducting the program in favor of the experimental group. 3- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the experimental group students in the pre and post applications of the reading skills test
as a whole in favor of the post application.
4- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the experimental group students in the pre and post applications in each skill of the four
reading skills in favor of the post application.
5- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the control group students and experimental group on the reading skills test as a whole
after conducting the program in favor of the experimental group students.
6- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the control group students and experimental group students on each skill of the reading
skills test after conducting the program in favor of the experimental group students.
7- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the experimental group students in the pre and post application on the writing skills test
as a whole in favor of the post application.
8- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the experimental group students in the pre and post application in each skill of the four
writing skills test in favor of the post application. 9- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the control group students and the experimental group students after conducting the
program on the writing skills test as a whole in favor of the experimental group students.
10- There is a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the mean score of
the control group students and the experimental group students after conducting the
program on each skill of the writing skills test in favor of the experimental group
5.3. Limitations
The researcher faced some obstacles during applying the program. Here are some
- The internet was sometimes not available.
The researcher solved this problem by buying private internet (WIFI).
- the number of computers at the school was not enough for every student.
The researcher solved this problem by asking the students for bringing their tablets,
smart mobile phone and Ipads.
5.4. Pedagogical Implications
This study was conducted in the following procedures.
1) Determining the principles upon which knowledge navigation based program can
be designed for developing the second year prep students’ reading and writing
skills. This was done through:
● Reviewing previous related studies and literature to knowledge navigation.
● Reviewing the literature and previous related studies to reading and writing skills.
● preparing a list of the appropriate reading and writing skills that the second year
prep students should master.
2) Determining the status quo of the second year prep students’ reading and writing
skills. This was done through:
● Designing a reading- writing test based on the previously prepared list.
● selecting a group of second year prep students
● pre administering the previously designed reading-writing test to the select group.
● Determining the participants’ reading and writing levels and identifying the
difficulties they encounter while reading and writing in light of the test results.
3) Designing the proposed program according to the results of steps no 1 and 2,
● identifying the aims of the program.