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102 P. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسمتكنولوجيا الزراعة المحمية في المناطق القاحلة
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This experiment was conducted in the 2018 and 2019 planting seasons in June and July in a nutrient film system. And that is on a private farm in the area of Kilo 58, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road - Giza Governorate. In order to study the effect of some organic compounds in reducing the harmful effect of high temperature on the growth and quality of the crop of the heads of lettuce plants of Patagonia and Bruma hybrid grown with the nutrient film technique
6.1 Effect of hybrids (Patagonia and Bruma):
• Patagonia hybrid gave the best values in terms of number of leaves and head diameter while the values were lower in Bruma hybrid in these characteristics.
• Patagonia hybrid gave the lowest value in stem length while Bruma hybrid gave the tallest stem in both two seasons in this study.
• The fresh and dry weight of the heads of lettuce plants recorded the highest values in the Patagonia variety, while the values were lower in the second hybrid Bruma.
• The results showed that the values of chlorophyll were the highest in the first class in Patagonia, while it was the lowest in the second hybrid Bruma.
• The results of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium in leaves of head lettuce plants were higher in hybrid Patagonia than hybrid Bruma.
• Patagonia hybrid gave lower values in terms of the percentage of nitrates in the leaves, while the Bruma gave relatively higher values in terms of the percentage of nitrates.
• Patagonia hybrid gave the best results in terms of total and marketable yield and was lower in the values of the unmarketable crop, while the values in the Bruma hybrid were lower in the total and marketable yield and higher in the values of the unmarketable crop.

6.2 Effect of organic compounds:
• The highest results were obtained for the number of leaves when applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm/liter, while the lowest results were obtained when applying the control treatment (without organic compounds).
• The application of an amino acid treatment at the highest rate (4 cm/liter) led to obtaining the highest values in fresh and dry weight in head lettuce plants in the second place, an antioxidant treatment at a rate of 3 g/liter.
• Applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm/L gave the highest results in the characteristics of head diameter and number of leaves, while the control treatment (without organic compounds) gave the lowest results in these characteristics.
• Applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm/L gave the shortest stem, while the control treatment (without organic compounds) gave the tallest stem in this study.
• The highest values were obtained for total chlorophyll content when applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm/L compared to all treatments in the experiment.
• Using the highest rate of amino acids at a rate of 4 cm/liter gave the highest values in the ratios of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium and calcium in the leaves of the head lettuce plants, while the control treatment gave the lowest values in the ratios of the previous elements.
• The lowest percentage of nitrates in lettuce leaves was obtained when applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm / liter compared to the control that gave the highest percentages of nitrates.
• The highest total yield, marketable yield, stem length and head diameter were obtained when plants were treated with amino acids at a rate of 4 cm / liter, and the antioxidant treatment 3 g / liter came in second place.
• The unmarketable yield decreased when the amino acid treatment was applied at a rate of 4 cm/L, while the highest values were obtained during the control treatment.

• Using the highest concentration of amino acids at a rate of 4 cm/liter gave the highest values in the ratios of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in the heads of lettuce leaves, while the control treatment gave the lowest percentages.
• The lowest values of nitrates were obtained in head lettuce leaves when applying an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm/liter compared to the control that gave the highest values in nitrates.
6.3 Effect of interactions:
• The highest values were obtained in fresh weight, plant dry weight, head diameter and number of leaves/head in lettuce plants treated with amino acids at a rate of 4 cm/liter in Patagonia and Bruma hybrid, while the lowest values were obtained in the previous traits in plants Lettuce that has not been treated with organic compounds (control).
• The effect of interaction between the two factors, the presented data show that the shortest plant stems were observed with those plants that follow the Patagonia hybrid it was supplied with amino acids at 4.0 cm3/L. While the tallest stem of lettuce plants was detected in the Bruma hybrid without supplying them with organic compounds.
• The highest values were obtained in the total content of chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the leaves of lettuce plants, which were treated with an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm / liter, while the lowest percentages were obtained for the previous traits in lettuce plants that did not apply organic compounds. with her.
• The highest values of nitrates were obtained in the leaves of the heads of lettuce plants in the plants of the Bruma hybrid, and no organic compounds were applied to them, while the lowest values of nitrates were obtained in the leaves of the heads of lettuce plants of the Patagonia hybrid, and they were treated with an amino acid treatment at a rate of 4 cm / liter
• The highest values were obtained from kidney yield, marketable yield, head length and head diameter in Patagonia variety, and they were treated with amino acids at a rate of 4 cm / liter, while the lowest values were obtained in the previous traits in Bruma hybrid without treating plants with organic compounds (control).
• The highest values were obtained in the unmarketable crop of the Bruma hybrid, and the organic compounds were not applied to it, while the lowest values were obtained in the unmarketable crop in the Patagonia, and its amino acid treatment was applied at a rate of 4 cm / liter.
• The highest values were obtained in the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the heads of lettuce plants in the Patagonia, and they were treated with amino acids at a rate of 4 cm / liter, while the lowest percentages were obtained in the previous elements of plants in the Bruma hybrid without adding organic compounds to it. (Control).