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Reservoir Modelling of Nullipore Limestone in Bakr, Amer and Al-Hamd Fields :
Safa, Mona Gomaa Abd El-Hamied.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mona Gomaa Abd El-Hamied Safa
مشرف / Ahmed Mohamed Kamal Basal
مشرف / Mohammed Ahmed Omran Wadi
مشرف / Bassem Sayed Nabawy
Geology - Central Western Gulf of Suez - Egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
360 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة دمياط - كلية العلوم - الجيولوجيا
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The Seismic sequence stratigraphy of Bakr- Amer, and Al-Hamd fields, Gulf of Suez have been investigated and revealed that the penetrated stratigraphic succession was subdivided principally according to the lithology of the formations encountered in seven wells into three tectonostratigraphic mega-units (TMS) relative to the Miocene rifting in Gulf of Suez. The sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Syn-Rift Mega-sequence revealed that the Miocene succession in the Bakr, Amer and Al Hamd fields in the Gulf of Suez is subdivided into three major 3rd order depositional sequences (SQ-I, SQ-II and SQ-III). The structural setting of the studied fields shows major NNW-SSE trending normal fault system (Clysmic trend) which were initiated during Oligocene-Early Miocene time running through the entire map followed by step fault blocks on their sides. This trend is associated with a rapid subsidence (“mid-Clysmic” event) during deposition of the Miocene formations forming a major half graben by a major fault F1 with a SW dip direction. The magnitude of the fault throw increases with depth with slope change.
Matrix identification has been explained through either tri-porosity in general or lithological identification in specific and dia-porosity cross-plots for shale type determination are studied. Also, potassium versus thorium radioactive cross-plot for radioactive mineral type identification was also plotted. Also, the output petrophysical results of 7 wells (Al-Hamd-2, Amer-54, Bakr-110, Bakr-101, Bakr-100, Bakr-97, and Bakr-75) have been tabulated. Nullipore Member of Amer-54 well is predominated by glauconite, mica and illite representing an overall marine environment with reducing to transitional setting. While, Al-Hamd-2 well is characterized by an overwhelmed marine reducing environment with a predominant type of clay mineral which is the mixed- layered with some illite. Also, the predominated clay types in Bakr-110 well are the illite and mixed layered, with reducing condition of marine environment that permits the precipitation of the Uranium in the sequence. So, it is deduced that the Nullipore reefal limestone is a reducing environment, suitable for precipitating the Uranium through the pre-existing fissures in the rock.
- Applying the proposed petrographical-petrophysical workflow protocol is helpful for studying the Nullipore reefal carbonate sequences in the Gulf of Suez. These sequences are characterized by a poor to excellent storage capacity (6.52 ≤ He ≤ 43.1 %) and a tight to excellent flow capacity (0.007 ≤ k ≤ 1441 md). Heterogeneity of permeability was estimated using the Dykstra-Parsons’ technique; it is extremely highly heterogeneous values (V = 0.91). This heterogeneity caused discriminating the reservoir sequence into four hydraulic flow units (HFUs)/reservoir rock types (RRTs). Depositional cycle typically starts with boundstone at the base, passing upwards to grainstone/packstone, then wackestone to lime-mudstone and ends with anhydrite the four main facies associations of the reef flat and back reef facies are mostly controlled by fluctuations of eustatic sea-level and represent a shallowing-up pattern of the shoal complex. Reservoir quality changes according to facies variations, the best quality is associated with reefal facies (boundstone and grainstone), while the least quality is recorded at the top of the cycles by anhydritic and lime-mudstone facies.