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إدارة الأزمات وتأثيرها على تنميو المؤسسة :
المقاطي، نايف فهد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نايف فهد المقاطي
مشرف / إجلال إسماعيل حلمي
مشرف / عبد الله محمد عبد الرحمن
مناقش / أحمد مجدي حجازي
مناقش / سعيد أمين ناصف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
407 ص. :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الآداب - الاجتماع
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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There are different kinds of crisis that meet organizations; such as economic crisis: stock market crisis, decrease in exchange prices, rareness of resources, labour shortage. As well as, there are natural crises like earthquakes, volcanoes that occur in the public environment of the organizations, affecting their operations. There is also crisis in the public and private environment of the organizations themselves, where in case of ignoring them or didn’t put them in consideration or failed to cope with, thus it represents a real threat for these organizations; such as wars, serious increase in poverty, unemployment and the high inflation rate ... etc. In addition to the social crisis resulted from changes, revolutions and social movement.
However, whatever the crisis forms or sources the organizations must possess effective strategies for facing them or solving or reducing its negative effects. These strategies will include effective machineries to overcome these crisis and limit the seriousness of its results. Also the existence of rational leadership at the organization which has the power to sense the future from past events and that is taking place in the mean time. Also the existence of an effective communication system at the channels and modern technological means of communication. Also in order for enabling the employees in a sound way of providing flexible organizational structure that permits authorizing competence to guarantee the active participation of employees in facing the crisis.
First: Study Problem:
After detecting the excessive increase in the number of crisis made by man, we reach an early result which is that humanity wouldn’t be able to continue to satisfy its needs by the same current method up till now. This isn’t only considered an unsuitable method but in the mean time it is a destructive method. In spite of this truth, there are no crisis plans except within a limited number of great companies.
By contemplating in the great international and local crisis, we visualize some postulations among which, great concern for specialization. On one hand, there is a need for specialized technical information in a special field. Specialization gives power to face crisis and trying to face it before, after and during its existence.
The study problem is represented in the following:
1- “That crisis management had an important and basic role in developing the institution whatsoever” (either social, political, economic and cultural). Whereas its existence inside the organization and on the organizational structure means that the institution has fundamentals, data and machineries which enables it to face the crisis which makes the organization avoid its collapse and makes it able to exist, continue and compete.
Generally speaking, there is no “Crisis Management Office” in the Royal Authority, but there is an “Administrative Development Management” whose job is managing crisis through the team work.
2- “Those employees at Crisis Management or the crisis management team, represent an important main factor in the social organization of the authority”. They are demanded to fulfil their roles either with officials and receiving orders and instructions, or with the remaining organization individuals and expecting fulfilling their roles, dealing with them and helping them in dealing with the crisis and reducing its passivity and its gravity on the Authority or Institution society. Thus some characteristics must be available in them that make them deal with the crisis such as: leadership, dispute management, cooperation, positive relationships among the employees.
Second: Study Importance:
The importance of this study comes from dealing with an important and modern subject, which is crisis management and its role in institutional development, by applying a field study on the Royal Authority at Jebel and Yanboa – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as this Management is considered from the important machineries that preserve the Institution Continuity and Construction in fulfilling its message and achieving its objective. It is equipped with individuals themselves and qualified trained human Cadres Capable of dealing with the crisis whatsoever by a scientific studied method that leads to controlling the crisis and overcoming it or at least reducing its negative aspects affecting the institution from all aspects.
The field study was applied on Yanboa only and excluding Jebel, as both cities have the same administrative and structural organization an submits to one presidency which is the Royal Authority. Also the far distance between the two cities, as one of them (Jebel) existes on the Arab Gulf coast and the other one (Yanboa) on the Red Sea Coast.
Management crisis, in general, represented in not adopting a “Crisis Management Office” among the departments found in the institution and its activation as one of the radical important solutions for the organization in the Arab and Islamic world. Besides, not applying the scientific method before and during dealing with crisis.
Thus it was necessary for the institution in the Arab and Islamic world to care for the existence of Crisis Management Office, together with activating its role and supplying it with capabilities and data base which enables it to predict the future and dealing with the crisis in a scientific method and qualified trained human factor.
The researcher is about to study a subject that could be new in its application at Saudi Arabia Institutions in general and the field study in particular. This is considered an incentive for the researcher in this direction to know how far the culture of Saudi Society is, especially the institutions for dealing with the crisis and facing it. Also how the society benefit from the research heritage in developing the country and its institutions.
