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Meleha, Ahmed Ali Abd El-Fattah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد على عبد الفتاح على مليحة
مشرف / محمود عبد الحليم أبو زيد
مشرف / محمدي ابراهيم الخرباوى
مشرف / عزت محمد سليمان
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
156 p. :
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - العلوم الزراعية البيئية
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During 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 seasons, the current study was conducted at the experimental farm, Water Studies and Research Complex (WSRC) Station, National Water Research Center, Toshka, Aswan, Egypt. Durum wheat crop (Triticum durum L.) of (Sohag3) and faba bean crop (Vicia faba L) of (Nobaria 1) used to improve water productivity under different irrigation regimes, potassium fertilization rates and Super Absorbent Polymer in sandy loam soils irrigated with ground water. Twelve treatments were created by combining the three irrigation regimes adequate (100%), moderate (80%) and deficient (60%) from crop evapotranspiration (ETC), Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) in the form of hydroxyethylcellulose at the rate of (6 g/kg soil) application rates (compared with control) by mixing with soil and two potassium fertilization in the form of potassium sulphate (48% K2O) rates (50 and 100 % K). These were then replicated five times and put in a completely random pattern (split-split) in both seasons.
The data revealed that 100% ETC + adding SAP + 100% potassium exhibited the highest durum wheat and faba bean crop productivity. However, 60% ETC without adding SAP + 50% potassium recorded the lowest durum wheat faba bean crop productivity.
It was found that the productivity of durum wheat and faba bean crop under water level of (60%) of crop evapotranspiration (ETC) + 100% K + adding SAP is equivalent to the productivity of the two crops under water level of 80% of crop evapotranspiration + 50% K without polymer.
It was found that the productivity of durum wheat and faba bean crop under water level of 80% of crop evapotranspiration (ETC) + 100% K + adding SAP is equivalent to the productivity of the two crops under water level of 100% of crop evapotranspiration (ETC) + 100% K without polymer.
It was found that the durum wheat crop and faba bean productivity under water level of 80% of crop evapotranspiration + 50% K + adding SAP is equivalent to the productivity of the two crops under water level of 100% of crop evapotranspiration + 50% K without polymer.
The amounts of irrigation water were varied according to the variation in climate demands of each growth period. The irrigation times were varied according to the amounts of irrigation water and discharge rate. In the winter seasons of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, wheat grains of Sohag 3 cultivar were sown on November 28th in both seasons, with a rate of 60 kg grains / fed. Wheat plants were harvested on the first week of April in two seasons. Also, faba bean grains of Nobaria 1 cultivar were sown on November 4th in both seasons, with a rate of 50 kg grains / fed. Faba bean plants were harvested on the first week of April in two seasons.
When the comparison between the three treatments (irrigation levels, SAP. potassium levels) in both seasons to wheat and faba bean crop were significant all levels where experiments proved that both plant height, spike length, number of spike/m 2, number of grains/spike, biological yield, grain yield, 1000-grain weight and straw yield for wheat crop and plant height, number of pods /m 2, biological yield, grain yield, 100-grain weight and straw yield for faba bean crop gave significant results. All interactions effects among the studies factors were insignificant indicating that the tested crops were similarly responded to both the irrigation regimes and adding SAP, potassium treatment except for the interaction between irrigation and SAP in some factors.
-Measurements were recorded on the following characters:
The presentation and analysis of the results in this investigation will be discussed in the following:
1-The height irrigation water use efficiency to wheat crop in (2019-2020and 2020-2021) seasons used (60%) ETC treatment plus super absorbent polymers (SAP) treatment in the form of Hydroxyethylcellulose at the level of 6gm/kg soil and 100% potassium sulphate (48% K2O), ranged between (1.64 - 1.69) kg / m3 while, the lowest irrigation water use efficiency to wheat crop in (2019-20and 2020-21) seasons used (100%) ETC treatment without adding (SAP) and 50% potassium ranged between (1.12 - 1.17) kg / m3.
2-The height irrigation water use efficiency to Faba bean crop in (2019-2020and 2020-2021) seasons used (60%) ETC treatment plus super absorbent polymers (SAP) treatment in the form of Hydroxyethylcellulose at the level of 6gm/kg soil and 100% potassium sulphate (48% K2O), ranged between (0.83 - 1.05) kg / m3 while, the lowest irrigation water use efficiency to Faba bean crop in (2019-20and 2020-21) seasons used (100%) ETC treatment without adding (SAP) and 50% potassium , ranged between (0.56 - 0.71) kg / m3.
