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أخلاق التعامل مع الحيوان :
فراج، السعيد أحمد عبده حمزة.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / السعيد أحمد عبده حمزة فراج
مشرف / محمد أمين شاهين
مشرف / عادل عبد السميع عوض
مشرف / مجدى ابراهيم عوض
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
320ص. ؛
الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة قناة السويس - كلية الاداب - الفلسفة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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The researcher chose a topic entitled (The Ethics of Dealing with Animals - A Study in Applied Ethics), which is an important topic because it has received a wide area in various fields and disciplines related to matters of religions, including the philosophy of science. The researcher noted, ”The animal has a great importance that man cannot dispense with, from ancient history until the lived reality and the end of life. Each time will complete the course of the previous time and discover a new science.” Studies have been carried out since history until our contemporary time concerning animals, their rights and their treatment, and among these studies are in the field of the philosophy of science (environmental philosophy), and from here this study was launched with a study in applied ethics related to the contemporary philosophical aspect about the ethics of dealing with animals. Ethics is the master of the universe and the origin of everything, and the building base on which everything is built in matters of religion and the world. Scientists have divided ethics into four sections, including “the ethics of man with non-human beings on top of them the animal, and through this division came this study on the ethics of dealing with animals . The animal is a partner in the universe, and it has a relationship and a connection with the environment as a whole and with the human being, and this relationship benefits each of them with the other, and studies have been carried out and concluded that the animal is affected psychologically and physically by environmental pollution and the bad treatment of man with it, and philosophers and other people of the delicate specialization of zoology have unanimously agreed that animals feel health and mental and physical illnesses, and that every animal has a specific intelligence, and that these animals know things that humans do not know.” This research presented a new topic in the field of contemporary philosophy of science due to the limited number of books, especially in the Arab Republic of Egypt, which dealt with this topic, which the whole world was interested in in the contemporary time. This research will speak to those who need sufficient information to serve this field, such as social institutions and others. This research dealt with the society’s mistakes towards animals and developed a remedy and alternatives for the damages that befell society and humans due to human mistakes towards animals. The researcher has come to liberate the place of conflict that took place between philosophers and others in some of the different things between them, with weighting the opinion that the researcher tends to, in addition to new ideas. The research has linked philosophical issues and ideas and other sciences related to animal science and rights in terms of Arabic and foreign references. The researcher has translated some foreign references related to animal science and rights. And a way out of this question in which philosophers differed, which is “Is man equal to an animal, or distinguishes man from animals, or distinguishes
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animals from humans?” The researcher dealt with the differences with the most correct opinion within this research.
Reasons for choosing this topic:
This research (the ethics of dealing with animals) ”a study in applied ethics” is one of the most important researches in the field of philosophy of science, especially since one of the researchers did not deal with it, I think, and I chose this research for the following reasons.
1- Society’s mistakes towards animal treatment.
2- - The psychological and physical damages that befell the animal due to intellectual and environmental pollution and human ignorance and mistakes towards the animal.
3- - Damages to animals that may increase due to climate change caused by human behavior towards the environment.
4- - Damages to humans, the environment and society due to human ignorance and wrongdoing towards animals
5- - Lack of adequate legal legislation to protect animals and their rights.
6- - Lack of interest in social institutions in the ethics of dealing with animals
7- Lack of awareness, thought and knowledge about dealing with animals.
8- Treatment and prevention that protects humans and animals from human errors towards animals
9- - The need of society and man for the benefits of animals, such as developing the economy and others.
10- - Differences arose between scholars regarding the treatment and rights of animals. The researcher longed for research and diligence in presenting and comparing them.
Study problem:
The problem of this study revolves around the possibility of an ethics in dealing with animals, and whether there is a difference between morals and human characteristics, and in the light of this basic question, the details of this study are organized. Questions
1- - What are the general features of the ethics of dealing with animals, and is there a relationship between animals, and is there a relationship between animals and humans, and is there a relationship between animals, plants, and the environment, and is there a relationship between animals and God Almighty?
2- - What is the relationship of ancient zoology with contemporary and future modern zoology?
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3- - Does the human error towards treating animals have an effect on humans, animals, the environment and society, and is there a remedy for this effect?
4- Does human behavior toward animals have benefits for animals, humans and the environment in good manners?
5- - Is there justice in the animal world, and do animals possess mental intelligence, moral values, and feel emotions?
6- - Is there equality between animals and humans, and what is the moral position on equality?
7- - Is there a difference between medical, scientific and psychological experiments on animals or not?
8- - Do social institutions need knowledge and moral guidance on how to deal with animals, and does this knowledge and guidance benefit the animal, man and society, and do social institutions have deficiencies in rights and how to deal with animals:
9- - Is the effect of environmental pollution and climate change on animals?
10- - Is an animal a partner in the universe with man, and does he have a specific right to the enjoyment of life?
11- - What is meant by human transcendence (man’s supremacy) over animals?
12- - How Islamic Sharia concerned the rights and ethics of dealing with animals.
the importance of studying:
This study has a very great importance in our contemporary time, especially since this subject does not have its scientific status in the field of scientific research or general social life. where the intellectual outlook and applied treatment change.
Previous studies:
Previous studies have dealt with the ethics of dealing with animals, through philosophical ideas that defend animal rights through the legal position and through some human errors towards animals, and studies based on the disagreement between religions and ideas. that my message will add and deal with a part that will not be dealt with before, ”you may add”
- A new curriculum for the ethics of dealing with animals on the educational curricula during the educational stages.
- Adds a new vision of legal legislation in the Egyptian constitution related to animals and their rights.
- Adds a new vision of the concept of human transcendence (human supremacy) over animals.
- Adds a new vision to improve the breeding of animals through cloning and others. - Add some ideas that promote society through animal benefits.
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- Adds the positives that accrue to humans and the environment through the ethical treatment of humans towards animals.
- Add an idea not to harm the animal in the future.
- Adds an idea that protects animals from the effects of climate change on animals.
This study addresses:
- Dealing with the negative effects of animals, humans and the environment through human bad treatment towards animals. - Addressing the intellectual and cognitive error of man towards the treatment of animals. - It deals with issues in which philosophers and others differed, especially regarding rights and how to deal with animals. - Dealing with animal damage. - Dealing with environmental pollution and encroachment on nature that affected animals in general. Division of chapters: This study dealt with an introduction, an introductory introduction, five chapters, and a conclusion. As for the introduction, it dealt with the presentation of the topic, the reasons for choosing the research, the problem of the study, the questions, the importance of the study, previous studies, an introductory introduction, five chapters, and the study method.
Introductory entry:
( Firstly )
: 1- The concept of ethics, and the difference between morals and human characteristics: 2- Defining Applied Ethics:
3- Types of morals:
4- Sections of Ethics:
5- The importance of studying ethics:
6- The purpose of studying the philosophy of morals:
1- The concept of animal:
2- - Animal species:
3- - characteristics of the animal:
4- - The importance and benefits of the animal:
Third: An overview of man’s history with animals:
Fourth: The relationship of animals with themselves and others:
The first chapter:
the ethical position on environmental pollution and its harm to animals. (I) (environmental pollution and its damage to animals)
1- Defining the environment and environmental pollution:
2- Classes of pollutants:
3- Types, sources and causes of environmental pollution:
4- Negative effects of environmental pollution on animals:
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Second: The ethical position on environmental pollution and its harm