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المتغيرات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والبيئية المرتبطة بانتشار الجرائم المستحدثة في الأسرة المصرية :
شهاب الدين، مروه محمود صديق.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مروه محمود صديق شهاب الدين
مشرف / مصطفى إبراهيم عوض
مشرف / سهام علي عبد الحميد شريف
مناقش / عبد الحميد يونس زيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
226ص. :
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - قسم العلوم الإنسانية البيئية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 226

from 226


The summary is in Arabic
First: Introduction: -
Crime is any act that conflicts with law, law and social norms, and with the immense development and great revolution in the world witnessing information and telecommunications technology and new technologies. However, the activity of technical and cross-border crimes has been created, which led to the emergence of the concept of crimes in modern science, It is a form of time-consuming crimes as a result of accelerating developments in the scientific fields, and the criterion of these crimes is the use of modern and advanced technologies in their commission. There are differences between newly developed and traditional crimes, as the concept of crime includes Created in the broad sense of the traditional crimes themselves, which have been prolonged by the hand of change due to the advanced technology and committed by new means, as it includes the new crimes that did not exist before. Traditional criminality is represented in legally recognized crimes as a result of their prejudice to the interest, care and protection, to reach the degree of punishment for violating the rules of conduct required for society. As for the new crimes, those crimes are produced by the developments and changes that occur within the society in which they are committed, and criminal jurisprudence has defined them as economic crimes and crimes. Organization and irregularities that do not fall under a specific punitive text, which is every act that endangers the basic interests of the group, and that the legislator must protect with punitive provisions, as some of these technologies deviate from their humanitarian goals to constitute a danger to Society .
Some forms of emerging crime such as organized crime, trafficking in chemical drugs and the emergence of electronic drugs, economic crimes such as money laundering and administrative corruption, electronic crimes such as credit card fraud, human trafficking and the sale of human organs can be reviewed, as the proliferation of novel crime in all its forms may lead to a threat to society in its security And its economy, as electronic crimes contribute to family disintegration and differences between individuals due to defamation or spreading false news and stealing private information and publishing it on the Internet, means of communication and communication sites Social, in addition to threatening the security and safety of society by spreading corruption and addiction, which negatively affects the upbringing of young people, and to keep abreast of developments taking place, and the belief of the researcher in the need to combat new crimes in all their forms, and as a result of the association of many of the crimes created with information technology, which confirms the importance of studying these Crimes.
the study Problem :
The successive developments in the Egyptian and global society, including the social, economic and environmental changes that greatly affect the spread of the crimes introduced, including technological change that the world has witnessed, and the resulting enormous development in the means of communication and the presence of many modern technologies, which reflected its impact on the emergence of multiple types of crimes It differs greatly in its form, methods and perpetrators from the concept of crimes in its traditional form. This is what has been termed as “emerging crimes, including for example cybercrime,” which is becoming increasingly dangerous - especially with the increase in the number of users of these technologies in general and within the family in particular, which indicates the seriousness of this on human relations between family members with individuals and the breakdown of relations between Its members, in addition to this, its seriousness on the relations between family members and the individuals surrounding it.
Study questions:
The current study seeks to attempt to reveal the relationship between the social, economic and environmental variables associated with the spread of crimes created in the Egyptian family. To achieve this goal, the study attempts to answer the following sub-questions:
1- What are the types of crimes developed in society?
2- What is the role of society in confronting these emerging crimes and determining their size? Does the method of confrontation differ between rural and urban areas?
3- What are the information crimes that take place through the international internet and its types?
4- What are the social and environmental characteristics (age, marital status, level of education, family size, and their impact on the commission of crimes developed in society?
5- What are the physical characteristics, including (the place of residence and its impact on the commission of crimes developed in society?
6- What are the economic characteristics (profession - family income level) of perpetrators of moral crimes in Egypt?
the importance of studying:
A- Scientific importance:
The importance of dealing with emerging crimes lies in the following:
1 - The lack of academic field studies - to our knowledge - scientific, explanatory, specialized in the subject of crimes developed at the level of Egypt.
2- The rapid spread of this social problem at the level of major cities in Egyptian society and the environmental impact on them.
3- Planners need the results of this study, which may be useful in combating and controlling the phenomenon.
4- The occurrence of such crimes threatens the security and safety of the entire world in the future, as the media informs us about the role of acquaintance operations through the international information network in mass suicide incidents carried out by some teenagers in America.
5- It is in traditional crimes that criminals form themselves inside gangs through a long criminal history, but the same thing is not expected in crimes of the international information network, which constitutes an obstacle to crime-fighting agencies.
