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Life Style Related to Parasitic
Infestation among Primary School
Children in Rural Area\
Mohamed, Walaa Abd El-Kader.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Walaa Abd El-Kader Mohamed
مشرف / Seham Guirguis Ragheb
مشرف / Nadia Hamed Farahat
مناقش / Nadia Hamed Farahat
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
228p. :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - صحة المجتمع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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n spite of a great development in health care, the problem of
parasitic infections considered the most important causes of
morbidity and mortality in the world .The reason for being a
global public health problem is that parasitic infestation have
largely been over looked by clinician, because although worms
can cause severe clinical problems, affected child rarely report
at health center due to its slow progress of the signs and
symptoms (Okyay et al., 2012).
Parasitic infections are more prevalent among school
children aged 5-14 years. They constitute 12% of total disease
burden in children. The hookworm infestation is a leading
cause of iron deficiency anemia, whipworm infestation in
children causes growth retardation and anemia while heavy
infestation with both roundworm and whipworm causes protein
energy malnutrition. It is of particular concern that these
infestations have insidious constraint on cognition and learning
abilities of the children (Merid et al., 2012).
Parasitic infestation is known to be related to hygiene
behaviour closely, the members of the family can easily be
infected from each other. The parasites that are transmitted
through faecal-oral route may be an important indicator of
socio-economic level (Montresor et al., 2010).
The health of the children will depend on the kind of
food eat. But food sometimes may be contaminated with
different micro-organism and parasite that may cause human
illness. These contaminations may happen at any point during
the processing of food from the producer to the consumer. The
chances of food getting contaminated depend on the health
status of the food handlers, their personal hygiene and their
knowledge about food hygiene (Mehraj et al., 2010).
Aim of the study:
This study aimed to assess life style related to parasitic
infestation among primary school children in rural area through:
1- Assessing primary school children awareness about parasitic
2- Determining children’s life style related to parasitic infestation.
3- Detecting the factors associated with sanitary school
environment and home environment that related to parasitic
Subject and methods
Research design
A descriptive study design was applied in this study.
The study was conducted at educational Toukh- directorate
Qalubia Governorate. Number of schools under study depended on
surveying the total number of schools in Qalubia Governorate.
Multistage selection that 5% from total governmental primary
school (81schools) in Toukh - directorate which representation 4
schools were chosen from governmental primary schools Primary
school moshtohor (2), Moshtohor compound primary school, New
moshtohor primary school, Azbat alqady primary school), schools
were selected based on the highest students density in these villages
(moshtohor & met knanaa) and Income were dependent on Poultry
farming, sheep and Agriculture that contributed to infection with
parasitic infestation.
A Convenient sample was used to select the students
under study. According to Fink, (2009) convenient sampling
includes participants who are readily available and agree to
participate in a study.
Technique: - multi stage random sample.
Tool of data collection
First tool: self-administered questionnaire contained the following
A- Students’ socio-demographic characteristics as age, gender,
crowding index, daily pocket money, birth order….
B- Students’ awareness related to parasitic infestation: such as
definition of parasitic infestation and Causes….
C- Students’ practices toward prevention of parasitic
infestation: as regards daily personal hygiene….
D- Life style assessment form that includes: - Diet, physical
activity and sports and sleep….
Second tool: Students’ medical record
٢- Data related to health history and physical examination of
Third tool:
A- Observational checklist to assess school environment.
B- Environment checklist to assess home environment.
Pilot study
A pilot study was carried out on 10 children to assure
content validity of the tools. Some changes were done
accordingly. Those who shared in the pilot study were excluded
from the study sample.
The study results can be summarized as follows: -
The highest Percentage of the sample were females
(55.7%), The mothers Secondary education (47.9%), fathers
secondary education (40.5%), not working mothers (61.7%),
fathers working as employee (70.7%), crowding index 2-
4/room (46.7%), the number of children in family was (3-4)
child represents (60.5%), daily pocket money of students 1 to <
2 pound (69.8%).
Prevalence of parasitic infestations among 420 primary
school children was 50.7%. the highest Percent of parasitic
infestations was for Entameba histolytica (38.3%), followed by
Giardia lamblia (32.5%), Entrobius Vermicularis (pin worm (21.8),
Schistosoma (Bilharzias (6.3%) and Hymenolepis nana 0.9%.
Regarding to students awareness, 58% of primary school
children were answers incorrectly related to their awareness
about parasitic infestation. According to good health habits
related to parasitic infestation 57.1% of children were good
personal hygiene, 47.1% of children were good food sanitation,
72.1% of children were following healthy practices related to
parasitic infestation.
The most common symptoms among primary school
children were abdominal pain, diarrhea, eating too much,
vomiting, constipation and scalp itching, indeed there was one
third of the study sample had more than one complains. The
results reflect that the studied sample suffering from parasite in
past were (69.0%) the child receives doses per week and repeated
after two weeks (54.5%), 31.2% of children admitted to hospital.
The study results refer that the primary school children of
normal physical condition were (74.3%) and 57.9% of children
had normal BMI. Shows that healthy school environment were
New moshtohor primary school (51.8%) and others unhealthy
(44.4%, 37.0% and 40.7%) and respectively.
The study finding indicates a significant difference
between primary school children awareness related to parasitic
infestation and their practice. Also the study showed highly
statistical significant difference between students’ practice and
their life style. There was no statistically significant difference
between mother’s education, fathers of occupation and daily
pocket money of student’s parasitic infestation.
According to the findings it is recommended that:
The present study indicated that there is a need for
improving the knowledge and practice of students about parasitic
infections through:
- Providing health education for primary school children
about: balanced diet, personal hygiene, how to prevent
occurrence of parasitic infection, and the effect of this
parasites on general health of the students.
- Cooperation between the Ministry of education and Ministry
of Health to integrate specific part about health lifestyle
related to parasitic infestation in educational curriculums.
- Continuous supervision for school environmental health by
the Ministry of education.
- Increasing student’s awareness about parasitic infestation by
school health nurse activities through conferences, meeting,
mass media and programs.
- Periodic stool analysis should be done for students in the
school and treat infected cases.
- Provision Booklets or simplified brochures by Ministry of
Health containing basic knowledge about parasitic infestation
should be available in each school-based clinic and rural
health unit.
- Conducting further studies about parasitic infestation among
school children in different age’s categories and geographic
areas in Egypt