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أثر التفاعل بين نمطين للدمج (تتابعي/ تشعيبي) وأسلوبي التفكير
(محلي/ عالمي) في بيئة التعلم المدمج على اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية
والتفكير الناقد لدى تلاميذ التعليم الأساسي/
مصباح، محمد إبراهيم إبراهيم محمد .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد ابراهيم ابراهيم
مشرف / محمد عطية خميس
مشرف / زينب حسن
مناقش / حنان الشاعر
مناقش / مصطفى عبد الرحمن
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تكنولوجيا التعليم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم تكنولوجيا التعليم
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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مستخلص الرسالة
يهدف هذا البحث إلى معرفة أثر التفاعل بين نمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي) في بيئة التعلم المدمج وبين أسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي) على اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية والتفكير الناقد، وللوصول إلى هذا الهدف تم تحديد قائمة المفاهيم العلمية وبناء استراتجيتين للدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي)، وتم تحديد معايير تصميم بيئة التعلم المدمج بنمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي)، وتصميم وتطوير بيئة التعلم المدمج بنمطيها(التتابعي/ التشعيبي)، في ضوء المعايير التصميمية، وباتباع نموذج عبد اللطيف الجزار(2014) للتصميم التعليمي.
استخدم البحث التصميم التجريبي المعروف باسم التصميم العاملي2x2 Factorial) Design)، وقد تكونت عينة البحث من (40) تلميذًا وتلميذة من تلاميذ الصف الرابع الابتدائي حيث تم توزيعهن على مجموعتين تجريبيتين بواقع (20) تلميذًا وتلميذة لكل مجموعة وفق مقياس تصنيفي لأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي), وتم تقسيم كل مجموعة عشوائيًا إلى مجموعتين تبعًا لنمطين للدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي)، حيث تم تدريس المجموعة التجريبية الأولى بطريقة الدمج التتابعي (10 تلاميذ ذوَيْ أسلوب التفكير”المحلي”, 10 طلاب ذوَيْ أسلوب التفكير”العالمي”)، وتم تدريس المجموعة التجريبية الثأنية بطريقة الدمج التشعيبي (10 تلاميذ ذوَيْ أسلوب التفكير”المحلي”, 10 طلاب ذوَيْ أسلوب التفكير”العالمي”)
تمثلت أدوات البحث في الاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية، واختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد، ومقياس أساليب التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي)، وقد تم صياغة عدد(12) فرضًا للإجابة عن أسئلة
البحث، وبعد أنتهاء تجربة البحث، قام الباحث بإجراء المعالجة الإحصائية للبيأنات باستخدام حزمة البرامج الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعيةSPSS .
وأوضحت النتائج فيما يخص التأثير الأساسي لنمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي) في بيئة التعلم المدمج عن وجود تأثير أساسي لنمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي) على كل من التطبيق البعدي للاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية، والتطبيق البعدي لاختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد مع الضبط لدرجات التطبيق القبلي لهما لصالح نمط الدمج التشعيبي، كما اتضح ووجود تأثير أساسي على الكسب العام في الاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية، بينما لا يوجد تأثير أساسي لنمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي) على الكسب العام فى اختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد.
أما فيما يخص النتائج الخاصة بالتأثير الأساسي لأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي) في التعلم المدمج: اتضح وجود تأثير أساسي لأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي) على التطبيق البعدي للاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية مع الضبط لدرجات التطبيق القبلي لهما لصالح درجات الطلاب الذين درسوا بيئة التعلم المدمج بأسلوب التفكير المحلي، بينما لا يوجد تأثير أساسي لأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي) على التطبيق البعدي لاختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد مع الضبط لدرجات التطبيق القبلي لهما.
كما اتضح وجود تأثير أساسي لأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي) على الكسب في الاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية وكذلك الكسب في اختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد، لصالح درجات الطلاب الذين درسوا بيئة التعلم المدمج بأسلوب التفكير المحلي.
وبالنسبة للنتائج الخاصة بأثر التفاعل بين كل من نمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي)، وأسلوبي التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي)، في بيئة التعلم المدمج: كشفت أنه لايوجد تفاعل بينهما على التطبيق البعدي للاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية واختبار قياس اكتساب التفكير الناقد مع الضبط لدرجات التطبيق القبلي لهما، كما لا يوجد تفاعل بينهما على الكسب العام للاختبار التحصيلي لقياس اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية وكذلك الكسب العام لاختبار قياس التفكير الناقد.
