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Rate of Personality Disorders in a
Sample of Egyptian Students from
Ain Shams University /
Ahmed, Alaa Eladawy Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / آلاء العدوي احمد احمد
مشرف / ياسر عبد الرازق محمد حسن
مشرف / هشام أحمد عبد المجيد حتاتة
مشرف / حنان هانى حسن الرصاص
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
231 P. :
الطب النفسي والصحة العقلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - قسم طب المخ والاعصاب والطب النفسي
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Personality disorders are stable pattern across time life situation They are represented by significant impairment of self identity, Interpersonal, personality, functioning. personality disorders are associated with high mortality and comorbidity.
Personality disorders associated with disturbance in level function of the individual which may appear in level of education. PDs show high risk of chronically which in turn has negative effect and treatment out come .
The current study aimed to estimate rate of personality disorders among students of Ain Shams University. In addition, we compared between rate of personality disorders among medical, literary students. This comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 250 students who were divided into equal two groups: Medical group (n=125) and Literature (n=125). Tools used in this study included Semi-Structured Questionnaire to collect data (including Full history taking, personal history, history of present illness, past history, psychiatric history as well as medical history) based on the Institute of Psychiatry, Ain Shams University sheet, Structured clinical interview for DSM-IV axis I and II disorders (SCID I and II) were used for personality disorders and comorbid psychiatric disorders. All data gathered were recorded, tabulated and transferred on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) using personal computer and the suitable statistical parameters. Results were displayed to fulfill the purpose of the study.
On socio-demographic characteristics, age ranged from 18 to 25 years with mean ± SD of 20.67 ± 1.54. There were 115 student (46%) were “20-21 years”. As regards sex distribution, there was female predominance with 127 females with percentage 50.8%; as for the residency there were 126 student (50.4%) were living in urban areas; additionally there were 149 student (59.6%) were middle socioeconomic; majority of students were single 236 student (94.4%). There was significant difference between medical group and literature group according to socioeconomic level and academic “years”.
Among the two groups, the rate of personality disorder was 26 students (10.4%). The most common personality disorder was obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (7 students) followed by depressive personality disorder (6 students) then dependent and narcissistic personality disorders (3 students each). There was no significant difference between medical group and literature group regarding personality disorders.
Comorbid psychiatric disorders were evident in 26 students (10.4%). Of these students, dysthymic disorder was the most common (6 students, 23.1%) followed by depression and GAD (3 students each, 11.5%). There was no statistically significant difference between medical group and literature group according to comorbid psychiatric disorder.
Assessment of academic grades and troubles in school revealed that 61 students (24.4%) had high grades, 165 students (66%) had moderate grades and 24 students (9.6%) had low grades. Moreover, 41 students (16.4%) were irregular attendees, and 4 students (1.6%) were failing. There was no statistically significant difference between medical group and literature group according to grades or troubles in school.
There was no statistically significant difference between disorder and normal personality, according to type of faculty. However, there was significant association between presence of personality disorders and troubles in school. Moreover, the most significant predictors of personality disorder were comorbid psychiatric disorder.