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Evaluation of Bioceramic Putty in Comparison to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate regarding Marginal Adaptation and Bioactivity :
Yassien, Manar Mahmoud Abdulmegead.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / منار محمود عبدالمجيد يس
مشرف / إيهاب السيد حسانين
مشرف / طارق مصطفى عبدالعزيز
مناقش / إيهاب السيد حسانين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158 p. :
Oral Surgery
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - علاج الجذور
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Endodontic failure can be caused by iatrogenic errors such as root perforation, ledge formation, separated instruments as well as missed canals. These failures can be managed by nonsurgical or surgical procedures.
The healing process and prognosis depend on rapid intervention and the correct choice of repair material. An intimate seal between the repair filling material and the root canal wall is a significant component that influences treatment results. The repair material should be adequate, biocompatible, noncytotoxic, bioactive, antibacterial, insoluble and should have a bond strength with radicular dentin characteristics. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is essentially a classical bioceramic material, yet have several drawbacks such as poor handling, prolonged setting time, discoloration and its availability as a powder/liquid system, which increase the liability of significant material loss. To conquer these issues, bioceramic materials have been developed.
Bioceramics are non-toxic, biocompatible, dimensionally and chemically stable within the biological environment. Recently, premixed bioceramics have been introduced to gain the advantage of uniform consistency and lack of waste. Neoputty MTA® is a bioactive premixed bioceramic material with superior handling properties.

The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare Bioceramic putty to MTA as a root-end filling and as a perforation repair regarding marginal adaptation to radicular dentin and bioactivity.
Sixty extracted single rooted sound human anterior teeth were prepared and obturated. Roots were resected, retrograde cavities were ultrasonically created and the materials under research were inserted.
Twenty extracted mandibular molars were decoronated and intentional perforation was performed in the center of the pulpal floor using a cylindrical block. The materials tested were inserted.
Marginal Adaptation:
Concerning root-end filling, teeth were divided into 2 groups (n=10) according to the tested material. group I: MTA Angelus and group II: Neoputty MTA. Each group was subdivided into two subgroups (n=5) according to the liquid in which the setting of the materials took place (Blood and DW). After complete setting, dentin discs 2 mm in thickness with the filling material in their core were obtained.
Marginal adaptation was tested by examination of the discs under 200X 1500X magnification using a SEM to determine the adaptation of the root-end filling to the dentin walls in micrometers. The largest gap was measured for each specimen and the mean value was calculated. The data was collected and statistically analyzed.
The results showed that in this study, blood contaminated MTA showed widest gap followed by blood contaminated Neoputty MTA while the least gap was present in MTA Angelus and Neoputty MTA in DW. There was no statistically significant difference between MTA Angelus and Neoputty MTA and there was no statistically significant difference between lood and DW.
Concerning perforation repair, specimens were divided into 2 groups (n=10) according to the tested material. group I: MTA Angelus and group II: Neoputty MTA. The adaptability was evaluated by SEM and presence of any gap between the dentin surface and filling material in each quadrant of sample were analyzed at 1500 X magnification. The results have shown the highest frequent distribution of gap presence recorded for MTA Angelus in comparison to Neoputty MTA. The difference in frequent distribution of gap between groups was statistically not significant.
Speciemns were divided into 2 groups (n=20) according to the tested material. group I: MTA Angelus and group II: Neoputty MTA. Each group was subdivided into two subgroups (n=10) according to the liquid in which the setting of the materials took place (Blood and DW). After complete setting, dentin discs 2 mm in thickness with the filling material in their core were obtained.
Bioactivity testing was done using SEM for morphological analysis and EDXA for elemental analysis and calculation of Ca/P ratios. Results were tabulated and statistically analyzed.
The results showed that in this study, there was statistically significant difference between blood-contaminated and non-contaminated groups of Neoputty MTA and MTA Angelus at specific phase of crystal deposition. Blood delays the apatite forming ability of both materials but do not prevent its formation.