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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Hamdy Mohamed Mohamed Khattab
مشرف / Ahmed A. Zaki El-Basiony
مشرف / Salwa Mahmoud Hamdy
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - تغذية حيوان
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Fifty new-born buffalo calves, immediately after calving, were
assigned into two experiments (25 animals each). Each
experiment was assigned randomly to five similar groups (5
animals each) according to their birth weight and birth date. All
animals of these experiments were fed according to the feeding
regime of the farm system where all of the new-born buffalo
calves nursed their dams naturally and allowed to consume adlibitum
amount of dam milk daily till 45 day old then gradually
decrease the amount of suckled milk till weaning (90 days old
or 100 kg weight which nearest). These calves, also, fed from
the second week of age on ad-libitum of a calf starter (~17% CP)
during the suckling period till weaning. Experiment 1: The
objective of the first experiment was to study the effect of some
feed additives, mainly vitamins A and E and selected micro
elements (zinc and selenium), as synthetic sources, on the
immunity response, feed efficiency and growth performance of
buffalo calves during the suckling period. Animals of each group
of this experiment were fed according to the feeding regime of
the farm system in addition to one of the experimental feed
additives whereas, calves of the first group (control group, G1)
were fed on the basal ration according to the feeding regime of
the farm system while each calf of the other groups was fed
daily on the same ration in addition (for G2) to 20 gm
Calfostonic (CFT); (for G3) to 1.5 gm Selenosource AF (SS) +
2.5 gm Mintrex Zn (MZ); (for G4) to 0.030 gm Lutavit A 1000
(LA) + 2.5 gm Lutavit E 50 (LE) or (for G5) to 1.5 gm
Selenosource AF (SS) + 2.5 gm Mintrex Zn (MZ)) + (0.030 gm
Lutavit A 1000 (LA) + 2.5 gm Lutavit E 50 (LE). The results
showed that the highest value (P≤0.05) of DMI was recorded for
G3. The higher values (P≥0.05) of DM, OM, CF, CP and EE
digestibility coefficients were recorded for G3 compared to the
other groups (G1, G2, G4 and G5). Also, G4 had higher
(P≥0.05) NFE digestibility coefficient followed by G2, G3, G5
and G1. Non significant differences (P≥0.05) were observed in
plasma total protein, urea, glucose, GOT, GPT and neutrophil
to lymphocyte ratio (NLR). On the contrary, addition of
experimental feed additives had a significant effect (P≤0.05) on
albumin, globulin, creatinine, total lipids, cholesterol, triglyceride
and immunoglobulin. Concerning growth performance and feed
efficiency, the group which received Selenosource AF and
Mintrex Zn (G3) showed the highest value of average daily gain
(P≤0.05) compared to the other groups while G5 had a better
values (P≤0.05) of DM, TDN and DCP conversion. Experiment
2: The objective of the second experiment was to study the
effect of some natural medical herbs (mainly Origanum
vulgare ;oregano and Matricria chamomile ;chamomile) and the
best treatment of the first experiment on the immunity response,
feed efficiency and growth performance of buffalo calves during
the suckling period. Animals of each group of this experiment
were fed according to the feeding regime of the farm system in
addition to one of the experimental feed additives whereas,
calves of the first group (control group, T1) were fed on the
basal ration according to the feeding regime of the farm system
while each calf of the other groups was fed daily on the same
ration in addition (for T2) to 1.5 gm Selenosource AF (SS) + 2.5
gm Mintrex Zn (MZ); (for T3) to 10 gm Origanum vulgare
(oregano; OG); (for T4) to 10 gm Matricria chamomile
(chamomile; Ch) or (for T5) to 10 gm Origanum vulgare
(oregano; OG) + 10 gm Matricria chamomile (chamomile; Ch).
The results showed that the highest value (P≤0.05) of DMI was
recorded for T5. The higher values (P≥0.05) of all digestibility
coefficients (DM, OM, CF, CP, NFE and EE) were recorded for
T5 compared to the other groups (T1, T2, T3 and T4). Non
significant differences (P≥0.05) were observed in albumin, urea,
total lipid, glucose and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR). On
the contrary, addition of the experimental feed additives had a
significant effect (P≤0.05) on total protein, globulin, creatinine,
cholesterol, triglyceride, GOT, GPT and immunoglobulin. Group
received Origanum vulgare and Matricria chamomile (T5)
showed the highest value of average daily gain (P≤0.05)
compared to the other groups, also T5 had a better value
(P≤0.05) of dry matter conversion while a better value (P≥0.05)
of TDN conversion was recorded for T3, furthermore the better
value (P≤0.05) of DCP conversion was recorded for T4.
These results indicate that using micro elements (selenium and
zinc) as a synthetic feed additives increased growth
performance and feed conversion. In addition the tested micro
elements led to the increase of plasma immunoglobulin level
which had a role in enhancing immune system. In addition
using medicinal herbs (oregano and chamomile) as natural feed
additives had better results when used as synthetic and/or
natural feed additives together in calves ration.
Keywords: immune response, buffalo calves, calfostonic,
Selenosource AF, Mintrex Zn, Lutavit A 1000,
Lutavit E 50, oregano, chamomile, feed intake,
digestibility coefficient, blood plasma parameters,
growth performance and feed conversion.