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تاريخ النشر
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182 P. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - إنتاج الداجن
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The study aimed to investigate the use of two types with different levels of nanoparticles (silver or graphene) in feed or drinking water of broilers. This study included two experiments.
First experiment (Nanoparticles in broiler diets)
Three hundred and sixty unsexed day-olds of Indian River (IR) broiler chicks were used to study the effect of using two types and different levels of nanoparticles in broiler diets on performance, carcass characteristics, some bone traits, some blood components, length of the digestive tract and microbiological analysis of small intestine and cecum contents of broiler chicks. This experiment contained 9 treatments (40 chicks each). The experiment lasted from 1 to 35 day-old divided into three stages (starter (1-14 d), grower (15-28 d) and finisher (29-35 d)). The diets were containing 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 ppm/kg of two types of nanoparticles and control (basal diets) through the 3 different stages, respectively. Results of this experiment showed that, chick performance including LBW, BWG, FI, PI and EPEF were differed significantly between treatments related to the different levels of nanoparticles but weren’t affected by different types of nanoparticles, also FCR wasn’t differed significantly by different types or levels of nanoparticles. All carcass traits and cuts percentages weren’t affected significantly with different treatments except liver percentage was it increased significantly with increase nanoparticles level in diets. The two types of nanoparticles were affected significantly plasma cholesterol and AST of chicks. On the other hand, Total protein, Globulins and A/G, cholesterol, AST, and ALT have affected significantly by different levels of nanoparticles. All physical and chemical bone measurements haven’t affected significantly by different types or levels of nanoparticles except tibia width and ash% where affected significantly by different levels of nanoparticles. The count of Lactobacillus of both small intestine and Ceca affected significantly by different types and levels of nanoparticles. On the other hand E.Coli in both small intestine and Ceca decreased significantly with increasing nanoparticles levels, but affected significantly(P≤0.01) by different levels in ceca only. Silver nanoparticle deposit some residual in some tissue such as .liver tissue and thigh muscles, however didn’t deposit residual in breast muscles.
Second experiment (Nanoparticles in broiler drinking water)
Two hundred and seventy unsexed day-olds of (Cobb 500) broiler chicks were used to study the effect of using different types and levels of nanoparticles in broiler drinking water on performance, carcass characteristics, some bone traits, some blood components, and length of digestive tract and microbiological analysis of small intestine and cecum contents of broiler chicks. This experiment contained 9 treatments (30 chicks each). The experiment lasted from 1 to 35 day-old divided to three stages (starter (1-14 d), grower (15-28 d) and finisher (29-35 d)). The drinking water was containing 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 ppm/L of both types of nanoparticles with control group through the 3 different stages, respectively. Results of this experiment showed that chick performance including LBW, BWG and FI were differed significantly by different types of nanoparticles at overall period, however, FCR, PI and EPEF weren’t affected significantly by different types of nanoparticles, on the other hand, LBW, BWG, PI and EPEF differed significantly by different levels of nanoparticles, but FI and FCR weren’t affected. All carcass traits and cuts percentages weren’t affected by nether types or levels of nanoparticles. There were significant differences between experimental treatments in plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and AST however, ALT affected by different levels of nanoparticles but hasn’t affected by different types of nanoparticles. All physical and bone measurements haven’t affected significantly by different types or levels of nanoparticles except organic matter% which it was affected significantly by different types of nanoparticles only. The count of Lactobacillus ssp. and E. coli in both small intestine and Ceca affected significantly (P≤0.01) by different types and levels of nanoparticles. There were residual of silver nanoparticles in liver tissue.