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Saleh, Noha Fathy Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهى فتحى احمد صالح
مشرف / ?براهيم الوردانى السيد
مشرف / ايمن محمد حسن
مشرف / طارق سليمان سليم
مناقش / ايمان فرج الدالى
مناقش / نعمة الله جمال الد ين محمد علي
مناقش / ايمن محمد حسن
مناقش / ?براهيم الوردانى السيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
169 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - ?نتاج الدواجن
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The present work was carried out in the Department of Poultry Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Qalubia, Egypt, in partnership with Department of Rabbit, turkey and Waterfowl Breeding Research, Animal Production Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. The experimental work was conducted in an Industrial Rabbitry of International IBEX company, near Sakara city, Giza Province, Egypt. The study lasted six months, during the period from January, 2012 till June, 2012.
The experimental work was planned to study the relationship between Lipten hormone concentration and rabbit reproduction. Two rabbit breeds (Baladi Black –BB- as a native breed and New-Zealand White –NZW- as an exotic breed) were used in the present study. Lipten hormone levels were determined in blood, milk and semen of rabbits. A total number of 360 sexual mature low-fertile rabbits of 12 months of age (150 does and 30 bucks of each breed of BB and NZW) were used in this study. Animals fed ad libitum a commercial diet according to NRC (1977) recommendations.
The experimental work included four experiments as follow:-
1- The first experiment was planned to measure Lipten hormone concentration in blood serum of doe and buck of two rabbit breeds used in the study BB and NZW rabbits. Lipten hormone levels in milk, during lactating period, and in 1st and 2nd ejaculated semen, of rabbit does and bucks, respectively, were also estimated in this experiment. Lipten hormone levels were measured in low and ordinary fertile rabbits without any treatments, using 10 rabbit bucks and does within both ordinary and low-fertile of each rabbit breed used in the study.
2- The second experiment used only low-fertile does and bucks of BB and NZW rabbits. The experiment aimed to estimate some parameters indicated fertility traits of rabbit does and fertilizing ability of rabbit bucks as affected by Mesolipo-trene injection or Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) aqua’s extract in drinking water. Blood picture, total protein and its fraction, some blood serum constitutes and enzymes indicated liver and kidney functions, lipid gram in blood serum and brain and some physiological parameters indicated body thermoregulation response of heat-stressed were studied in this experiment.
Three hundreds and sixty rabbits were divided into three homogeneous comparable experimental groups (50 does and 10 bucks of each of BB and NZW rabbits in each group). Animals in the 1st group were kept untreated and served as a control group, while the animals in the 2nd and 3rd groups were injected subcutaneously with 5 IU of Mesolipo-trene weekly, and drank water supplemented with 2 ml Green tea aqua’s extract/ litre drinking water day after day, respectively. Rabbit treatments either with Mesolipo-trene or Green tea aqua’s extract started 3 weeks before beginning of data collecting, and remained during the experimental period.
3- The third experiment was carried out to estimate Leptin hormone concentration in blood and milk of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit does in addition to in blood and semen of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks as affected by injecting Mesolipo-trene or Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) aqua’s extract in drinking water. Ten low-fertile rabbit bucks and does within each breed used in the 2nd experiment (BB and NZW) were conducted to measure Leptin hormone concentration in blood, milk and semen.
4- The fourth experiment was designed to estimate each of abortion, conception and kindling rates, litter traits, milk yield and composition and pre weaning mortality rate of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit does artificially inseminated or naturally mated as affected by injecting Mesolipo-trene or Green tea (Camellia Sinensis) aqua’s extract in drinking water.

Results obtained showed that:-
1- Lipten hormone concentration in low and ordinary fertile rabbits (Experiment 1)
Leptin hormone concentration in blood serum of ordinary fertile doe and buck rabbits were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) higher than those recorded in low fertile ones, in both BB and NZW rabbits. BB rabbits recorded leptin hormone levels in blood insignificantly higher than those obtained by NZW rabbits. Ordinary fertile BB and NZW lactating rabbit does produced milk with Leptin hormone concentration significantly (P≤ 0.1) higher than recorded by low fertile rabbits. Leptin hormone concentrations in milk were arranged in descending order insignificantly as obtained during, the 3rd; 2nd; 4th; 1st, then the 5th week of lactating period, respectively. Semen ejaculated by ordinary fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks included Leptin hormone levels more significantly (P≤0.1) than those of low fertile bucks. Semen ejaculated by BB rabbit bucks and second ejaculates characterized by Leptin hormone levels insignificantly higher than those obtained by NZW rabbit bucks and first ejaculates.
2- Fertilizing ability of rabbit bucks as affected by Mesolipo-trene and Green tea (Experiment 2)
Subcutaneously injecting Mesolipo-trene or adding Green tea aqua’s extract in drinking water improved significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) blood pictures; total protein and its fractions and enzymes indicated liver and kidney functions of low-fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks. Such parameters represented in each of red and white blood cells; hemoglobin; hematocrite; total protein; albumin; globulin; albumin/ globulin ratio; blood NH3; blood urea N; AST and ALT. Blood pictures; total protein and its fractions and blood enzymes indicated liver and kidney functions were insignificantly higher as recorded by low-fertile BB and due to Mesolipo-trene than those of NZW rabbit bucks and Green tea, respectively.