الكلمات المفتاحية: التفاعل- نمطي الدمج (التتابعي/ التشعيبي)- بيئة التعلم المدمج- أساليب التفكير(المحلي/ العالمي)- اكتساب المفاهيم العلمية- التفكير الناقد
Technological innovations have gained increasing importance due to the development in information technology in the various fields of knowledge. The methods actually used in the field of education have evolved with the aim of improving it and increasing its efficiency and effectiveness. The development of educational technology has led to the emergence of E-learning and the expansion of its fields and applications in distance learning and training. It is not concerned with providing content only, but also concerned with the elements and components of the educational program as a whole. And you need to develop a learning environment that combines traditional education and E-learning, and blended learning is considered one of the new trends in the education system, which appeared as a natural development of E-learning, which - which can contribute - to solve many teaching and learning problems, including the Traditional teaching style.
There is no doubt that there may not be a single method that can be ideal for education, because individuals are different and this requires different teaching methods.
Therefore, blended learning provides the user to find the learning style that is most appropriate to the needs of education. And since theory and experimentation has neglected, the interactions that occur during the presentation of the two Blending Types(Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment with the different thinking styles of learners, and its relationship to the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking, so the need to know which of the two blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) can be better, more effective and have an impact on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking, and this is what the goal of this research, as the current research deals with the two Blending types(Flow/Core and Spoke), in order to reveal the effect of the interaction between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), and the two thinking styles (local/global), in A Blended Learning Environment, on the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Critical Thinking of Basic Education Pupils.
The Research problem:
The main question of this research can be stated as follows:
How can a blended learning environment be designed with two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), to investigate the interaction effect between two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), and two thinking styles (local/global), in A Blended Learning Environment, on the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Critical Thinking of Basic Education Pupils?
This main question was divided into the following sub-questions:-
1. What are the cognitive aspects necessary for the Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Critical Thinking?
2. What are the criteria and specifications for designing a Blended learning environment based on two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) of basic education pupils?
3. What is the instructional design of a blended learning environment based on Two Blending Types (Flow/Core and Spoke) according to Elgazzar instructional design model and in the light of the previous design criteria?
4. What is the main effect of the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking?
5. What is the main effect of the two thinking styles (local / global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and Critical Thinking?
6. What is the interaction effect between two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment and the two thinking styles (local /global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking?
The research Hypotheses:
The researcher has divided the research hypotheses into the following:
First: The basic effect of the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), in the blended learning environment, on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
And in order to answer the fourth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
1. The first hypothesis: There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05); it refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to acquire scientific concepts with the adjustment of the degrees of the pre-application.
2. The second hypothesis: There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application to test the acquisition of critical thinking with adjusting the degrees of pre-application.
3. The third hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test of scientific concepts.
4. The fourth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke)in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of critical thinking
Second: The main impact of the two thinking styles (local / global), on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And to answer the fifth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
5. The fifth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts after controlling for the effect of the pre-measurement scores.
6. The sixth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). Due to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the test to measure the acquisition of critical thinking after adjusting for the effect of the degrees of the pre-measurement.
7. The seventh hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
8. The eighth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local/global) on the acquisition test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking.
Third: The interaction effect between the types of inclusion (Flow/Core and Spoke), and between the two modes of thinking (local / global) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And in order to answer the sixth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
9. The ninth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at the level of significance (0,05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts with control. Degrees of pre-application.
10. The tenth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at the level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking with adjustment of degrees Tribal application.
11. The eleventh hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
The twelfth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow /Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking
The Research Objectives:
This research aimed to fulfill the following objectives:
1. Identifying the cognitive aspects to acquire scientific concepts and critical thinking.
2. Identifying the design standards that should be considered when developing a blended learning environment based on two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) of basic education pupils.
3. Identifying the blended learning environment based on two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) after developing it with one of the instructional design models.
4. Investigating the basic effect of two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
5. Investigating the basic effect of the two thinking styles (local /global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
6. Investigating the interaction effect between two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment and two thinking styles (local / global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
The Research Importance:
This research is considered important in the following aspects:
1. Directs researchers in the field of educational technology with new approaches and educational methods to design and develop blended learning environments.
2. It is one of the first researches - as far as the researcher knows - that is concerned with studying types of blended learning, and their relationship to the learner’s thinking style.
3. It is considered a reflection of modern educational trends that emphasize the use of multiple learning resources in the education process, especially the use of blended learning.
