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Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction among Staff Nurses /
Mohammed, Islam El-said.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إســـلام السيــــد محمــد محمـــد
مشرف / ربــاب محمــود حســن
مشرف / نعمــــة فتحـــي سعـــد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
219 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الإدارة
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The concept of emotional intelligence is multifaceted in nature, including individual skills and insights, regarding inter- and intra-personal factors which influence the competency profile of a person. (EI) is the driving force behind the factor that affects personal success and everyday interactions with others. (EI) appears to play a significant role in key organization outcomes as job satisfaction. Moreover, it is proposed that EI has a protective effect regarding people’s self perceptions of their own emotional abilities and skills, personality characteristics and behavioral dispositions that influence their ability to cope successfully with environmental demands (Kumari, 2016).
Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among staff nurses working in Benha Fever Hospital through: Assessing staff nurses’ emotional intelligence level, Measuring staff nurses’ job satisfaction level, Finding out the relationship between emotional intelligence among staff nurses and their job satisfaction.
The study was conducted in Benha Fever Hospital which affiliated to Ministry of Health Hospitals. The actual study sample was 100 nurses who had at least one year experience in the current job. The data were collected by using two tools:
I- Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Sheet:
It consisted of two parts:
Part 1: Socio-demographic data of the study subjects such: age, sex, level of education, and years of experience.
Part 2: This part It was developed by (Bar-On, 1997) included 53 items under 5 components (Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress management and General mood).
II- Job satisfaction Questionnaire Sheet:
It was developed by (Abd El Fadil, 2002; Abd ElAzeem, 2004; Kiniki & Williams, 2005; Afify, 2009), it contained 61 items, under 5 main needs: physiological, safety & security, love & belonging, self-esteem and self- actualization.
The results of this study have shown the following most important findings:
 The highest dimension of emotional intelligence among staff nurses was intrapersonal competencies. While the lowest one of emotional intelligence was general mood.
 Majority of staff nurses had high emotional intelligence level.
 Love and belonging needs got the highest score among staff nurses, while physiological needs had the lowest score of job satisfaction.
 Majority of staff nurses had moderate job satisfaction level.
 There was a significant relation between emotional intelligence and staff nurses age. There were significant relations between job satisfaction and staff nurses, age and years of experience.
 There was a significant statistically correlation between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction among studied staff nurses.
1- Hospitals have to conduct emotional intelligence training program for the staff nurses on stress management.
2- Nurse manager should improve the work environment.
3- Maintain security and safety policies and regulations in work place to increase staff nurses satisfaction.