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A Pragmatic Study of the Speech Acts of Praise and Compliment in the
Public Statements of Trump, May and Trudeau /
Ali, Nermine Hamed Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نرمين حامد أحمد على
مشرف / نادية عبد الجليل شلبى
مشرف / نيفين سعيد السعيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
216 P. :
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - قسم اللغة الانجليزية
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from 216


This study aims to analyse the different speech acts of praise one year before the
results of the second term elections came out for the former US president, Donald Trump
(January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021, when he was in office), the former British prime
minister, Theresa May (July 13, 2016 – July 24, 2019, when she was in office), and the
Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau (November 4, 2015 – present). The aim of this
study is to analyse the different lexical items such as adjectives, nouns, adverbs, and
pronouns, contexts, topics, objects, and functions of the speech acts of praise which
occurred in their social media public statements within the mentioned time frame. The
corpus of this research included 206 speech acts of praise which were delivered by the
mentioned leaders. The analytical framework which was adopted in this research is the
pragmatic approach, and the speech act of praise model was used to analyse the data in
this study. In addition to this, the frequency of occurrence of the different lexical items used by the three political leaders was investigated by using the corpus software AntConc (3.5.8). It was found that the three leaders used similar lexical items such as adjectives, nouns, adverbs and first-person pronouns. Moreover, it was found that the three leaders delivered their speech acts of praise within different contexts and that the self-praise speech acts were mostly delivered within the “campaigning for the elections” context. Also, the brag statement type of self-praise was performed by the three leaders more than the evidential and proxy types of self-praise.
keywords: speech acts, praise, compliment, self-praise, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, politics, social media