Wheat experiment
Plant height (cm)
The results reveal that the different irrigation regimes, super absorbent polymers (SAP) and potassium sulphate treatments exerted significant effect on plant height in both seasons. In general, the plants under treatment (60%) Etc. were shorter than the plants under (100%) Etc. Also increasing water levels and adding SAP and using potassium levels increased plant height where a reduction in irrigation water to (60%) Etc. exerted a significant effect on plant height when compared with control treatment (100%) Etc. for (SAP, Control) treatment. The lowest values of plants height obtained at the (60%) Etc. treatment without adding SAP was recorded (86.3) cm in 50% potassium in the first season and (84.3) cm in 50% potassium sulphate in the second season. The highest values of plants height were at the (100%) Etc. treatment with adding SAP was (100.3) cm in 100% potassium in the first season and (101.6) cm in 100% potassium in the second season.
- Biological yield kg per m2:
Data revaled that the biological yield of durum wheat crop was recorded a significant effect whereas the highest values (1.46 kg/m2) at irrigation water applied for treatment 100% Etc. When adding super absorbent polymer (SAP) in the form of Hydroxyethylcellulose at the level of 6gm/kg soil. and 100% potassium sulphate (48% K2O). While the lowest values of the biological yield of durum wheat crop was recorded (0.85 and 1.0 kg/m2) at irrigation water applied for treatment 60% Etc. without adding super absorbent polymer. and 50% potassium sulphate (48% K2O). Finally, all interactions effects among the studies factors were insignificant indicating that the tested crop were similarly responded to both the irrigation regimes and adding SAP, potassium sulphate treatment except for the interaction between irrigation and SAP.
- Grain yield /fed. (Ardab):
These presented results show that irrigation regimes, super absorbent polymer (SAP) in the form of Hydroxyethylcellulose at the level of 6gm/kg soil. and potassium sulphate treatment exerted a significant effect on wheat grain yield which obtained high values with increasing irrigation water, potassium sulphate level and using super absorbent polymer (SAP). In the first season, when adding polymer, we get (13.3-16.9-17.1) ardab/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium, while50% potassium sulphate gave (11.3-15.5-16.9) ardab /fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. And the treatment without adding (SAP) data record (12.3-14.9and16.8) ard. /fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (10.0-13.4and 15.8) ardab. /fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. In the second season, when adding (SAP) we get (13.1-15.7 and 16.5) ard./fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc. , respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (12.3-15.7 and 16.0) ardab./fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc. , respectively and the treatment without adding (SAP) while data recorded (12.6-14.9 and 15.7) ard./fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc. , respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (11.8-14.2 and 14.4) ardab./fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc. , respectively. Morever all studied interaction were not significant in both seasons.
- Straw yield per fed (ton):
The results show that irrigation, SAP and potassium sulphate treatment exerted a significant effect on Straw yield in both seasons, where the heights values (3.46 and 3.61 ton/fed.) without application of SAP and (3.58 and 3.63 ton/fed.) with application of SAP in both seasons, respectively in 100% etc. 100% potassium sulphate. And (3.28 and 3.76 ton/fed.) without application of SAP and (3.42 and 3.64 ton/fed.) with application of SAP in both seasons, respectively in 100% etc. 50% potassium sulphate. It is clear from these results that all studied interaction effects were not significant in both seasons except for the interaction between irrigation and SAP in the second season.
-Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) for wheat crop:
the irrigation water use efficiency in (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) seasons used (60 %) ETC treatment plus Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) treatment and (100%) potassium sulphate (50% K) was (1.64 - 1.69) kg/m3, while the irrigation water use efficiency was (1.24 - 1.52) kg/m3 in (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) seasons used (60 %) ETC treatment without adding (SAP) and (50%) potassium .Thus, it is clear that the irrigation water efficiency increases with adding Super Absorbent Polymer and increasing potassium levels. The irrigation water use efficiency is increased as a direct result of reducing the accumulation of dry matter with a rate less than that of reducing the amount of irrigation water.
