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Relationship between Person-Organization
Fit and Organizational Identification
among Staff Nurses /
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دعـاء حسـام الديـن محمد عبد العزيـز
مشرف / ربــــاب محمـــود حســـن
مناقش / سمــاح محمـــد السيـد
مناقش / وفــاء السيـــد هــــلال
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
162 P. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم ادارة التمريض
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In the light of the current study findings, it can be concluded that:
Less than two thirds (65%) of staff nurses had a high perception level regarding total person- organization fit. While, the minority (15%) of staff nurses had a low perception level regarding person- organization fit. More than two thirds (70%) of studied staff nurses had a high total perception level regarding organizational identification, while the minority (12%) of staff nurses had a low perception level regarding organizational identification. There was a highly statistically significance positive correlation between person-organization fit and organizational identification among staff nurses.

Based on the current study finding the following recommendations were proposed:
• The hospital management should consider the person organization fit in the selection and hiring of employees and training strategy.
• Organizations should develop strategies to ensure person organizational fit and create an attractive atmosphere that is under which nurses felt more supported.
• Inform staff nurses about the organization, provide in-service training, programs.
• The hospital should provide a meaningful work relations connection with nursing staff and health team members which should correspond to the nursing staff’s values.
• The hospital should build a system where support is always available so nursing staff won’t feel isolated and helpless at work.
• The hospital should construct a mechanism where nursing staff can exert their expertise and accomplish their tasks, and this mechanism can elicit nursing staff’s potential.
• The hospital should instill professional responsibility in nurses to improve the professional working relationship and communication between nursing staff and the hospital.
Further researches are suggested:
• The influence of person organization fit with nurses’ commitment level.
• Assess factors affecting person organizational fit.
• Person organization fit and its influencing on nurse’s loyalty and autonomy.
Person-organization fit is the match or overlap between the values and norms of the organization and the values of the individual. Person-organization fit focuses on the harmony of the person and the organization as a whole rather than a specific job, group, or occupational harmony (Cinar, 2019). Organizational identification has important effects on individual behavior and performance. Organizational identification of nurses is reflected in job performance and hospital success in achieving organizational goals, by maximizing organizational identification, nurses could improve their service concepts and attitudes. In this direction, they will achieve significant improvements in nurses’ extra-role performances (Kilica et al., 2020).
This study aimed to assess the relationship between person-organization fit and organizational identification among staff nurses through: Assessing person-organization fit as perceived by staff nurses, Assessing organizational identification as perceived by staff nurses and Finding out the relationship between person-organization fit and the organizational identification among staff nurses.
Research Question: What is the relationship between person-organization fit and organizational Identification among staff nurses?
A descriptive correlation of design was used to conduct this study and this study was conducted at Dar El Sheffa hospital which affiliated to specialized medical centers secretaries and it is located in Cairo government Also, Total number of nurses staff nurses who working in the above-mentioned setting participated in the study was (466) and sample size was(211) nurses.
Two main tools were used for data collection, namely Person’s organization fit scale and organizational identification questionnaire.
The results of current study revealed that Less than two thirds (65%) of staff nurses had a high perception level regarding total person- organization fit While, the minority (15%) of staff nurses had a low perception level regarding the total person- organization fit.
• More than two thirds (70%) of studied staff nurses had a high perception level regarding organizational identification While, the minority (12%) of staff nurses had a low perception level regarding the total organizational identification.
• Years of experience and marital status are significant predictors of studied staff nurses of organizational identification scores.
• There was a highly positive correlation between person- organization fit and organizational identification among staff nurses.
Based on the current study finding the following recommendations were proposed:
• The hospital management should consider the person organization fit in the selection and hiring of employees and training strategy.
• Organizations should develop strategies to ensure person organizational fit and create an attractive atmosphere that is under which nurses felt more supported.
• The hospital should provide a meaningful work relations connection with nursing staff and health team members which should correspond to the nursing staff’s values.
• The hospital should instill professional responsibility in nurses to improve the professional working relationship and communication between nursing staff and the hospital.
• The hospital should build a system where support is always available so nursing staff won’t feel isolated and helpless at work.