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العوامل المرتبطة بممارسة المنظم الإجتماعي لدوره كوسيط تفاوضي في حل النزاعات الطلابية =
على، فاطمة عبدالحميد محمد شندى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فاطمة عبد الحميد محمد شندي علي
مشرف / علي سيد علي مسلم
مناقش / تومادر مصطفي احمد
مناقش / ايمان عبد العال احمد
تنظيم المجتمع.
عدد الصفحات
218ص. ؛
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - خدمة اجتماعية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 229

from 229


Second: Summary of the Study in English
First: problem of the study:
The role is one of the variables of the professional practice of the method of organizing the society by describing the behavior or the professional behavior that must be committed by the social organizer in the exercise and intervention with the community facing a problematic situation requires professional intervention to the way of organizing the community to face or mitigate this situation The role of the specialist is linked to the goals he wants to achieve and to suit the situation he faces. This role is considered one of the variables of professional practice of the way the society is organized to confront this situation or to mitigate its severity. The role of the social worker is related to the goals he wants to achieve and to suit the situation he faces. Which is appropriate for the theoretical guide whether it is a intervention model directed at the professional intervention and the strategy used, as well as the problematic nature of the situation faced by the professional practitioner as well as the skills of the social organizer in selecting the appropriate role, To determine the role that is appropriate to the nature of the position that deals with it to achieve the goal of the intervention of the regulator in this position and avoid the process of conflict and conflict and the struggle of the streets of practice and the loss of time in the process of experimentation for the rolesMayalha and Malaiha and avoid mistakes that result from the exercise of roles in the wrong place appropriate
The National Association (NASW) has recognized the role of the social worker as an intermediary and has officially recognized the growing role of mediation in the practice of social service. ”Mayer, Bernard” emphasized the alliance in social service, He noted that social workers act as interlocutors in conflict as a matter of course in all aspects of their work. They also add much to the field of conflict as leaders in this area since its inception for their appreciation of technological techniques, concepts and processes, and the patterns that make it possible to enhance the effectiveness of what you do in the conflict area to a large extent. The practices in both fields focus on empowerment, the process, the right to self-determination, the perspective of consistency and commitment to justice, and the mediation in social service has grown, developed and made progress in many areas of practice. W neutral to facilitate the settlement of disputes that Each party to the conflict shall be able to request service and participate voluntarily through the process of communication and encourage the parties to understand and focus on their individual and public interests, while not imposing their opinion on the participants or bias to the party, but facilitates the discussion
and adds charles.zastrow (2004) As a negotiator who brings together those who are in conflict situations in one or more issues and seeks to achieve compromise and compromise to reach an acceptable agreement. In some cases negotiation, such as mediation, involves finding common ground with which all sides can coexist. Pamela Trevithick (2005) Social service These skills are the skills of negotiation and empowerment, contracting, networking, partnership work, mediation, advocacy, assertion, challenge, confrontation and dealing with adversity, hostility and violence. There are a number of factors that are factors Social, cultural, professional and administrative, which are linked to the social organizer’s role as a negotiating mediator in resolving student disputes. The role of the social regulator is linked to negotiation, especially in the field of youth care because it is an important field for practicing social service. Educational programs of the university through the work of social workers in the care of young people at different levels and activate the provision of these devices of services and programs integrated and diverse for young people in universities as individuals, groups and functional communities and social workers working in the field of youth welfare have a key role in the process of guidance and guidance provided to university students there are many Of the professions and specialties working in the field of university youth care, but the profession of social service from the professions and disciplines working in the field of youth care at different levels and activating the advanced services of these services
defining the problem of the study:
Therefore, the study problem is determined in determining The factors associated with the practice of social organizer and his role as a negotiative mediator in resolving student disputes, in addition to determining the nature of the conflicts that occur among university students, as well as identifying the obstacles that prevent the social organizer from exercising his role as a negotiative mediator in solving student disputes
