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تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - انتاج الدواجن
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The experiments of this study were conducted in cooperation with Serw Experimental Station, Animal Production Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture and the laboratory of the Poultry Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University.
Obtained results could be summered as follow:
1. Body Weight:
1.1. Adult live body weight (10 months age):
Mean Values of the live body weight of SUD strain duck were significantly higher than those of the DOM strain (it was 3061.2 g versus 1972.5 g) respectively.
1.2. Body weight in the early stages of growth (hatching up to 12 weeks)
In general, the mean body weight values of the SUD strain were significantly higher than those of the other strain (DOM) in the early stages of growth:
a. in hatching the average body weight of the SUD strain was 40.80 g however it was 34.12 g for the DOM strain
b. At 4 weeks age, the average body weight of SUD strain was 617.21g while it was 446.38g for the DOM strain
c. At 8 weeks age, the average body weight of SUD strain was 1490.90g since it was 1235.98g for the DOM strain
d. At 12 weeks age, the average body weight of SUD strain was 2211.0g while was 1691.88g for the DOM strain
2. Live Body Measurements: -
These measurements included the keel length, shank length and the breast circumstances. The most important results were as follows:
2.1. Live body measurements of all ducks at later age (10 months)
There were no significant differences between the two strains of ducks concerning of live body measurements at 10 months. Higher significant differences were found in mean value of keel length and breast circumstances where recorded for males in each strain. Values recorded for keel length at 10 months were (16.469 vs. 14.369) and for breast circumstances were (36.53 vs. 30.835) for male and female respectively.
2.2. Body measurements of duck during early periods of growth(aged 4, 8 and 12 weeks)
a) a - At 4 wks. age there were no significant differences between the two strains
b) b - At the age of 8 wks., the same trend was observed concerning he absence of the significant differences between strains
c) c - At the age of 12 wks. There were significant differences between the two strains of the breast circumstances only where the superiority was recorded for the DOM strain. There were a significant differences affected by sex at same age (12 wks.) and in the two strains, where males were higher than females. Values recorded for breast circumstances in SUD strain were (22.74 vs. 20.54) and for DOM strain were (25.19 vs. 24.93) for males and females respectively.
3. External and internal quality qualities of eggs:
3.1. External qualities: -
A. Egg weight (g)
The higher egg weight was recorded to SUD strain (79.38 g) than DOM one (61.59 g) resp.
B. Shell weight (g)
The SUD strain had significantly higher on shell weight than the DOM (It was 10.04 g vs. 7.19 g) resp.
C. shell Percentage (%)
The percentage of shell in SUD strain was higher (12.65%) than in DOM one (11.67 %) resp.
D. shape shell index
The DOM strain was significantly higher than the SUD strain In Shape shell index (it was 0.78 vs. 0.75) resp.
E. Shell thickness
Although there were no significant differences between the two strains in shell thickness, the values recorded for shell thickness of DOM ducks were higher than of SUD duck (.39 vs. .38) resp.
3.2. Internal egg qualities:-
A. yolk Weight (g)
The SUD strain was significantly superior in yolk weight than DOM strain (25.91 vs. 20.40) resp.
B. Albumen Weight (g)
The SUD strain was significantly higher in the albumen weight than the DOM strain (43.43g vs. 34.0g) resp.
C. Percentage of yolk and albumen (%)
There were no significant differences between the two strains in the percentage of yolk and albumen%
D. Yolk index
The yolk index showed significant differences in DOM strain eggs (0.48) compared to SUD ones (0.45)
E. yolk color
The yolk color showed more yellowish in DOM strain eggs (8.97) compared to SUD ones (5.70)
F. Haugh unit
There were no significant differences between the two strains in terms of haugh unit.
4. Fertility and hatchability %: -
The higher values of fertility and hatchability were achieved by DOM strain ducks in comparison with SUD strain ones, were it were 88.15 % and 77.57 % versus 80.05 % and 63.95 %, respectively.
5. Mortality rate:
There were no significant differences between the two strains in the mortality rate during the study at all ages (0-12 weeks).
6. Food Consumption and Food Conversion Efficiency:
The SUD strain consumed more feed than that fed by DOM during first four weeks (1599.5 vs. 1057.9) resp. while its consumption decreased in the following four weeks (4-8) (4890.09 g vs. 5080.40 g) resp. Similarly, when calculating the whole period from 0-12 weeks, the highest dietary consumption value of the DOM recorded 12180.00g and for SUD ducks 9575.9g. These were reflected in the food conversion ratio during the period (0-4), (0-8) and (0-12) which had better value for the SUD ducks than DOM ducks.
7. Carcass and lymph nodes:
A. Percentage of carcass (%)
The SUD strain was significantly higher than the DOM in carcass % (61.61 vs. 59.96) resp.
B. Percentage of giblets (%)
There were no significant differences between the two strains in the giblets %.
C. Percentage of heart (%)
The SUD strain was significantly higher in heart % than the DOM (0.88 vs. 0.75) resp.
D. Percentage of liver (%)
There were no significant differences between the two strains for the liver %.
E. Percentage of gizzard (%)
The DOM strain was significantly higher than the SUD strain in Gizzard % (3.29 vs. 2.85) resp.
F. Percentage of abdominal fat (%)
The SUD strain was significantly higher in abdominal fat % than that of the DOM strain (2.46 vs. 1.34) resp.
As for lymph nodes:-
1. Percentage of pancreas (%)
The DOM strain was significantly higher than the SUD strain (0.458 vs. 0.260) resp.
2. Percentage of spleen (%)
The SUD strain was significantly higher than the DOM strain (0.162 vs. 0.065) resp.
3. Percentage of Thymes (%)
The SUD strain was significantly superior to the DOM strain (0.542 vs. 0.063) resp.
8. Blood components mg / dl: -
1. There are no significant differences between the two strains in both (calcium - albumin - cholesterol - HDL)
2. Although, the DOM strain was significantly higher in (phosphorus - globulin - total fat - total protein) than the SUD strain
3. (LDL) was significantly higher in SUD ducks than DOM ducks (67.9 vs. 57) resp.
9. Genetic studies:-
Studying the genetic diversity of the ducks SUD and DOM strain ducks by use Molecular genetics techniques:-
• DOM has more progressing potential for Egg trait improvement than SUD.
• Found the two strain SUD and DOM ducks are ability to improvement of meat trait
• Protein two dimensional electrophoresis showed that there are differences in protein fraction between DOM and SUD strains.
• According to eleven primers for egg and meat traits detection, genetic diversity for two duck strains was evaluated which The number of alleles identified at each locus for each population is considered to be a good indicator of genetic variability