Third: Study Objectives:
The main study objective is specified in that: “ the searching for a role for Crisis Management Office at Institutions and its effect on its development and continuity for existence and competition and achieving targeted aims, and thus achieving the following sub-goals:
- Contribution in crisis management with the crisis and the method of overcoming it.
- Benefiting from modern technology and available information in crisis management.
- The type of employees in crisis management, qualification and the experiences they enjoy.
- Knowing the possibilities provided by the organization to enable the crisis management to fulfil its role.
- Knowing the aspects off deficiency in crisis management and the method of its eradication.
Fourth: Study Inquiries:
According to previous objectives, the study imposes the following inquiries:
What is the role of crisis management in developing employees performance at the Royal Authority Institution at Yanboa?
What are the available capabilities for this management for facing the crisis and dealing with it?
Is there benefit from the techniques of Information and Communication at the Institution, for Crisis facing and dealing with it?
Do the human Cadres forming crisis management enjoy the required capabilities, qualifications and experiences for dealing with the crisis?
What are the forms of cooperation between crisis management and supreme authority in facing the crisis?
How do crisis management avoid negative points and strengthen the positive points of the employees dealing with the crisis?
Fourth: The Study theoretical Framework:
This study is a kind of analytical descriptive study which depends on description of field reality and collecting the greatest amount of data. Also dealing with this phenomenon in a way that enables us to distinguish the scientific aspects that have significance from the available and given data. It is supported by analytical and historical method in order to follow-up the evolution and existence of crisis management in the concerned institution – subject of study.
Also this study was benefited with the vocational constructive theory which explains and describes the coordination found in the society and the integration of the work of these coordination in fulfilling its functions for the existence and continuity of the society and preserving it from dissociation and collapse. This is applied on the existence of crisis management and fulfilling its function as a part or integrated matrix for the remaining administrations working in the institution and the integration of organizational structure in fulfilling the work and keeping the institution continuity.
Also the study was supported with some administrative theories in the available administrative sociology which help in continuity and existence of the institution and its development in a way that help in crisis management and overcoming it. Such as the leadership theory, human relations theory and X&Z Japanese theories in management as the study subject correlates between sociology and management science.
Fifth: Study Division:
This study was divided into:
1-Theoretical framework: it includes:
-Chapter One:
Study introduction, problem selection, illustrating its importance and objectives and inquires and society, under study.
-Chapter Two:
It was specified for main concepts of the study such as: development, concept of social organizations, management concept, crisis concept, crisis management concept. The concept of crisis management and others. But for previous studies, the researcher displayed the theoretical heritage as for various Arabic and foreign studies.
-Chapter Three:
It explains and describes the theoretical introduction of the study, together with dealing with vocational constructional theory, decision making and leadership.
-Chapter Four:
It deals with the impact of crisis management on institutions development at Saudi society, it is a historical constructive analysis.
-Chapter Five:
It deals with methodological procedures of field study.
2-Practical Frame work: It includes:
-Chapter Six:
It explains and describes the field study results and discusses the study general results in light of theoretical sayings and comparing it with previous studies results, recommendations, arranging references and arranging appendices.
The study reached the following results and recommendations:
Main Results;
- Crisis management in general is not adopting the crisis management among administrations found in the institution and its activation as one of the radical important solutions for the organization in the Arab and Islamic world. Also not applying the scientific methodology before and during dealing with the crisis.
- There is no crisis management or dealing with it at the Royal Authority at Yanboa. But there is a team work among the development and promotion of the institution. This team consists of administration managers and head of Departments and number of qualifying factors for crisis management by cooperation with Civil Defence Administration and continuous training for this team and awarding them all capabilities and validity and spreading culture of contribution in crisis treatment for the employees.
- Crisis management consist of a group of linked and integrated stages which can’t separate, as crisis management cannot use one stage and leave the other, if we did so, the crisis management in this way will be changed to traditional haphazard management which depends on selection factor which contradicts the simplest rules and principles of crisis management which indicates the principle of interaction in solution.
- Most authorities given for crisis management are only administrative and supervisory. This is not enough for dealing and preparing for facing the crisis. Also the role of employee in crisis management during the crisis is limited to perfect dealing with it and achieving fast communication and cooperation with leaders.