4. It is considered a type of interactive research that is concerned with the interaction between treatment and Aptitude (ATI), which reconciles the learning method with the individual differences between learners.
5. It is considered in line with modern educational trends that emphasize the importance of making the learner a producer of knowledge and not a recipient or a consumer of it.
6. It contributes to reveal the basic effect of the two thinking styles (local / global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
7. It contributes to investigate the basic effect of two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
8. It helps to investigate the interaction effect between two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment and the thinking styles (local / global) on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking
The Research Delimitation:
This research has been carried out under the following delimitations:
1. Spatial limits: Mohamed Naguib and Mohamed Al-Durra primary government schools, Al-Basateen and Dar Al-Salaam Educational Administration, Directorate of Education in Cairo, Ministry of Education, Arab Republic of Egypt.
2. Human limits: selecting the research sample of fourth grade pupils of primary school, their ages ranged between (10-11) years.
3. Time limits: the first semester of the academic year (2020/2021 AD).
4. Research Content Limits:
- Scientific concepts in the energy unit in the science subject for fourth grade students of primary school for the academic year (2020/2021 AD).
- Preparing a critical thinking test to measure acquisition of critical thinking skills according to five levels (Interpretation - evaluating arguments - deduction - conclusion - knowledge of assumptions).
- Preparing an achievement test to measure acquisition of scientific concepts according to bloom’s first three levels (Memorization, Understanding and Application), which are commonly used in the elementary school.
5. Developmental limits:
- Applying Elgazzar instructional system design (ISD) model(Elgazzar, 2014) to develop the blended learning environment in designing unit for two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) up to the evaluation stage and matching the design standards of the blended learning environment, and it included five stages: (study and analysis, design, production, evaluation, use).
- Two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and two thinking styles (local /global).
- Presenting the activities (flow / core and spoke) for Two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment.
The Research Methodology:
The Researcher has adopted the Systems Approach through applying an instructional system design (ISD) model. This approach includes the descriptive-analytical approach during the study stage as well as the experimental approach during the evaluation stage and measuring the effectiveness of this design, which as Elgazzar defined (Elgazzar, 2014), it is the integration of three consecutive approaches of research:
• The analytical descriptive research method, which examines the aspects of achievement and standards, to answer the first sub-question and the second sub-question of the research questions.
• The Systems Development Method, using the Abdul Latif Al-Jazzar model (Elgazzar, 2014), for educational design, to develop the blended learning environment according to the two types of integration (flow / core and spoke), to answer the third sub-question of the research questions.
• Experimental research approach, when applying the research experiment to reveal the effect of the interaction between the two styles of integration (flow / core and spoke) and two thinking styles (local / global) in the blended learning environment on acquiring concepts and critical thinking and answering the fourth and fifth sub-questions of the research questions.
The Experimental Design:
The researcher used the experimental design known as (2x2 Factorial Design) with pre and post-test.
The researcher has used four groups:
group (1): Students with ”local” thinking style, studying through the ”Flow” Blending Type.
group (2): students with ”Global” thinking style, studying through the ”Flow” Blending Type.
group (3): students with ”local” thinking style, studying through the ”Core and Spoke” Blending Type.
group (4): students with ”Global” thinking style, studying through the ”Core and Spoke” Blending Type.
The Research Variables:
The Research has included the following variables:
a) Independent variables
1-Developing two blended learning environments for the two blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke).
2-Thinking styles (local/ Global).
b) Dependent Variables:
1- Acquisition of Scientific concepts.
2- Acquisition of Critical thinking.
c) Control Variables:
1- Scientific concepts achievement Pre-test.
2- Critical Thinking Pre-test.
The Statistical Hypotheses:
The Statistical Hypotheses of the research have been formulated in (12) Hypotheses:
First: The basic effect of the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), in the blended learning environment, on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
And in order to answer the fourth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
1. The first hypothesis: There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05); It refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to acquire scientific concepts with the adjustment of the degrees of the pre-application.
2. The second hypothesis: There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application to test the acquisition of critical thinking with adjusting the degrees of pre-application.
3. The third hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test of scientific concepts.
4. The fourth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke)in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of critical thinking
Second: The main impact of the two thinking styles (local / global), on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And to answer the fifth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
5. The fifth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts after controlling for the effect of the pre-measurement scores.
6. The sixth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). Due to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the test to measure the acquisition of critical thinking after adjusting for the effect of the degrees of the pre-measurement.
