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Fayoum University Students Perception
Regarding Reproductive Health /
Mabrouk, Huda Hamdi.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هدي حمدي مبروك عبدالعزيز
مشرف / أم السعد فاروق
مناقش / عزيزة عطية
مناقش / رانيا عبدالحق فراج
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
224 P. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم التمريض الامومة وامراض النساء
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Based on the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that:
• Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health Eighty percent of study group had knowledge about elements, aim of RH and women rights. As regard attitude all study group had positive attitude towards Reproductive Health. There was a statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different income level, mother education and father education. Near half of study group had good level of knowledge about Reproductive Health.
Based on the study finding, it was recommend the following:
(1) Simple booklet written in Arabic language should be developed, available for all female university studentsincluded all needed information.
(2) Female studentsneeds should be assessedcontinuously
(3) Develop reproductive health educational programs on large sample
(4) Further researches to assess and investigate early adult barriers for utilization of RH services
Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. It is a reflection of health during childhood, and crucial during adolescence and adulthood, sets the stage for health beyond the reproductive years for both women and men, and affects the health of the next generation. The health of the newborn is largely a function of the mother’s health and nutrition status and of her access to health care. Reproductive health is a universal concern, but is of special importance for women particularly during the reproductive years
The Aim of the study:
To assess Fayoum university student’s perception regarding reproductive health.
Research questions
-What is the female students’ knowledge regarding reproductive health?
-What is the female students’ attitude regarding reproductive health?
A descriptive exploratory research design was utilized in this study.
The current study was conducted at faculty of tourism and hotels and faculty of Dar Aluloom at fayoum university
A purposive sample of(200) female students newly enrolled in first year of faculty of tourism and hotels and first year of faculty of dar aloom. The studied sample was selected according to the following inclusion criteria :-
1-Age 18-20 years.
3-Available at the time of the research
4-First academic year
Tools for Data Collection:
Two tools will be used in this study:
I. Structured interviewing Questionnaire Sheet:
It will be designed by the researcher after reviewing the related literature and it was reviewed by supervisors. It will be written in an Arabic language which includes six parts for gathering the following data:
The first part :included assessment personal data such as age, marital status, number of family, income, mother and father education and their parents characteristics.
The second part :include assessment knowledge regarding reproductive health issues such as The concept of reproductive health, elements of reproductive health and aim of reproductive health, goals of reproductive health services, factor that affect the reproductive health and rights of women in reproductive health.
The third part : included students information about nutrition and the effects on reproductive health such as component of healthy diet, importance of healthy diet for female reproductive health.
The fourth part :included students information about marriage such as preconception care and source information about preconception care.
The fifth part :included students information about pregnancy such as age of pregnancy, goals of antenatal care and warning signs of pregnancy.
The six part :included students information about family planning method such as types of family planning methods, source of information about family planning method.
Scoring system:
A scoring system will be followed to assess female student’ knowledge according to reproductive health. The right answer will be scored as a two point and the wrong answer will be scored as a one point. These scores will be summed and converted into a percent score.
It will be classified into 3 categories:
- Good knowledge if score >80%.
- Average knowledge if score from 70 - 80%.
- Poor knowledge if score <70%.
II – Attitude Rating Scale:
Modified Likert like type rating scale to assess the attitude of the female students towards reproductive health. Aiken, L. R (1996)
Scoring system:
A scoring system will be followed to be assessed female students’ attitudes toward reproductive health. Each statement will be assigned a score according to female students’ responses and attitude, they will be classified to positive and negative attitude.
Responses will be “agree”, “uncertain”, “disagree” and will be respectively scored 3, 2 and 1. The scoring will be reversed for negative statements; the scores of the items will be summed up and will be converted into a percentage score.
It will be classified into 2 categories:
- Positive attitude if score ≥ 60%.
- Negative attitude if score < 60%
The main study findings can be summarized as the following:
1) The mean age of study group was (18.7±0.92) years and mean number of family members was (5.8±1.5) individual.
2) 47% of study group had a correct answers about definition of RH, followed by 58% had correct information about target group of RH services.
3) Near eighty percent of study group had knowledge about elements, aim of RH, and woman rights, and way of STD prevention.
4) 79% of students had information about components of healthy nutrition and 91% of them know the importance of nutrition in reproductive health
5) 98% of study group had knowledge about family planning services, 61.8% mentioned breast-feeding as a family planning methods, And Higher percentage of them 34% had this information from internet and social media followed by 24% from mothers..
6) 63 to 98% of study group agreed about that education level, follow healthy life style, and increase awareness about reproductive health to teenage and youth will improve the awareness level.
7) Majority of study group agreed about the important of antenatal care and involvement of both females and males in RH. Most of them agreed that the importance of early detection of STD and importance of nutrition, family planning service, and the bad effect of smoking addiction and circumcision on reproductive health.
8) The mean knowledge score about general items of RH was (15.7±1.6), and for nutrition (3.7±0.58), marriage score was (6.1±0.85).
9) 47% had good level of knowledge about RH, 43% had average level, and 10% had poor level of knowledge. As regards attitude all study group had a positive attitude towards RH.
10) There was a statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different income level, mother occupation and father education.
11) There was no statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different residence, mother education, and father occupation
12) There was a statistical significant difference in Attitude score between different income level, mother occupation and father occupation.
13) On the other hand there was no statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different residence, mother and father education.
14) There was a statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different income level, mother occupation and father education with high percentage of poor knowledge among students had enough income, and students whose mother, and fathers were illiterate and had manual work.
15) There was no statistical significant difference in knowledge level between different residence
Based on the results of the present study, the following can be concluded:
• Eighty percent of study group had knowledge about elements, aim of RH and women rights.
• As regard attitude all study group had positive attitude towards RH
• There was a statistical significant difference in knowledge score between different income level, mother education and father education.
• There was no a statistical significant difference in knowledge level between different residence.
• There was statistically significant positive correlation between attitude level and each of general knowledge about RH, marriage, pregnancy and total knowledge score about RH.
• There was no statistical significant correlation between attitude score and both nutrition and family planning method
• Near half of study group had good level of knowledge about RH.
from the study finding we could recommend the following:
(1) Simple booklet written in Arabic language should be developed, available for all female university students included all needed information.
(2) Female students needs should be assessed continuously
(3) Develop reproductive health educational programs
(4) Further researches to assess and investigate early adult barriers for utilization of RH services