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Elbaz, Noran Elsayed Abdelmaksoud.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نوران السيد عبد المقصود الباز
مشرف / شيماء محمد كامل
مشرف / أيمن محمد عاصم
مشرف / شريف مراد عبد القادر
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
172 p. :
الهندسة المعمارية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الهندسة - الهندسة المعمارية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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According to the classification of UNESCO, the world heritage is divided into natural and cultural heritage. In turn, cultural heritage (CH) is divided into two broad categories, tangible cultural heritage, and intangible cultural heritage. All of them reflect universal values that must be a legacy for future generations. Despite different applications of BIM in the field of design and evaluation of buildings, a few projects have looked at Building Information Modelling as a technology that can improve the representation tangible heritage knowledge. The complex modeling of cultural heritage through BIM software leads to the consideration of the concept of Heritage BIM (H-BIM), which aims at the modeling of architectural elements, according to artistic, historic, and constructive typologies. In addition to virtually reconstructing the built heritage. The current H-BIM tools are mostly used for only existing Historic buildings; this research aims to propose a framework of interoperable heterogeneous data sets management H-BIM system for virtual historic to preserving the value of the deteriorated heritage buildings. The main goal of the research is to create a framework of heterogeneous data sets management of H-BIM virtual reconstructing of historic buildings which would be interoperable with various platforms of different usage, to help H-BIM to expand the preserving value of the heritage buildings and introduce an innovative method to reach public users. This study uses different methods to achieve the goals and objectives of the research, between (Deductive, inductive). The study methods, tools, and research techniques, used integrates with each other, building the overarching analytical framework. The proposed Framework introduced in this thesis is based on reflections imposed by the specificity and peculiarity of historic buildings, starting with a survey of the object of study, aims at the creation of BIM models useful for historic building documentation, and that can serve as a starting point for restoration projects, maintenance, and management. It is applied on a unique example of historic buildings “Al-Masjid Al-Nabawy,” and precisely on “Bab Al-Salam” area, as a clear example of the superimposed layers through the years, elaborate the framework data sets of “Bab Al-Salam” H-BIM model, where the integration of tangible historical documentation into a single parametric object. The interdisciplinarity between different fields of human and applied science like (Architecture, Cultural Heritage, History, Computing Technology …etc.) lead the study to use different methods to achieve the goals and objectives of the research, between Deductive, inductive methods. The main contribution of this research was to create a framework that covers the spectrum of non-existing historic buildings, create an interoperable heterogenous data sets management system of virtual historic buildings, introduce life documentation of historic buildings, present a non-conventional way of disseminating cultural heritage, introduce a sustainable method of preservation of historic buildings through an extensive method of preservation, and finally elaborate a lite platform for a wider dissemination of architectural heritage that can reach public users.