Lipid gram in blood serum and in brain such total lipids; phospholipids; triglycerides; HDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol of low-fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks decreased significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) by injecting Mesolipo-trene or drinking water contained Green tea. Mesolipo-trene and BB rabbits recorded lipid gram in blood serum and in brain insignificantly lower than those of Green tea and NZW rabbit ones.
Sexual hormones concentrations (testosterone; estradiol 172& and Progesterone); libido and physical semen characteristics represented in (mass and advanced sperm motility; dead and abnormal spermatozoa and acrosomal damages %; semen ejaculate volume and sperm cell concentration per ml and per ejaculate) and some parameters indicated fertilizing ability (mating activity; scrotal circumference and testicular index) of low-fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) improved due to Mesolipo-trene or Green tea. Such parameters were insignificantly better in BB bucks and due to Mesolipo-trene than those recorded by NZW rabbit bucks and Green tea, respectively.
Injecting Mesolipo-trene subcutaneously or adding aqua’s extract of green tea in drinking water significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) increased advanced sperm motility and spermatozoa storagability, and significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) decreased dead and abnormal spermatozoa and acrosomal damages of low-fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks, during, chilled storage up to 3 days or incubation condition up to 4 hours. Semen preservation in liquid state at both refrigeration and incubation conditions were insignificantly better as ejaculated by BB rabbit bucks and due to Mesolipo-trene compared by recorded by NZW rabbits and Green tea, respectively. With advancement of diluted rabbit semen conservation in liquid state at different temperatures, advanced sperm motility percentages were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) decreased, while percentages of dead spermatozoa and acrosomal damages increased significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1). On the other hand, sperm abnormalities increased insignificantly with progressive of diluted semen conservation.
Sperm penetration of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks, into estrus cow cervical mucus, during incubation condition up to 6 hours significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) increased, and spermatozoa enzymatic activities (AST; ALT; acid phosphates and alkaline phosphates) significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) decreased as affected by Injecting Mesolipo-trene subcutaneously or adding aqua’s extract of Green tea in drinking water. Values of sperm penetration into estrus cow cervical mucus significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) increased with advanced of diluted semen conservation at incubation condition at 37 °C up to 6 hours, as well as, were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) in descending order as obtained due to Mesolipo-trene; Green tea then control group, respectively. Sperm penetration into estrus cow cervical mucus recorded by low-fertile BB rabbit bucks was insignificantly higher than those of NZW bucks. spermatozoa enzymatic activities obtained by BB rabbit bucks and Mesolipo-trene group were insignificantly lower than those recorded by NZW bucks and Greed tea group, respectively.
Each of rectal; skin and ear lobe temperatures and pulse and respiration rates as some physiological parameters indicated body thermoregulation response of heat-stressed low fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks decreased significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) as a result of Green tea in drinking water or Mesolipo-trene injection, respectively. BB rabbit bucks showed body thermoregulation response more insignificantly than those of NZW ones.
3- Leptin hormone concentration as affected by Mesolipo-trene and Green tea (Experiment 3)
Leptin hormone concentration in blood and semen of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks increased significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) in ascending order as affected by Green tea aqua’s extract in drinking water and injecting Mesolipo-trene subcutaneously, respectively. Low-fertile BB rabbit bucks recorded leptin hormone concentration in blood and semen insignificantly higher than those obtained by NZW rabbits. the second ejaculation of semen samples ejaculated by low-fertile BB and NZW rabbit bucks were contained leptin hormone levels insignificantly higher than those ejaculated in first ejaculation.
Leptin hormone concentration in blood and milk of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit does as affected by injecting Mesolipo-trene or Green tea aqua’s extract in drinking water significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) increased. Leptin hormone levels in blood and milk obtained by BB rabbit does and due to Mesolipo-trene injection were insignificantly higher than those recorded by NZW does and Green tea treatment, respectively. Leptin hormone levels of milk secreted by BB and NZW rabbit does insignificantly influenced by week of lactating, and were arranged in descending order as secreted during, the 3rd; 2nd; 4th; 1st then the 5th week of milk production, respectively.
4- Fertility traits of rabbit does as affected by Mesolipo-trene and Green tea (Experiment 4)
Subcutaneously injecting with Mesolipo-trene or adding aqua’s extract of Green tea in drinking water significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) improved fertility traits of low fertile BB and NZW rabbit does represented in abortion; conception and kindling rates; litter size and weight & bunny weight at birth and at weaning, in addition to milk yield and composition (protein; fat; lactose and ash), as well as, pre-weaning mortality rates. Such parameters were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) improved either using artificial insemination or natural mating. data indicated fertility traits; milk composition and pre-weaning mortality rates obtained by BB rabbit does and due to Mesolipo-trene injection were insignificantly better than those recorded by NZW does and Green tea in drinking water, respectively.
Milk yield secreted by BB rabbit does and due to Mesolipo-trene injection was significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) higher than those of NZW and Green tea treatment group, respectively. Total milk yield of BB and NZW rabbit does injected with Mesolipo-trene or drank water added with Green tea were significantly (P≤0.5 or 0.1) in ascending order as secreted in the 5th; 1st; 4th; 2nd then the 3rd week of lactation, respectively.