7. The seventh hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
8. The eighth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local/global) on the acquisition test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking.
Third: The interaction effect between the types of inclusion (Flow/Core and Spoke), and between the two modes of thinking (local / global) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And in order to answer the sixth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
9. The ninth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at the level of significance (0,05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts with control. Degrees of pre-application.
10. The tenth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at the level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking with adjustment of degrees Tribal application.
11. The eleventh hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
12. The twelfth hypothesis: There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow /Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking.
The Research Tools:
In this research, the researcher has developed the following:
1) An Achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts (prepared by the researcher).
2) A test to measure the acquisition of critical thinking (Prepared by the researcher).
3) A Thinking (local / global) Scale (Prepared by Sternberg and Wagner) Translated into Arabic by Mr. Abu Hashem.
The Research Sample:
The researcher has selected (40) pupils of fourth grade of primary school, in Muhammad Najeeb Primary School, in the Basateen and Dar Al-Salam Educational Administration, where they were distributed into two experimental groups by (20) male and female students per group according to a classification scale for the thinking style (local / global), and each group was divided randomly into two groups according to two blending types (flow / core and spoke), and the first experimental group was taught by the method of flow blending type (10) students with a ”local” thinking style, (10) students with ”global” thinking style. The second experimental group was taught by the method of core and spoke blending type (10) students with ”local” thinking style, (10) students with ”global” thinking style.
The Research Procedures:
The researcher followed:
First: Deriving the standards for designing the interface of the learner and the educational program:
Preparing the theoretical framework for the research, which includes reviewing and analyzing the educational literature and previous studies related to research variables, namely:
• The concept of blended learning, its characteristics, and its capabilities.
• Types of blending (Flow / core and spoke) and its relationship with two thinking styles (local / global) in the blended learning environment.
• A theoretical study of blended learning environments.
• A theoretical study on the design of the interface of interaction in two Types of blending (Flow / core and spoke)
• Aspects of cognitive achievement in the Energy Unit of Science, and reaching a list of scientific concepts according to the research boundaries.
• Drafting a list of ”initial” standards for designing the interface in the two blended learning environments, with its two blending types (Flow / core and spoke).
• Presenting the list of ”preliminary” standards to a group of experts and specialists in the field of educational technology to set the list and reach the final list of those standards.
• Determine the design standards that should be taken into account when developing blended learning environments that employ two blending Types (Flow / core and spoke).
• The development of two blended Types (Flow / core and spoke) in blended learning environment in light of the previous design standards, and by following the model of Abdul Latif Elgazzar for instructional design (Elgazzar, 2014).
Second: The study and analysis stage to develop two blended types(Flow /core and spoke) in blended learning environment:
1) Determine the characteristics of the learners at that age.
2) Determine the educational needs of the learners.
3) Reality analysis and educational resources that help the researcher to obtain clear and correct results.
Third: the design phase of the program:
1) Behaviorally formulating educational goals, analyzing them, and arranging their sequence.
Define content elements, and organize their sequence.
3) Building measurement tools with reference to the reference and confirming its validity and reliability.
4) Choosing the educational experiences that will be provided to the learner through the blended learning environment.
5) selection of multimedia elements (written texts - audio - music - animation - static and movable images) for the educational environment.
6) Designing the educational message to be delivered to the learner on the pre-selected multimedia elements.
7) Designing the navigation methods and the interface of the educational program according to the standards.
8) Designing a multimedia scenario on the media chosen in light of the previous step.
9) Determine the overall strategy for implementing education in educational environment modules that are appropriate for all these criteria.
Fourth: The Production Stage:
The script is authored and produced by one of the authoring systems and the devices are prepared for use, as well as producing two blended learning environments according to what was done in the design phase, as follows:
1) The production of written texts.
2) Producing phonemes, background music recordings and sound effects.
3) Production of drawings and photos.
4) Producing or making video clips.
5) Linkage, integration and synchronization between the multimedia in the light of the educational strategy.
Fifth: the formative assessment and environmental approval phase:
1) Presenting the environment in its initial form to professors specializing in the field of education and information technology and specialists in designing and producing blended learning environments, in order to make the necessary reviews and adjustments to the environment until it is approved.
2) Exploratory (mini) experimentation of the environment on a small sample that is not included in the final (extended) sample, which is the final application on them, and making the necessary reviews and adjustments for the program in light of the students’ feedback
Sixth: Research Experience, which includes:
1) Applying the research tools to the research sample (prior to).
