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دوافع استخدام طلاب الشهادة الثانوية الأزهرية للبرامج التعليمية بإذاعة القرآن الكريم والإشباعات التي تحققها لهم /
عبد الرحمن، خالد عبد المنعم محمود.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / خالد عبد المنعم محمود عبد الرحمن
مشرف / محمد رضا أحمد
مشرف / آمال حسن الغزاوي
مناقش / آمال حسن الغزاوي
الإعلام الإسلامي.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
358 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - الإعلام وثقافة الطفل
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 6

from 6


First: Study Problem:
The researcher at the beginning of the study conducted a prospective study among a random sample of high school students Azhar of boys and girls from urban and rural eastern province about listening to educational programs offered Azhar high school diploma from the Holy Quran Radio, and the reasons why some people listen to it, The show, including the following:
1) The high proportion of students listen to educational programs offered to high school diploma Azhar from the Holy Quran Radio and amounted to about 85%.
2) That a large number of students finds it useful.
Has paid the previous reasons researcher to crystallize the problem
discussed in the following main question:
- What motivated the use of high school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the Koran and gratification achieved them?
Second: the importance of the study:
1) The theory importance of the study:
a) Study addresses one of the most important areas of building rights
is education, which is the backbone of development in all societies, especially in developing communities under a rapidly changing world.
- The importance of the study of the Holy Quran Radio is the only radio that offers educational programs in materials and literary legitimacy certificate School Students Azhar Ali has never researcher’s knowledge that has been considered.
2) The importance of application:
a) Put the results of the study to those involved in the educational
programs broadcast the Koran.
b) Develop educational programs on the radio.
Third: The gratification of the study:
The study aims to several major objectives:
1) To identify the patterns of use of secondary school students of Al-
Azhar for educational programs.
2) To identify the motives use Azhar high school students to these
3) Identify gratification of such programs for students.
4) Monitoring features or characteristics of the educational programs offered to broadcast the Koran.
5) To identify the students opinions on the development of these programs and increase their effectiveness.
Fourth: the limits of the study:
1) Border objectivity: select the subject of educational programs in
the Holy Quran Radio (as a content) and their relationship with students Azhar certificate (as the public) and gratification achieved by them.
2) Time limits: The researcher recorded systematic random sample of episodes broadcast educational programs Quran included (30) a day during the entire month of programming cycle (April-June)
3) spatial boundaries: The study was carried Field institutes
secondary Azhar (regular) for boys and girls in Sharkia as the first
governorates demand on education Azhari, which includes the
highest percentage of students and colleges, bringing the number of
students in all forms of education Azhari out (education Azhari
Normal, education Azhari Typically, special education Azhari,
education readings).
4) Human border: was a result of deliberate study on a sample of
(400 invdividual) of high school students Azhar (third row regular
secondary institutes) of boys and girls.
Fifth: the terms of the study:
(A) Secondary certificate Azhar:
Meant the third and final year of secondary education Azhari, a
complete loop pre-university education Azhari.
(B) Educational programs:
They are those associated with specific study approach, aimed at enriching the formal education in schools and universities, and take the form of lesson directed to the classroom and associated methods of formal schooling, education content and crossed gives particular certificate.
(C) Radio Quran:
Holy Quran Radio one of the major networks in the Egyptian
Radio, which is the first of specialized media.
(D) The motives (motives):
Intended motivation if provoked or internal tension which raises
behavior and pay the respondents to the exposure to the media (educational programs on radio), divided motives exposure to Two types:
1. Utilitarian motives (instrumental motives):
2. Ritual motives (Ritualized motives):
(E) - (Gratification):
It means the results obtained from the exposure to the media (educational programs on radio), or what it gets respondents from exposure to the media (educational programs on radio).
1. Content gratification.
2. Communication process gratification.
Sixth: questions of the study:
Baylor researcher problem discussed in the following main question:
What motivated the use of high school students of Al-Azhar for
educational programs to broadcast the Koran and gratification achieved them?
And emerged from this question, a group of sub-questions are:
1. How to use Azhar high school students for educational programs in
the Holy Quran?
2. What are the students benefit from these programs? Will a suitable
broadcast dates?
3. What are the most subjects listened to the students? And why listen
to it?
4. Are there communication between high school students of Al-
Azhar and the programs offered?
5. Do students believe that these programs need to be developed?
6. What motivated the use of high school students of Al-Azhar for
educational programs to broadcast the Koran? And What gratification that generated them?
7. How to provide educational programs for high school students
Azhar? What are the forms program dealt with?
8. Do you use educational programs to broadcast the Koran various technical elements to attract students?
9. What is the temporal area occupied by these educational programs?
Is commensurate with the scientific material presented?
Seventh: The variables of the study:
Variables can be formulated in the following variables:
A - The independent variable:
The in: Using Azhar high school students for educational programs
in the Holy Quran Radio.
B - The mediator variable:
This variable is represented in the study sample of secondary
school students of Al-Azhar, this variable is divided into three subvariables:
- Gender (male and female).
- Level Economic and Social Council (high – average – low).
- Environment (countryside – city).
C – Dependent variable:
It follows:
a) motivated students to use these programs
b) achieved gratification for Azhar high school students.
Eighth: study hypotheses:
Through these variables can formulate the following hypotheses:
First assumption:
There statistically significant relationship between the use of high
school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the
Koran (Urban and Rural), and the motives that lead them to it.
The second assumption:
There statistically significant relationship between the use of high
school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the
Koran (male and female), and the motives that lead them to it.
The third assumption:
There statistically significant relationship between the use of high
school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the
Koran, and the economic and social level, and the motives that lead them
to it.
Fourth assumption:
There statistically significant relationship between the use of high
school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the
Koran, and the environment (urban and rural), and realized gratification
The fifth assumption:
There statistically significant relationship between the use of high
school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the
Koran in terms of gender (male - female), and gratification achieved
them.The sixth assumption: There statistically significant relationship
between the use of high school students of Al-Azhar for educational
programs to broadcast the Koran in terms of the social and economic
level, and gratification achieved them.
Seventh hypothesis:
There are no statistically significant relationship between the use of
high school students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast
the Koran, and private lessons.
Ninth: type and the methodology of the study:
The study of descriptive studies where the study seeks to identify
the relationship between the use of high school students of Al-Azhar for
educational programs to broadcast the Koran and realized gratification
Tenth: The study sample:
(1) human sample:
Single and includes 400 students from the secondary school certificate Azhar random sample of those who listen to educational programs Azhar urban and rural.
Eleven: Study Tools:
The study uses a number of tools are as follows:
Newspaper questionnaire:
In order to identify the relationship between the use of high school
students of Al-Azhar for educational programs to broadcast the Koran
and their motives behind the use and gratification achieved them.
Twelve: statistical methods to the study:
Transaction was to resort to the following statistical tests in the
analysis of the study data:
1. Mini duplicates.
2. Percentages.
3. Averages and standard deviations.
4. Test Ka2 (Chi Square Test) to examine the statistical significance
of the relationship between two variables of the nominal variables