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The Impact of Organizational Agility and Organizational
Culture on Achieving Organizational Excellence:
Besada, Mariam Kamal Younan Makkar.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مريم كمال يونان مقار بساده
مشرف / عبد المنعم السعيد
مناقش / غدير ابو العلا
مناقش / امانى درويش
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
197 P. :
السلوك التنظيمي وإدارة الموارد البشرية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التجارة - قسم ادارة الاعمال
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1. Introduction:
In a More and more moving business environment where change appears to be the only steady function, organizational agility has claimed to play a vital role in achieving continuous success. It includes a range of values and standards that if achieved perfectly, will produce a long term enhancement of an organization (Carvalho et al., 2017), this can be done through supplying the organization with the willingness of speedy reaction and consistency with the environment, matching and handling together new challenges, new operations and new methods that enables the organization to enhance its effectiveness. (Nafei, 2016)
The importance of organizational culture and its impact on individual behavior can also be highlighted according to 4 key ideas: First, learning about the culture of the organization permits people to comprehend both the history of the organization and the actual techniques of processing. Second, organizational culture can reinforce engagement to the organization’s standards and beliefs. This engagement creates a sense of operating towards the same goals. Third, organizational culture, through its values, serves as a control instrument for channeling attitudes towards wanted attitudes and absent from unwanted attitudes. Finally, certain kinds of organizational cultures may be linked straightly to maximal efficiency and output than competitors. (Lunenburg, 2011)
On another hand, the continuous change that we are living in nowadays, besides the continuous competition between organizations during this hard time created a great need for a push from these organizations to excel and to improve its activities, products and services in order to reach wider audience and larger number of customers in the market. So, in this case the concept of excellence is very important to achieve this. Therefore, the organization needs to make a self-assessment to see if it’s prepared for it or not. (Sinha & Arora, 2012)
For generating a long - term excellence-oriented culture, and to apply it in an ongoing track that aids promoting technical & individual elements, the researcher recommended that appropriate integration should be encouraged between the 3 concepts: organizational agility, organizational culture and excellence. (Carvalho et al., 2019)
The impact of organizational culture has claimed to be important for the powerful application of an excellence program. On the same hand, culture is hard to change and resistance is a normal reaction to any adjustments that don’t match the cultural framework of the organization. Based on this range, it is necessary to view agility as a new model, one that will assist coping with change, but at the same time will develop the change itself. (Carvalho et al., 2019)
A rational amount of internal change is needed to do so; this will first demand lots of deliberate work and attention in order to embrace the initial changes with the existing culture. Next, it is necessary to develop a constant cultural development, promoting evolutionary frame of a “culture of excellence” that each time is capable of obtaining new changes and to make the organization more flexible. By developing this integrated change operation, organizations will promote a more powerful “excellence-oriented culture”. (Carvalho et al., 2019)
Eventually, the researcher aim to absolutely set excellence as a normal output of agility, developing adaptability and guarantee sustainable success in the modern world (Carvalho et al., 2019). The researcher’s objective is to know how the accomplishment and administration of organization-wide agility can encourage the development of excellence, and how cultural factors can foster the evolution of the capabilities that permits organizations to cope with and react rapidly to the environmental changes, in both reactive and proactive way. (Carvalho et al., 2017)
2. Research Problem:
Under the unstable circumstances and pandemics surrounding the work environment over the past decade starting from the Egyptian revolution in 2011 till the spread of the Corona virus around the world in early 2020, as a result of this organizations were badly affected specially the hotel sector due to the shrinking number of tourists and the restrictions placed on travel and stay-at-home orders imposed by the authorities which led to rapid DROP in hotel room occupancy levels, staffing plans, food and beverage provisioning to the huge decline in revenues.
Accordingly, an urgent need to adapt to these changes was developed to ensure survival, and hence agility is claimed to be one of the foremost vital components that play a vital part in changing the strategies of organizations through using the speed of their reaction to the environmental factors that qualify them to achieve excellence and though a new culture embracing the principles of agility must be adopted by the employees working in these organizations to enable them be more flexible towards the ongoing circumstances.
Therefore, the problem of this research can be crystallized in the following question ”can organizational agility and organizational culture positively impact organizational excellence if well applied?”
3. Research Significance:
1. The huge academic significance that will add more knowledge through broadening the literature reviews with a subject that covers the impact of organizational agility and organizational culture on achieving organizational excellence.
2. The research fills a gap by being the first research to be applied in Egypt and in the hotel sector and this develops the idea of opening new scopes of strategic agility and organizational culture to align research areas with operational excellence in other sectors and other countries.
3. The likelihood of benefiting from the research findings and recommendations that will lead to providing decision-makers with certain knowledge that can assist them in taking suitable procedures to move forward towards agility and changing culture and thus improve excellence.
4. Research objectives:
1. To explore the employees’ perception about the dimensions of agility.
2. To assess the hotels’ culture.
3. To assess the impact of organizational agility and its dimensions on the organizational excellence in the hotel sector.
4. To investigate the impact of culture on organizational excellence in the hotel sector.
5. To provide recommendations that could help top management in the hotel sector in supporting the concept of organizational agility and adopting new culture that help improve the organizational excellence.

5. Research framework:

(Figure 1.6: Research framework)
(Source: prepared by the researcher)
6. Research Hypotheses:
We have two main hypotheses:
First: ”There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility on Organizational Excellence ”, derived from this hypothesis the following sub- hypotheses:
1. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Leadership.
2. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Policy and Strategy.
3. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on People.
4. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Partnerships and Resources.
5. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Processes.
6. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Customer Results.
7. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on People (Staff) Results.
8. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Society Results.
9. There is a significant impact of Organizational Agility and its dimensions on Key Performance Results.
Second: ”There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Excellence ”, derived from this hypothesis the following sub- hypotheses:
1. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Leadership.
2. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Policy and Strategy.
3. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on People.
4. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Partnerships and Resources.
5. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Processes.
6. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Customer Results.
7. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on People (Staff) Results.
8. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Society Results.
9. There is a significant impact of Organizational Culture and its dimensions on Key Performance Results.
7. Research Methodology:
The data are treated statistically by using computerized statistical techniques that are presented by statistical programs for social sciences (SPSS). These techniques will follow the following steps among the analysis in order to test the study hypotheses:
(Demographic analysis - Descriptive analysis - Test of normality for variables - Likert fifth scale of main dimensions votes - Test of responses reliability - Test of responses validity - Kruskial Wallis test for means differences - The correlation matrix - The multiple regression models)
8. Research Structure:
The research is addressed into six chapters:
Chapter 1: General framework.
Chapter 2: Literature review.
Chapter 3: Theoretical framework.
Chapter 4: Research methodology, findings and conclusion.
Chapter 5: Discussion of the findings.
Chapter 6: Limitations & recommendations for future research.
9. Research Findings:
- The dimensions of Organizational Agility (Responsiveness, Competency, Quickness and Flexibility) have a direct and significant impact on each dimension of Organizational Excellence (Leadership, Policy and strategy, People, Partnerships and resources, Processes, Customer results, People results, Society results, and Key performance results).
- The dimensions of Organizational Culture (Dominant characteristics, Organizational Leadership, Management of Employees, Organization Glue, Strategic Emphases and Criteria of Success) have a direct and significant impact on each dimension of Organizational Excellence (Leadership, Policy and strategy, People, Partnerships and resources, Processes, Customer results, People results, Society results, and Key performance results).
- Therefore; the researcher will accept the main study hypotheses and their sub-hypotheses.
Limitations: 10.
- The research occurred between 2020 and 2023 in which the reports that the researcher used were last updated at the end of 2020.
- A huge limitation of the current study was to convey a research study during a pandemic which relied on in-depth questionnaire for getting plenty and detailed information.
- The data was gathered from employees in Egypt, thus the findings may alter if it is implemented in other regions with diverse cultures and environmental, political and economic factors.
- The industry chosen in the study is the hotel sector therefore the outcomes might not be generalized to other industries.
- The survey’s answering methodology relies on the answers provided by the participants which may be exposed to the respondent bias.
11. Recommendations:
The following recommendations are mainly suggested by the researcher based on the findings of the statistical analysis.
- Management should focus on assessing how rapidly the hotel can meet the needs and complains of the customers this can enhance agility and thus achieve excellence.
- Management can develop the hotel excellence efforts with its agility initiatives by recognizing threats and opportunities in the internal and external environment, establishing an adequate action plan with a revised competitive practice and adjusting the proper resources that quickly react to these threats and opportunities in a timely manner.
- Good leaders can maximize people’s excellence by investing in multiple aspects of organizational agility such as empowering individuals with the latest features for knowledge management that enable them detect new opportunities and challenges.
- Leaders should also foster a culture of innovation, creativity and taking calculated risks besides adaptability and client focus this leadership activities can boost the hotel excellence.
- Supportive leadership should as well encourage building a culture of transparency, open communication and free flow of information from operational to strategic levels both vertically and horizontally.
- Establishing a culture of trust and openness that permits people to feel free to express their thoughts, provide their supervisors with feedback and make suggestions can raise the bar for excellence.
- Develop people’s efficiency through building a supportive organizational culture that enhance the quality of services by regularly carry out training and development programs in order to boost their capabilities and competence and hence attain increased excellence.
- The hotel must reevaluate how it perceives the value of its customers so personalizing and making each customer feel that he is the only one who matters are essential for highly excellent customer results.
- Treating the customers well, creating added value for them in addition to doing their best to satisfy the customers’ needs and expectations can also increase the customer results.
- Create a receiving complaints effective system and focus on customers’ opinions and their suggestions in order to enhance the service offered can attain excellence.
- Establish a thoroughly customized plan to enhance the hotel operations by considering which areas, policies, processes or departments require adjustments the most, this can enhance the hotel processes.
- Contact hotel personnel and guests on a regular basis to identify what’s functioning effectively and what isn’t, this will also help in discovering what can be done to enhance hotel processes.
- Provide guests with a mobile app for no-contact mobile check-in to be utilized as a digital room key this will ease day-to-day hotel processes.
-Appreciate the value of nature through providing eco-friendly vacations that can reduce the negative environmental effect this can reinforce the excellence of hospitality industry and thus enhance the Society Results.
12. Recommendations for Future Research:
- The same study can be carried out by comparing various-sized hotel types to determine if the degree of agility and excellence varies widely among various-sized service sectors.
-A comparative study can also be applied to comprise other hotels at the national and international scale and apply multi-criteria approaches to value indexes.
-A comparative study can also be performed to embrace other industries with a strong emphasis on organizational agility, culture and excellence.
- Consider organizational agility and organizational culture as dependent variables and organizational excellence as independent variable to examine the effect of various elements and evaluate if the results will remain the same or change.
- A future research might be focused on gathering information from the customers’ perspective.
- The impact of various management styles on the implementation success of OA and OE could be another interesting research area.