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Performance Of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs \
El-Kassas, Ahmed Ismail Hamdy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد إسماعيل حمدي القصاص
مشرف / علاء علي بشندي
مناقش / يسري بيومي شاهين
مناقش / خالد فوزي خليل
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. Concrete Slabs. Building Materials. Glass Fibers. Reinforced Concrete. Floors, Concrete.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
p. 216 :
الهندسة المدنية والإنشائية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة المدنية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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In practice, reinforced concrete flat slab structural solutions are usually used.
However, there is a significant flaw in this system: punching shear failure of the slabs due to excessive stress concentrations around the slab-column connections. The classic shear reinforcing method uses stirrups to increase the punching shear capacity in Egyptian regulations. In the current work, normal strength concrete and high strength
self-compacted concrete were used, and their effects on the ultimate bearing capacity was presented and discussed. Two types of fibers (steel fiber as a traditional type and basalt fiber as a new type) were added to high-strength self-compacted concrete with and without shear reinforcement to enhance the structural performance of flat slabs. Eleven test specimens were cast and tested at the laboratory. The obtained experimental ”EXP.” results are verified with the results extracted from finite element
”F.E.” analysis. F.E. models were investigated using ANSYS 19.0 program and their outcomes were validated by the obtained EXP. findings. The results were obtained in terms of the first crack load, and the ultimate load, crack patterns at the first crack load and the ultimate load, load-deflection curves at different locations, energy absorption, load-strain curves at different locations, deformed shapes, modes of failure, and normal
stress distributions of concrete. Tests showed that the ultimate load increased by about 90.36% and 250.397%, respectively due to the effect of the high strength selfcompacted concrete compared with Normal strength concrete. Furthermore, adding basalt fiber as new used type gave results close to traditional type fiber (steel fiber). The percentage of 1% in two fiber types is more effective than 2% compared with 0% in all slabs with and without shear reinforcement ”RFT.” Shear RFT (stirrups) increases the ultimate and cracking loads for fibrous high strength self-compactedreinforced concrete (FHSSCRC) flat slabs. This research presented a proposed equation by adding a new coefficient to the equations of the American code (ACI 318) and the Egyptian code (ECP 203) to calculate the punching shear capacity. These modified equations gave excellent results compared to the experimental results and the results previously obtained from the unmodified code equations.