2) Applying the program to the research sample.
3) Applying the search tools again to the research sample (dimensional)
4) Statistical treatment of results using ”SPSS statistical software package”.
5) Presentation, interpretation and discussion of results.
6) Providing appropriate recommendations and proposals in light of the results.
7) Final preparation of the thesis.t by period of time.
Seventh: Collecting data
Collecting and processing data through suitable statistical techniques.
Eighth: The Research Results:
The researcher hypotheses have been accepted as follows:
First: The main effect of the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke), in the blended learning environment, on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
And in order to answer the fourth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
1. The first hypothesis was accepted, since There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05); It refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to acquire scientific concepts with the adjustment of the degrees of the pre-application.
2. The second hypothesis was accepted, since There is a statistically significant main effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the post application to test the acquisition of critical thinking with adjusting the degrees of pre-application.
3. The third hypothesis was accepted, since There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test of scientific concepts.
4. The fourth hypothesis was refused, since There is a statistically significant basic effect at the level of significance (0.05), due to the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke)in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of critical thinking
Second: The main effect of the two thinking styles (local / global), on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And to answer the fifth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
5. The fifth hypothesis was accepted, since There is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts after controlling for the effect of the pre-measurement scores.
6. The sixth hypothesis was refused, since there is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). Due to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the post application of the test to measure the acquisition of critical thinking after adjusting for the effect of the degrees of the pre-measurement.
7. The seventh hypothesis was accepted, since there is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
8. The eighth hypothesis was accepted, since there is a statistically significant basic effect at a level of significance (0.05). It refers to the two thinking styles (local / global) on the acquisition test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking.
Third: The interaction effect between the two modes of inclusion (Flow/Core and Spoke), and between the two modes of thinking (local / global) in the blended learning environment on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking:
And in order to answer the sixth question, where the following hypotheses were formulated:
9. The ninth hypothesis was refused, since There is a statistically significant interaction at the level of significance (0,05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts with control. Degrees of pre-application.
10. The tenth hypothesis was refused, since There is a statistically significant interaction
at the level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the post application of the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking with adjustment of degrees Tribal application.
11. The eleventh hypothesis was refused, since There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the achievement test to measure the acquisition of scientific concepts.
12. The twelfth hypothesis was refused, since There is a statistically significant interaction at a level of significance (0.05), between the two Blending types (Flow/Core and Spoke) and the two thinking styles (local / global), in the blended learning environment, on the gain in the test of measuring the acquisition of critical thinking.
The Research-Recommendations:
According to the research importance, problem, and results the following recommendations can be stated:
1. Take advantage of the blended learning environment - designed by the researcher - as a system for providing online courses in the community of the Ministry of Education in general, and in the field of educational technology in particular.
2. Take advantage of the criteria for designing the blended learning environments with the two blending types (flow / core and spoke) that were reached in the current study when designing the blended learning environments similar to that.
3. Benefiting from the design of learning styles integrated with the current research, in achieving other educational goals, and developing different skills in other courses.
4. The necessity of sound technological design for blended learning evidence, through the application of one of the instructional design models that have been proven effective.
5. The necessity to take into account the nature of the educational objectives, the educational tasks, the characteristics of the target learners, and their personality variables when presenting the blended learning styles in the blended learning environment.
6. Paying attention to the type of research that is concerned with the interaction between treatment and aptitude (ATT), and which reconciles learning with individual differences of learners.
7. Using the Abdul Latif Al-gazzar model (2013) to develop e-learning environments as it has proven effective in this field (Elgazzar, 2014).
8. Encouraging the use of blended learning within educational institutions, so that it covers all curricula..
9. Preparing and training teachers to employ multiple methods to integrate e-learning with the traditional method, in order to update teaching methods for various courses and keep pace with development.
The Suggested Research:
Researcher has suggested the following studies:
1. Performing studies to study the effect of presenting the two bending types (flow /core and spoke) used by research versus thinking style (local /global) on other dependent variables.
2. Performing studies that deals with the same independent research variables (blending types and thinking style), but with skills other than critical thinking skills used in the research.
3. Performing studies to study the effect of the interaction between presenting the two bending types (flow / core and spoke) with other thinking styles and its effect on the acquisition of scientific concepts and critical thinking.
4. Performing studies to study the effect of presenting other types of blending that are not used by research in contrast to other methods of thinking on the same dependent variables or other dependent variables, to include courses and specializations for all academic levels.