-Faba bean experiment
- Plant height (cm)
The results reveal that different irrigation regimes, super absorbent polymer (SAP) and potassium sulphate treatment exerted significant effect on plant height in both seasons. In general, the plants cultivated under irrigation water applied for treatment (60%) Etc. was shorter than the plants under (100%) Etc. Also increasing water levels, potassium sulphate and adding (SAP) increased plant height where a reduction in irrigation water to (60%) Etc. exerted a significant effect on plant height when compared with (100%) Etc. for (SAP, Control) treatment. The lowest values of plants height were recorded 47.6 cm in the first season and 68.4 cm in the second season at the (60%) Etc. treatment +50% potassium sulphate without adding (SAP). The highest values of plants height were at the (100%) Etc. treatment with adding (SAP) was (126.0) cm in 100% potassium sulphate in the first season and (125.8) cm in 100% potassium sulphate in the second season.
- Biological yield kg per fed:
The results indicated that increasing the irrigation water, potassium sulphate and adding super absorbent polymer (SAP) exerted a significant effect on biological yield giving the highest values (3241.9, 3265.5 kg/fed.) at 100% Etc. treatment with adding SAP in both seasons respectively for 100% potassium sulphate. The lowest values (1598.6 ,2226.0kg/fed.) were obtained at 60% Etc. treatment without adding SAP in the first and second seasons for 50% potassium respectively. All interactions effects among the studies factors were insignificant indicating that the tested crop were similarly responded to both irrigation regimes and adding SAP, potassium treatment.
- Seed yield /fed. (kg):
These presented results show that irrigation water, potassium sulphate and super absorbent polymer (SAP) treatments exerted a significant effect on faba bean seed yield which obtained high values with increasing irrigation water and using polymers. In the first season, when adding polymer, we get (934.5-1302.0-1459.5) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (882.0-1921.5-1417.5) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. And the treatment without adding polymers was get (819-1921.5-1375.5) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (724.5-1260-1344) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. In the second season, when adding polymer, we get (1218-1312.5-1470) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium sulphate, while50% potassium sulphate gave (1207.5-1291.5-1428) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. And the treatment without adding polymers was get (1081.5-1270.5-1386) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively for 100% potassium, while50% potassium sulphate gave (1008-1249.5-1365) kg/fed., at 60, 80and 100 % Etc., respectively. Morever all studied interaction were not significant in both seasons except for the interaction between irrigation and SAP.
- Straw yield per fed (kg):
polymer (SAP) and potassium sulphate treatment exerted a significant effect on Straw yield in both seasons, where the heights values (1677.4and 1690.5kg/fed.) without application of SAP and (1782.4and 1795.5 kg/fed.) with application of SAP in both seasons, respectively in 100% etc. 100% potassium sulphate. And (1638.0and 1664.3 kg/fed.) without application of SAP and (1729.9and 1743.0 kg/fed.) with application of SAP in both seasons, respectively in 100% etc. 50% potassium sulphate. It is clear from these results that all studied interaction effects were not significant in both seasons except for the interaction between irrigation and SAP.
-Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) for faba bean crop:
Irrigation water use efficiency in (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) seasons used (60 %) ETC treatment plus Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) treatment and (100%) potassium sulphate (50% K) was (0.83 - 1.05) kg/m3, while the irrigation water use efficiency was (0.82 - 1.04) kg/m3 in same seasons used (60 %) ETC treatment without adding (SAP) and (50%) potassium .Thus, it is clear that the irrigation water efficiency increases with adding Super Absorbent Polymer and increasing potassium levels. The irrigation water use efficiency is increased as a direct result of reducing the accumulation of dry matter with a rate less than that of reducing the amount of irrigation water
-The General Recommendations:
The highest wheat and faba bean crops productivity was obtained when used 100% Etc. treatment and with adding super absorbent polymer (SAP) and increasing potassium sulphate level, so this treatment combination should be applied if there is no problem in irrigation water because it increases productivity. However, the lowest wheat and faba bean crops productivity was obtained when used (60%) Etc. and with adding (SAP) and increasing potassium sulphate level, so, this treatment should be applied if we have problem in irrigation to save water.
It could be concluded that adding super absorbent polymer and increase in the level of potassium has an effective on increasing durum wheat and faba bean crops productivity in Toshka, in addition to the role of polymers in providing about 20% from water requirements of wheat and faba bean crops .