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Tracking both the Source and Quality of the Regionally Produced Olive Oil Using Chemical and Compositional Analysis of the Oil /
ElMadany, Mahmoud Ahmad Abd ElKader Mohammed Sfatee.
هيئة الاعداد
مناقش / محمود احمد السفتي
مشرف / عبدالله عبد الرازق عمر
مشرف / محمد ابراهيم ابو شعير
مشرف / ريهام سعيد ابراهيم
Olive Oil - Analysis. Pharmacognosy.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
54 p. :
العلوم الصيدلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الصيدلة - العقاقير
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Olive oil is one of oldest food commodity known for human kind from ancient time that used for its high nutritional value and their medicinal benefits, the standard methods of olive oil analysis need long time and need skilled personnel to execute these processes and, addition, it need in some of them sophisticated and expensive instrument.
In this study we target to apply simple and rapid method for analysis for the identification orto identify good virgin olive oil sample from a lesser quality one. The medicinal and nutritional benefits of olive oil is reflected in its extensive incorporation in many cultures in food and pharmaceutical products. However, the high demand on olive oil made it a ””celebrity commodity” that promoted competitive producers to claim authentic quality of their market share. Meanwhile, commercial producers or retail sellers also exercise adulteration to maximize their profits.
Meanwhile, since the authentic and pure olive oil, basically, could be produced under several conditions, and from many different well identifiable regional sources, then its quality standards have to be intrinsically flexible to comprehensively contain or adapt to all tolerable variables caused by natural attributes.
In general, the previously reported methods of analysis for the evaluation of olive oil mostly rely on determining the percentage of some selected marker compounds.
This approach can’t be with ease, since these investigations are lengthy, time consuming and expensive by virtue of the sophisticated apparatus involved.
The current study is oriented to overcome such setback and provide a much simpler and more conclusive approach to analyze commercially available oils. The applied techniques are designed to put forward an educated guess that can picture, reflect, judge and guarantee the authentic integrity or profile as well as the origin of the oil The available study meticulously introduces the application of simple parameters and multivariate analysis in the domain of analyzing olive oil as a natural material in the market.
As mentioned earlier, the reported methods applied for evaluation the authenticity and purity of olive oil have been using different instrumental methods of analysis which we per see very expensive, lengthy and need well equipped quality control labs.
Our initial proposal is to explore the possibility of using some physical simple analytical procedure that suits our regional labs of limited resources. Meanwhile, simple laymen observations that are used to distinguish the authenticity of olive oil like colour, odour and taste can be challenged in a scientific frame and explore its possibility for scientific application. The author has suggested the use of colour, viscosity and refractive index as parametric attributes to experiment and track down the authenticity of the oil through image analysis and accurate determination of refractive index and viscosity of oils from different regions. Samples mentioned have been profiled and collected from very remote areas was found to be clustered according to the proposed hypothesis.
Finally, the applied procedures proved to be accurate and precise through multivariate analysis where models were constructed by carefully selected samples and the models were challenged by internal and external samples.
The applied procedures were found to be successful in detecting the accuracy of the labelled information (region of cultivation, freshness, purity, date and storage conditions) and could be extrapolated to study the position of harvested areas.