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Psychological Well-Being and Perceived Social Support among Parents Having Children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder \
Dina Roshdy Fatoom
هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / دينا رشدى فطوم
مشرف / رانيا عبد الحميد زكي
مشرف / هدى سيد محمد
مناقش / رانيا عبد الحميد زكي
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
219 p. :
الصحة العقلية النفسية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
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Background: Raising a child with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a massive challenge for the parents, causing a significant negative impact on their psychological wellbeing. Social support is an important aspect that positively affects the psychological wellbeing. Aim: This study was aiming to assess psychological well-being and Perceived social support among parents having children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. Subjects: this study was conducted on 100 family caregivers of children with ADHD. Setting: This study was conducted at Pediatric Outpatient Clinics at Abbassia Mental Health hospital. Tools: Data were collected using: 1) Interviewing Demographic Questionnaire, 2) Ryff’s psychological well-being scale and 3) Multidimensional scale of perceived social support. Results: Findings of the present study showed that two-thirds (66 %) of the studied sample, had low social support and the highest mean of psychological wellbeing scale was in personal growth (51.2±6.46) followed by environmental mastery (48.7±13.8), autonomy (39.2± 9.86) and there were positive relations between psychological wellbeing subscales of the parents caring for their children with ADHD. Conclusion: this study concluded that more than three quarter of parents of children with ADHD have low psychological wellbeing and two thirds of them, had low social support about caring of their children with ADHD and there was a positive correlation between levels of psychological well-being and perceived social support of the parents caring for their children with ADHD. Recommendations: The study recommended the utilization of the study results in designing and implementing a counseling program geared towards parents of children with ADHD to guide them on how to cope with burden of care and enhancing their social support in order to maintain a normal life style at highest possible level of quality of life which consequently enhancing their psychological well-being. Also, this study recommended, replication of the study on a larger sample and in different geographical areas in Egypt for generalization of findings.