6- These crimes differ from traditional crimes in that the physical meaning of the place is not specific, since the location of most of these crimes lies in the space, the scene of the facts does not exist, and the perpetrators of these crimes can commit their crimes without material interaction, whether with the victims or the participating criminals , It is not required to be present in one place or one country between perpetrators and victims.
7- In traditional crimes, the criminal specializes in one type of crime on a literal basis, while the criminal is in a network
Objectives of the study:
1- Knowing the types of crimes developed in society and the different ways to confront them.
2- Determine the most important information crimes that take place through the international internet and its different types.
3- Defining the most important sociological theories explaining the relationship between the social, economic and environmental variables associated with the spread of the emerging crimes.
4- Defining the dual role of risks and advantages of technological development.
5- Knowing the societal role in confronting the emerging crimes and determining their size and their effects on society.
6- Knowing the social and environmental variables and characteristics (age, marital status, level of education, family size, place of residence (rural and urban) and their impact on the perpetration of crimes developed in society.
7- Knowing the economic variables and characteristics (profession - family income level -) for the perpetrators of moral crimes in Egypt.
Study Approach:
Descriptive method:
The researcher used the descriptive approach, which is one of the types of survey study that belongs to the descriptive study through the goals that the study seeks to. The study seeks to identify the social and economic variables associated with the spread of crimes created in the Egyptian family, and the descriptive approach through which it is possible to take note of the emerging crimes in all its aspects A description and analysis, as well as the identification of methods of investigation, with reference in some cases to the historical method, as there are crimes and research methods that have a historical extension, in addition to the amendments to the legal texts during the opening of Historical successive times. It also depends on the comprehensive social survey method for all individuals arrested against the background of committing new crimes, because such an approach helps in explaining the characteristics of the perpetrators of these crimes and family characteristics, in addition to conducting interviews with the female inmates, in order to know the nature of the new crimes committed and its relationship to some social variables. And economic.
The comparative approach: The study used the comparative approach with the aim of reaching the achievement of the study goals by comparing the psychological and social aspects, the economic level, the cooperative level and the social environment related to the social and economic variables associated with the spread of crimes created in the Egyptian family in order to identify the differences between them and draw conclusions about that phenomenon.
The study sample :
Achieving the objectives of the study requires selecting the study sample from the countryside and urban areas to compare them by listing the crimes created in the countryside and urban areas during the period (2015-2017) from the reality of the records of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice so that the new crimes can be classified, and Cairo and Menoufia can be selected to achieve the study goals. selection of (30) from the countryside and the urban areas from the individual perpetrators of the crimes created to meet them and to identify the reasons and motives behind committing the crimes.
Study tools:
Study tools include:
1- Designing the interview questionnaire to achieve the objectives of the study, which included:
• Personal data questions for the respondents, and this axis of the questionnaire included initial questions that dealt with collecting data on age, marital status, educational level, profession, and the average monthly income of the respondent, her family and the place of residence.
• Questions about the family background of the respondent, and this axis included questions dealing with gathering data on the social characteristics of the respondents ’families, in terms of the number of family members, the educational level of the father and mother, the number of marriages for the father and the mother, the nature of the relationship between the parents and the stepmother in the case of their presence, and the behavior of the father and mother And the husband, and the cause and type of crime committed by the father, mother or husband.
• Questions about the respondent’s self-esteem, and this topic included questions that dealt with collecting data on the extent of others accepting the opinions of the respondent, her self-confidence, her feeling of sadness, depression and despair from life, and her perception of herself if she was a family other than her family, and exploiting her appearance and charms in achieving her desires besides her relationship with her parents.
• Questions about the issue in which the respondent entered the Reform and Rehabilitation Center and the circumstances of her committing to her act. This axis included questions that dealt with collecting data if the respondent was one of the perpetrators in committing crimes, the type of crime and the cause of the crime that led to her entering the Reform and Rehabilitation Center and the person responsible for that, and watching porn movies Places of that, exposure to violence and the person causing it and whether the respondent was satisfied with what she did or not.
The limits of the study:
A- Spatial boundaries: The spatial boundaries of the current study are determined in the governorates of Cairo and Menoufia as they represent the urban and rural environment, where two centers are chosen from each governorate to achieve the objectives of the study.
B- Time limits: The current study was conducted during the period from 1/9/2018 to 1/5/2019
C- Human Boundaries:
The study was conducted on a sample of the perpetrators of the new crimes, which amounted to (30) from the urban area and (30) from the countryside.
Statistical methods used:
Data is dumped by the statistical program known as the Statistical Package For Social Sciences program, and statistical analysis was done using a computer through the SPSS V. 23 program, and this step - data discharge - is a preliminary step for tabulating data, and through it :
1. Stability test by Cronbach’s Alpha laboratories to test the stability of the study variables and middivision.
2. Test the validity of internal consistency through the Pearson correlation coefficient between the study dimensions and the total survey.
