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130 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم البساتين
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This experiment was conducted at the post-harvest laboratory, Horticulture department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University during the 2020 and 2021 seasons.
This study aims to evaluate the effect of some postharvest treatments on the storage life and quality of the Cal tomato cultivar.
Tomato fruits are collected in the stage of turning and show a clear transition to the greenish-yellow, pink, red, or a mixture of these colors in an area of 20-30% of the fruit surface. where the fruits were purchased from a farm, they are free from physiological defects, fungal diseases, and almost uniform size. Afterward, tomato fruits were dipped in four different solutions of aloe vera gel (10%), starch (2%) plus citric acid (1%), casein 2.5 % and control (distilled water), then fruits were stored at the optimum conditions (8±1°C,90-95% RH) for 28 days.
The obtained results are summarized as follows:
1- There was a significant increment in the weight loss percentage of tomato fruits with an extension of storage time.
2- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments had significantly the lowest value of weight loss percentage as compared to uncoated fruits which had the highest value of weight loss percentage.
3- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments had the lowest score of decay percentage as compared with uncoated fruits which had the highest significant score of decay percentage.
4- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments had the lowest score of wrinkling as compared with uncoated fruits which had the highest score of wrinkling.

5- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments maintained the firmness of fruits at the end of storage time. Coated fruit tomato had the highest value of firmness, while the uncoated fruits had the lowest value.
6- General appearance of fruit tomatoes is reduced by extending storage time.
7- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments maintained the general appearance of fruits during storage. Coated fruits significantly showed the highest score of the general appearance whereas uncoated fruit showed the lowest score.
8- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments delayed the stage of ripeness score of fruits. Coated fruits significantly showed the lowest score of the stage of ripeness while uncoated fruits showed the highest score.
9- In the first and second seasons, all coating treatments increased the storability of fruit tomatoes. Coated fruits exposed the highest value of storability whereas uncoated fruits exposed the lowest value.
10- Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% was the most effective treatments to increase the titratable acidity of fruit tomatoes in the first and second seasons. Coated fruits significantly obtained the highest value of titratable acidity, while uncoated fruits showed the lowest value.
11- Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% was the most effective treatment that maintain the ascorbic acid content of tomato fruits at the end of storage time in the first and second seasons. Coated fruits significantly showed the highest value of ascorbic acid content, while the uncoated fruits showed the lowest value.

12- Total soluble solids of tomato fruits were increased with the extension of storage time at the optimum conditions (8±1°C,90-95%RH).
13- In the first and second seasons, total soluble solids sharply increased in the uncoated fruits, while slightly increased in coated fruits during storage time.
14- Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% was the most effective treatment in preserving the lycopene content in the first and second seasons. Coated fruits significantly showed the highest value whereas the uncoated fruits were the lowest value.
15- In the first and second seasons, Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% were the most effective treatment in maintaining the total phenolic compounds at the end of the storage period. Coated fruits with aloe vera gel and starch significantly showed the highest value of the total phenolic compounds and uncoated fruit was the lowest value at the end of the storage period.
16- In the first and second seasons, Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% were the most effective treatments in increasing the activity of peroxidase enzyme as an antioxidant at the end of the storage period. Coated fruits with aloe vera gel and starch significantly showed the highest value of the activity of peroxidase enzyme and uncoated fruit was the lowest value at the end of the storage period.
17- In the first and second seasons of 2020/2021, Aloe vera gel at 10% and starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% were the most effective treatments in decreasing the activity of polyphenol oxidase enzyme at the end of the storage period. Coated fruits with aloe vera gel and starch significantly showed the lowest value of the activity of polyphenol oxidase enzyme and uncoated fruit was the highest value at the end of the storage period.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated that aloe vera gel at 10% starch at 2% plus citric acid at 1% as an edible coating treatment after harvest is a promising, eco-friendly, and biodegradable treatment to extend the storability and maintain the quality of tomato fruits after harvest.