Second: The importance of study
1-With the increasing problems and conflicts that occur between university students, which leads to problems that hinder their academic achievement, it was necessary to address the factors associated with the social organizer’s role as a negotiative mediator in resolving student disputes, whether these factors are related to the knowledge or experience and the proper professional preparation of the specialist as a negotiative mediator
2-The university is one of the institutions that have a great impact and is very important in preparing the generations to raise the society and any problems that affect them negatively and because the university is one of the sub-patterns that affect these young people, the social organization has a positive role in preventing anything that affects university students and reduces their use In this educational stage at the university
3-The importance of the study is also the lack of studies that dealt with mediation in general and the role of the social regulator as a negotative mediator, especially in the field of youth welfare in particular
4-And work on social networking and social service in the field of youth welfare and the role of the social regulator as a mediator bargaining in which it possesses the elements and gain the skills and possibilities and prepare a healthy professional social organizer as a negotiative mediator
Third: The Goals of the Study:
1-IdentifyThe factors associated with the practice of social organizer and his role as a negotiative mediator in resolving student disputes in terms of:
A. Personal factors B. Professional factors
C) Administrative factors D. Social factors
2- Determine how to practice the role of mediator negotative in work with student disputes
3- Determine the nature of conflicts that occur between university students
4-identify the obstacles that prevent the social organizer to exercise its role as a negotiative mediator in the resolution of student disputes as follows:
A) Constraints associated with the social organization as negotiative a mediator
B - Constraints associated with the institution
C) Obstacles related to students
D - Constraints related to the nature of the role
(E) Obstacles related to society
4 - 5-identify the proposals through which it can alleviate the obstacles that prevent the social organizer to exercise its role as a negotiative mediator in resolving student disputes as follows:
A - Proposals for the social organization B - proposals for the institution
C - proposals for students D - proposals on the nature of the role
E) Special proposals for the community
6-Access to a vision of the future perspective of the way the community organization to activate role of the social organizer as a negotative mediator in resolving disputes
Fourth: concepts of study:
A-Factory B - Negotation C- Negotative mediator D- Student disputes
Fifth : The Study Hypothesis:
this study seeks to test the validity of the main branch which
This study seeks to answer the following questions:-
1-The first hypotheses: It is expected that there will be a statistically significant positive correlation between the factors associated with the social organizer role as a negotative mediator and the resolution of student disputes.
The validity of this hypothesis can be tested through the following variables and indicators:
1 - Personal factor
2-Professional factors
3- Social factors
4- Administrative farctors
2-The second hypotheses: It is expected there is a positive relationship between the social organizer’s role as a negotative mediator and the solution of student disputes
The validity of this hypothesis can be tested through the following variables and indicators:
1- Resolution student disputes
2- the types of student disputes
2- The four hypotheses: It is expected that there will be a statistically significant positive relationship between the mechanisms used by the social organizer working in the youth welfare departments of the university faculties and resolution the student disputes
The validity of this hypothesis can be tested through the following variables and indicators:
5- Deprivation of youth welfare activities
6- Referral to Disciplinary councils
7- Call the guardian
8- Show the problem to the bosses
9-termination Interim
Sixth : method logy pocedures of the study
5- Kind of study: this study is considered from descriptive studies
2-The used Method : The methodology of social survey is based on a comprehensive survey method because it is considered one of the main methods used in descriptive research, especially since the social survey method is one of the most appropriate methods suitable for this study. In line with the type and purpose of the study, Social workers working in the departments of youth welfare in each of the faculties of Assiut University and social workers working under the auspices of the central youth at the university
3- Tools of the study: A questionnaire form for social workers working in youth welfare departments in each of the faculties of Assiut University and social workers working under the auspices of the central youth at the university
4- Fileds of study:
A- spatial fields:
This study will be conducted on the departments of youth welfare in various faculties of practical and theoretical at Assiut University and central youth welfare at the university
B- the human fields :