3. Descriptive statistics of data through scheduling data in the form of tables (numbers and ratios) for the study variables.
4. ANOVA test and T-Test test to validate hypotheses.
A futuristic vision of the social and scientific changes accompanying the development of information and communication technology.
• First, the majority of society members are unaware of the extent of the harm and future risks expected from the passive and insecure use of the Internet on children and young people.
• And second, many Internet users (especially young people) lack activation of insurance and protection controls, making them targeted victims of online pirates.
• And thirdly: Some netizens, especially young people, are also unaware that the actions they take if they use the network are criminal and punish and lead to many of them falling under the jurisdiction of the law.
• That the statistical indicators of the Department of Computer Crime Prevention indicate that the youth category of both sexes represents the vast majority of perpetrators of cybercrime and its victims and confirms that youth’s interest in the Internet is focused on visiting pornographic sites, especially those that provide them with protection from identifying their identification numbers
• The fourth of these axes is the spread of Internet cafes in all governorates through an unconscious administration, and there is a problem related to the reluctance of many victims of electronic crimes, especially related to electronic sexual harassment, insult and slander from taking legal measures against the perpetrators of these acts for fear of the extent of defamation of them.
• Fifthly: One of the most important difficulties impeding security efforts to identify perpetrators of cybercrime is for victims to delete digital evidence recorded on their computers.
• Sixth: The growing phenomenon of cybercrime has led to pollution of the technological environment of the Internet through its exposure to many violations and abuse.
• The need for experts specializing in the humanities to conduct social and psychological studies that address the personality of the cyber criminal by describing and analyzing his prevailing behaviors and motivating motives for committing information crimes in light of the sharp differences in the characteristics of the traditional criminal from the information criminal in a way that contradicts some theories of classic criminal psychology.
• An invitation to the legislator to expedite the completion of the Information Crime Law, with a proposal to include in the draft a special text that restricts the general text that allows the victim to surrender or reconcile at any stage of the criminal lawsuit or to increase the penalties for those crimes to bypass the barrier of crimes that may be waived or reconciled And stipulated in Article 18 of the Criminal Procedure Law.
• There are many definitions of information crime for it, but through the determinations of our competence we rely on the expanded definition and accordingly the information crime is restricted “all illegal forms of behavior that use or target computers or information networks to complete their criminal actions in recognition of the seriousness of this type of information crime and its negative repercussions on the path Social and economic development
Important recommendations
• Develop awareness of emerging crimes and methods to address them, the most important of which is to continue efforts aimed at spreading awareness of how to deal with the Internet, and work to develop behavioral and guidelines for Internet users to adhere to network ethics.
• Finding advanced technological methods to increase protection against the risks that accompany the use of Internet banking technology.
• Strengthening international and regional cooperation between the various bodies and institutions to spread awareness among information officials and users and informing them of the dangers and threats to which these systems may be exposed and how to protect them, with the need to work to find a global consensus on the type of behavior that constitutes information crimes.
• In addition to strengthening regional cooperation to unify the concepts of electronic crime and how to confront them in general, and in the banking sector in particular, similar to the draft European Convention to confront computer crime.
• The Information Technology Industry Development Authority should continuously raise awareness about e-commerce and e-signature through various media outlets, and the need to work to improve network security taking into account privacy protection and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, in accordance with international covenants and the purposes of the United Nations.
• The conference recommended educational institutions and research centers to the necessity of raising awareness in the various stages of education sectors of the disadvantages and harms of electronic crime.
• Adding the teaching of crimes arising from the use of computers and the Internet within the curricula of computers in schools and universities.
• Urging universities and research centers to study information crimes and crimes via the Internet, and try to establish a specialized study in the technical and legal fields related to combating those crimes.
• Holding seminars and conferences to exchange experiences and conclude joint cooperation agreements in the field of combating these crimes and extraditing criminals, and conducting specialized studies on the social and economic impacts of information crimes in the Egyptian society,
• Changing the curricula in the Faculty of Law in a way that is compatible with the development of crimes and methods of confronting them. He also recommended legal and legislative institutions to quickly introduce the necessary legislative amendments to suit the new crimes and help bring their perpetrators to justice.
• Recommend the establishment of specialized departments to follow and study the negative phenomena that prove on the global network of information and develop future scenarios for them and the extent of their potential impact on network users, and proposals to address and confront them.
• Requiring the media to work to spread awareness of the media to create a public opinion against cybercrime, to familiarize the network’s users with the dangers of dealing with suspicious websites, especially young people, and to encourage victims of computer crimes and the Internet to report on these crimes, and to raise awareness of the seriousness of recent negative phenomena on the Internet, including growing Brain phenomenon