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Parents’ Awareness Program for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders \
Abdel-Maboud, Ibrahim Sehsah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ابراهيم صحصاح عبدالمعبود
مشرف / زينب عبدالحميد لطفى
مشرف / نرمين محمود شاكر
مشرف / سحر محمود
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
262 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الصحة النفسية
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from 262


Background: Public awareness about ASD needs improvement. Considerable misconceptions and misinformation were identified, which can be targeted by focused educational programs that facilitate the development of systematic and sustainable solutions for enhancing autism awareness and hence develop effective and sustainable public health solutions Aim: This study aimed to develop parents’ awareness program for early detection of autism spectrum disorders. Design: A quasi-experimental design (one group pre/posttest) was used to achieve the aim of this study. Setting: The study was conducted in Mehalet Mousa primary health care unit. Subject: convenient sample of 52 parents have a healthy child . Tools of data collection: 1) Socio-demographic data questionnaire 2) Knowledge of Typical Infant Behavior 3) Maternal Autism Knowledge Questionnaire 4) child interaction questionnaire. Results: The results of this study showed highly statistically significant difference regarding knowledge of typical infant behavior, knowledge of the early signs of autism, maternal knowledge of autism and parent-child interactions between pre and post implementation of the program. Conclusion: The current study concluded parents’ awareness program had positive effect parents’ knowledge regarding developmental milestones, early signs of autism, autism spectrum disorders and parent-child interactions that promote early detection of autism spectrum disorders. Recommendations: The current study recommended that, Parent training program implemented four times a year (every quarter), with new participants joining for early detection of developmental delay and developmental disorders.