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Nursing Students Interpersonal Communication Patterns during
Training Course in Psychiatric
Mental Health /
Saleh, Wafaa Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Wafaa Ahmed Saleh
مشرف / Mona Hassan
مشرف / Asmaa Hafez Afefe
مناقش / Asmaa Hafez Afefe
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
137 p.:
التمريض (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, ideas, feelings, information, opinions, and knowledge. It is also defined as an act by which one person gives or receives from person information about that person’s needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge or affective status .
Interpersonal communication can also encourage students to verbalize what they know and need, so that clinical instructors must motivate their students to express their opinions and personal rights and should be a role model. They must enhance students’ in managing work stress and being assertive .
Interpersonal Communication patterns are modes of communication that are used frequently in certain situations or with certain people. there are four modes of communication; Assertive Communication (the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way whilst still respecting the rights of others), Aggressive Communication (a method of expressing needs and desires that do not take into account the welfare of others), Passive Communication (is generally afraid of confrontation and does not feel the right to make wishes and desires.
The aims of this study were:
1. Assessing interpersonal communication patterns among fourth year nursing students during Psychiatric Mental Health Training Course.
The aims of this study will be achieved through answering the following research questions:
1. What are communication patterns among nursing students, undergoing psychiatric mental health nursing clinical training course?
2. Research setting:
This study had been conducted in Abbassia psychiatric mental health hospitals and institute of psychiatric.
3. Subjects of the study:
The subjects of the present study included 91 nursing students at the faculty of nursing ,Ain Shams University,during Psychiatric Mental Health Training Course, who were selected under the following inclusive criteria:
2. - Age: Above 18years.
3. - Sex: Both sexes (male and female).
4. -Free from any physical or psychological disease.
4. Tools of data collection:
Data were collected using the following tools:
A.Interview questionnaire sheet (Appendix I):
This sheet was constructed by the researcher after reviewing literature to assess the following :
• Nursing students characteristic such as age ,sex, living and marital status
• Clincal instructor characteristic such as age, Residence and marital status
• Nursing staff characteristic such as age ,sex and marital status
C. Observation Checklist (Appendix II):
This sheet was constructed by the researcher after reviewing literature and guided by (Maguire & Pitceathly, 2002 , Makoul, 2001 and Rider & Keefer, 2006) to assess the following :
1-Student different communication styles:
• Assertive style such as Student expresses needs clearly, student expresses wants appropriately, and respectively, it consists of 8 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1). Interpersonal communication style consider assertive if percent was ≥ 60% and consider non assertive if percent <60%
• Passive style such as Student fails to assert himself/ herself, student allows his / her colleagues to deliberately or inadvertently infringe on his rights it consists of 8 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) Interpersonal communication style consider passive if percent was ≥ 60% and consider non passive if percent <60%
• Aggressive style such as student tries to dominate on his/her colleagues, student humiliates his /her colleagues to control them, it consists of 9 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) Interpersonal communication style consider aggressive if percent was ≥ 60% and consider non aggressive if percent <60%
2- Interpersonal communication among Nursing Students: it consists of 15 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) Interpersonal communication consider good if percent was ≥ 60% and consider poor if percent <60%
3- Student Team Function: it consists of 9 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) the scores system as the following:
• Low level : 9-11
• Moderate level: 12-15
• High level : 16-18
4- Interpersonal communication among Teacher and nursing Students:
• This sheet was constructed by the researcher after reviewing literature. It consists of 10 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) Interpersonal communication consider good if percent was ≥ 60% and consider poor if percent <60%
5- Interpersonal communication between nursing staff and student:
• This sheet constructed by investigator after reviewing literature. It consists of 9 items has a score yes or no (yes=2, no=1) Interpersonal communication consider good if percent was ≥ 60% and consider poor if percent <60%
1. Interpersonal communication among nursing students and clinical instructor was high from 1st week to 8th week.
2. Interpersonal communication among nursing students and nursing staff ranged from low to moderate.
The findings of the present study reached the following conclusions:
1. The majority of nursing students were non assertive communication from 1st week- 8 th .
2. The majority of nursing students were non passive from 1st week- 8 th .
3. More than half of nursing students were non aggressive from 1st week- 8th.
4. Nursing students interpersonal communication patterns during Psychiatric mental health training course was poor from first week to week eight.
5. Interpersonal communication among nursing students and clinical instructor was good from 1st week to 8th week.
6. Interpersonal communication among nursing students and nursing staff was poor from 1st week to 8th week.
Findings of this study showed that the nursing student can achieve high level of interpersonal communication among them if the nursing students have enough practices training about interpersonal communication .Accordingly, the following are the main recommendations deduced by this research:
1. Introduction of specific courses aiming to enhance the acquisition of assertiveness skills.
2. The concepts of assertiveness and self-esteem should constitute an integral part of the basic undergraduate nursing courses.
3. Psychiatric mental health nursing departments within the nursing practice facilities should be actively involved with the schools for nursing and develop in-service training for nurses to inform them of their roles and responsibilities when working with students.
4. It is necessary to increase collaboration between faculty members and nursing staff to strengthening the ties between faculty members and practice through discussion the expectation of both.
5. Learning communication skills should go hand in hand with the practice in clinical setting as this will add more tangible value to its learning.
6. Psychiatric mental health nursing departments within the nursing practice facilities should be actively involved with the schools for nursing and develop in-service training for nurses to inform them of their roles and responsibilities when working with students.