The number of social workers with a Bachelor of Social wok and their number in the departments of youth welfare(68) for each of the faculties of Assiut University (16) social work, while in the Department of Central Youth Welfare number (45) social workers with a Bachelor of Social wrok by of the social worker’s role is very important in the educational process, especially at the university level, it is one of the most dangerous stages in which the student’s personality is formed and what is exposed to it affects his personality and the important role played by the social organizer as an intermediary with his skills and abilities conscious Ed theoretical and professional sound contributes to the provision of preventive, curative and developmental environment for students
1-The study community
A comprehensive inventory of the number of social workers working in the youth welfare departments of each of the (16) faculties and the number (68) social workers, while in the centeral youth welfare (45) social worker
2-Sample study
A comprehensive inventory of the social workers working in the departments of youth welfare at the faculties of Assiut University and the Central Youth welfare Unit (113). However, the researcher was able to interview only (80) social work (60) in youth welfare departments, (20) Completion of the form, the presence of external assignments of some social workers, sick leave, regular leave, leave for some specialists
B- time field:
The period it i take to collect data and conclude conclusions from the field of study from 4/12/2018 to 27/12/2018
Seventh:processors and statistical methods are:
Data were processed through the computer using the SPSS Program (17.0) Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. The following statistical methods were applied:
1-Frequency and percentages
6- arithmetic mean
7- Pearson correlation coefficient
8- coefficient alpha kronbach
Eighth : Results of the study
- The results of the study showed that the most common terms associated with the social organizer role as a negotative mediator are the professional factors followed by the personal factors and the least administrative factors, with an average weight of (2.38) and a standard deviation of ( 0.239) with strong level
- The results of the study showed that the most common expressions related to the exercise of the role of the social oganizer for his role as a negotative mediator are listening to each party separately, followed by the commitment of total neutrality, and that the least of these words are the intervention of the regulator to make changes in the negotiations if they are at a standstill with an average of (3.52) and a standard deviation of (0.402 ) with strong level
- The results of the study revealed that the causes of disputes that occur between university students, and the most divergent views between students and each other disputes between them and that these expressions intolerance of opinion in religious matters with a total average mean weight of the variable as a whole (2.04) standard deviation (0.375) with medium level
- The results of the study showed that the types of disputes that occur between university students, the most verbal quarrels between students and each other, and the least of these expressions harassment problems between students and the average weight of the variable as a whole (2.18) standard deviation (0.446) with medium level
- The results of the study showed that the most common mechanisms used by the social oganizer working in the departments of youth welfare in universities in dealing with student disputes are negotiation. The lowest of these terms is the referral to the disciplinary councils with an average weight of (2.19) and an average deviation of (0.361) with medium level
- The study showed that the most obstacles that prevent the social organize from playing its role as a negotative mediator are return to the nature of the role, followed by the thatobstacles are return to the institution. The least of these obstacles are return to the social organizer, with an average weight of (2.33) and a standard deviation of (0.030) with medium level
-The study pointed out that the most possible proposals to mitigate the obstacles that prevent the social organizer from acting as a negotative mediaor are to take full advantage of the services, activities and programs of the youth welfare departments. The least of these is the lack of interest in the development of programs and services facing the needs And the increase in the number of human cadres of social oganizer, with an average of (2.60) and a deviation of standard (0.372) with strong level
-The results of the study confirmed that there is a statistically positive relationship between the factors associated with practicing the social organizer for his role as a negotative mediator and resolution student disputes, which makes us accept the first hypothesis of study
-The results of the study confirmed the existence of a positive relationship statistical function between the social organizer’s role as a negotative mediator and the resolution of student disputes, which makes us accept the second hypothesis of study
- The results of the study confirmed a statistically significant positive relationship between the mechanisms used by the social organizer working in the departments of youth welfare in university faculties and resolution student disputes, which makes us accept the third hypothesis of study.